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Footsteps sounded around the turn of the corridor behind Aritch.  McKie glanced back, saw Ceylang come into view with her attendants.  McKie counted no less than twenty leading Legums around her.  They were out in force.  Not only Gowachin pride and integrity, but their sacred view of Law stood at issue.  And the desperate ones stood behind them, goading.  McKie could almost see those shadowy figures in the shape of this entourage.

Ceylang, he saw, wore the black robes and white-striped hood of Legum Prosecutor, but she'd thrown back the hood to free her mandibles.  McKie detected tension in her movements.  She gave no sign of recognition, but McKie saw her through Dosadi eyes.

I frighten her.  And she's right.

Turning to address the waiting attendant and speaking loudly to make sure that the approaching group heard, McKie said:

"Every law must be tested.  I accept that you have given me formal a

Darak, expecting outraged protest and a demand for a list of the excluded witnesses, showed obvious confusion.

"Formal a

Ceylang and entourage came to a stop behind Aritch.

McKie went on in the same loud voice:

"We stand here within the sphere of the Courtarena.  All matters concerning a dispute in the arena are formal in this place."

The attendant glanced at Ceylang, seeking help.  This response threatened him.  Darak, hoping someday to be a High Magister, should now be recognizing his inadequacies.  He would never make it in the politics of the Gowachin Phyla, especially not in the coming Dosadi age.

McKie explained as though to a neophyte:

"Information to be verified by my witnesses is known to me in its entirety.  I will present the evidence myself."

Ceylang, having stooped to hear a low-voiced comment from one of her Gowachin advisors, showed surprise at this.  She raised one of her ropey tendrils, called, "I protest.  The Defense Legum ca

"How can you protest?" McKie interrupted.  "We stand here before no judicial panel empowered to rule on any protest."

"I make formal protest!" Ceylang insisted, ignoring an advisor on her right who was tugging at her sleeve.

McKie permitted himself a cold smile.

"Very well.  Then we must call Darak into the arena as witness, he being the only party present who is outside our dispute."

The edges of Aritch's jaws came down in a Gowachin grimace.

"At the end, I warned them not to go with the Wreave," he said.  "They ca

Too late, Ceylang saw what had happened.  McKie would be able to question Darak on the challenges to the witnesses.  Some of those challenges were certain to be overturned.  At the very least, McKie would know who the Prosecution feared.  He would know it in time to act upon it.  There would be no delays valuable to Prosecution.  Tension, fear, and pride had made Ceylang act precipitately.  Aritch had been right to warn them, but they counted on McKie's fear of the interlocked Wreave triads.  Let them count.  Let them blunt their awareness on that and on a useless concern over the excluded witnesses.

McKie motioned Darak through the doorway into the arena, heard him utter an oath.  The reason became apparent as McKie pressed through in the crowded surge of the Prosecutor's party.  The instruments of Truth-by-Pain had been arrayed on their ancient rack below the judges.  Seldom brought out of their wrappings even for display to visiting dignitaries these days, the instruments had not been employed in the arena within the memory of a living witness.  McKie had expected this display.  It was obvious that Darak and Ceylang had not.  It was interesting to note the members of Ceylang's entourage who were watching for McKie's response.

He gave them a grin of satisfaction.

McKie turned his attention to the judicial panel.  They had given him Broey.  The ConSentiency, acting through BuSab, held the right of one appointment.  Their choice delighted McKie.  Bait, indeed!  Bildoon occupied the seat on Broey's right.  The PanSpechi chief of bureau sat there all bland and reserved in his unfamiliar Gowachin robes of water green.  Bildoon's faceted eyes glittered in the harsh arena lighting.  The third judge had to be the Gowachin choice and undoubtedly maneuvered (as Bildoon had been) by the puppet masters.  It was a Human and McKie, recognizing him, missed a step, recovered his balance with a visible effort.

What were they doing?

The third judge was named Mordes Parando, a noted challenger of BuSab actions.  He wanted BuSab eliminated - either outright or by removing some of the bureau's key powers.  He came from the planet Lirat, which provided McKie with no surprises.  Lirat was a natural cover for the shadowy forces.  It was a place of enormous wealth and great private estates guarded by their own security forces.  Parando was a man of somewhat superficial ma

There was one more fact about Parando which no one outside Lirat was supposed to know.  McKie had come upon it quite by chance while investigating a Palenki who'd been an estate guard on Lirat.  The turtlelike Palenki were notoriously dull, employed chiefly as muscle.  This one had been uncommonly observant.

"Parando makes advice on Gowachin Law."

This had been responsive to a question about Parando's relationship with the estate guard being investigated.  McKie, not seeing a co

The people behind Aritch would expect McKie to recognize Parando.  Would they expect Parando to be recognized as a legalist?  They were certain to know the danger of putting Parando on a Gowachin bench.  Professional legalists were absolutely prohibited from Gowachin judicial service.

"Let the people judge."

Why would they need a legalist here?  Or were they expecting McKie to recognize the Rim origins of Parando's body?  Were they warning McKie not to raise that issue here?  Body exchange and the implications of immortality represented a box of snakes no one wanted to open.  And the possibility of one species spying on another. . .  There was fragmentation of the ConSentiency latent in this case.  More ways than one.

If I challenge Parando, his replacement may be more dangerous.  If I expose him as a legalist after the trial starts . . .  Could they expect me to do that?  Let us explore it.

Knowing he was watched by countless eyes, McKie swept his gaze around the arena.  Above the soft green absorbent oval where he stood were rank on rank of benches, every seat occupied.  Muted morning light from the domed translucent ceiling illuminated rows of Humans, Gowachin, Palenki, Sobarips . . .  McKie identified a cluster of ferret Wreaves just above the arena, limber thin with a sinuous flexing in every movement.  They would bear watching.  But every species and faction in the ConSentiency would be represented here.  Those who could not come in person would watch these proceedings via the glittering transmitter eyes which looked down from the ceiling's edges.

Now, McKie looked to the right at the witness pen set into the wall beneath the ranked benches.  He identified every witness he'd called, even the challenged ones.  The forms were being obeyed.  While the ConSentient Covenant required certain modifications here, this arena was still dominated by Gowachin Law.  To accent that, the blue metal box from the Ru