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"Careful with our body," she said.  "It's the only one we have now."

"Whose body?"

She caressed his mind.

"Ours, love."

Was it hallucination?  He ached with longing to hold her in his arms, to feel her arms around him, her body pressed to him.

"That's lost to us forever, love, but see what we have in exchange."

When he didn't respond, she said:

"One can always be watching while the other acts . . . or sleeps."

"But where are you?"

"Where I've always been when we exchanged.  See?"

He felt her parallel to him in the shared flesh and, as he voluntarily drew back, he came to rest in contact with her mutual memories, still looking from his own eyes but aware that someone else peered out there, too, that someone else turned this body to face Broey.

Fearful that he might be trapped here, McKie almost panicked, but Jedrik gave him back the control of their flesh.

"Do you doubt me, love?"

He felt shame.  There was nothing she could hide from him.  He knew how she felt, what she'd been willing to sacrifice for him.

"You'd have made their perfect Mrreg."

"Don't even suggest it."

She went pouring through his arena memories then and her joy delighted him.

"Oh, marvelous, McKie.  Beautiful!  I couldn't have done it better.  And Broey still doesn't suspect."

Attendants were taking the eight prisoners out of the arena now, all of them still shackled.  The audience benches were almost empty.

A sense of joy began filtering through McKie.

I lost something but I gained something.

"You didn't lose as much as Aritch."

"And I gained more."

McKie permitted himself to stare up at Broey then, studying the Gowachin judge with Dosadi eyes and two sets of awareness.  Aritch and the eight accused of murder were things of the past.  They and many others like them would be dead or powerless before another ten-day.  Broey already had shown the speed with which he intended to act.  Supported by his troop of Jedrik-chosen aides, Broey would occupy the seats of power, consolidating lines of control in that shadow government, eliminating every potential source of opposition he could touch.  He believed Jedrik dead and, while McKie was clever, McKie and BuSab were not a primary concern.  One struck at the real seats of power.  Being Dosadi, Broey could not act otherwise.  And he'd been almost the best his planet had ever produced.  Almost.

Jedrik-within chuckled.

Yes, with juggernaut certainty, Broey would create a single target for BuSab.  And Jedrik had refined the simulation pattern by which Broey could be anticipated.  Broey would find McKie waiting for him at the proper moment.

Behind McKie would be a new BuSab, an agency directed by a person whose memories and abilities were amplified by the one person superior to Broey that Dosadi had ever produced.

Standing there in the now silent arena, McKie wondered:

When will Broey realize he does our work for us?

"When we show him that he failed to kill me!"

In the purest obedience to Gowachin forms, without any sign of the paired thoughts twining through his mind, McKie bowed toward the surviving jurist, turned, and left.  And all the time, Jedrik-within was pla

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