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The sleeping monster.

This was a gift with barbs in it, something loving parents might give their child in the knowledge that it was time for this lesson. Yet they felt revitalized, knowing they had for an instant tapped an energy source without limits.

A pounding on the door interrupted this shared reverie.

"Jedrik!  Jedrik!"

"What is it?"

"It's Broey.  He wishes to talk to McKie."

They were off the bed in an instant.

Jedrik glanced at McKie, knowing she had not one secret from him, that they shared a reasoning base.  Out of the mutual understanding in this base, she spoke for both of them.

"Does he say why?"

"Jedrik . . ."

They both recognized the voice of a trusted aide and heard the fear in it.

". . . it's midmorning and there is no sun.  God has turned off the sun!"

"Sealed us in . . ."

". . . to conceal the final blast."

Jedrik opened the door, confronted the frightened aide.

"Where is Broey?"

"Here - in your command post.  He came alone without escort."

She glanced at McKie.  "You will speak for us."

Broey waited near the position board in the command post.  Watchful Humans stood within striking distance.  He turned as McKie and Jedrik entered.  McKie noted that the Gowachin's body was, indeed, heavy with breeding juices as anticipated.  Unsettling for a Gowachin.

"What are your terms, McKie?"

Broey's voice was guttural, full of heavy breathing.

McKie's features remained Dosadi-bland, but he thought:  Broey thinks I'm responsible for the darkness.  He's terrified.

McKie glanced at the threatening black of the windows before speaking.  He knew this Gowachin from Jedrik's painstaking study.  Broey was a sophisticate, a collector of sophistication who surrounded himself with people of the same stripe.  He was a professional sophisticate who read everything through that peculiar Dosadi screen.  No one could come into his circle who didn't share this pose.  All else remained outside and inferior.  He was an ultimate Dosadi, a distillation, almost as Human as Gowachin because he'd obviously once worn a Human body.  He was Gowachin at his origins, though - no doubt of it.

"You followed my scent," McKie said.


Broey brightened.  He had not expected a Dosadi exchange, pared to the nonemotional essentials.

"Unfortunately," McKie said, "You have no position from which to negotiate.  Certain things will be done.  You will comply willingly, your compliance will be forced, or we will act without you."

It was a deliberate goading on McKie's part, a choice of non-Dosadi forms to abbreviate this confrontation.  It said more than anything else that McKie came from beyond the God Wall, that the darkness which held back the daylight was the least of his resources.

Broey hesitated, then:


The single word fell on the air with countless implications:  an entire exchange discarded, hopes dashed, a hint of sadness at lost powers, and still with that sophisticated reserve which was Broey's signature.  It was more subtle than a shrug, more powerful in its Dosadi overtones that an entire negotiating session.

"Questions?" McKie asked.

Broey glanced at Jedrik, obviously surprised by this.  It was as though he appealed to her:  they were both Dosadi, were they not?  This outsider came here with his gross ma

"Have I not already stated my submission?  I came alone, I . . ."

Jedrik picked up McKie's cue.

"There are certain . . . peculiarities to our situation."


Broey's nictating membrane blinked once.

Jedrik allowed her ma

"Certain delicacies of the Dosadi condition must be overlooked.  We are now, all of us, abject supplicants . . . and we are dealing with people who do not speak as we speak, act as we act . . ."

"Yes."  He pointed upward.  "The mentally retarded ones.  We are in danger then."

It was not a question.  Broey peered upward, as though trying to see through the ceiling and intervening floors.  He drew in a deep breath.


Again, it was compressed communication.  Anyone who could put the God Wall there could crush an entire planet.  Therefore, Dosadi and all of its inhabitants had been brought to a common subjection.  Only a Dosadi could have accepted it this quickly without more questions, and Broey was an ultimate Dosadi.

McKie turned to Jedrik.  When he spoke, she anticipated every word, but she waited him out.

"Tell your people to stop all attacks."

He faced Broey.

"And your people."

Broey looked from Jedrik to McKie, back to Jedrik with a puzzled expression openly on his face, but he obeyed.

"Which communicator?"


Where pain predominates, agony can be a valued teacher.

McKie and Jedrik had no need to discuss the decision.  It was a choice which they shared and knew they shared through a memory-selection process now common to both of them.  There was a loophole in the God Wall and even though that wall now blanketed Dosadi in darkness, a Caleban contract was still a Caleban contract.  The vital question was whether the Caleban of the God Wall would respond.

Jedrik in McKie's body stood guard outside her own room while a Jedrik-fleshed McKie went alone into the room to make the attempt.  Who should he try to contact?  Fa

McKie sat cross-legged on the floor of the room and tried to clear his mind.  The constant strange discoveries in the female body he now wore interfered with concentration.  The moment of exchange left an aftershock which he doubted would ever diminish.  They had but to share the desire for the change now and it occurred.  But this different body - ahh, the multiplicity of differences created its own confusions.  These went far beyond the adjustments to different height and weight.  The muscles of his/her arms and hips felt wrongly attached.  The bodily senses were routed through different unconscious processes.  Anatomy created its own patterns, its own instinctual behavior.  For one thing, he found it necessary to develop consciously monitored movements which protected his/her breasts.  The movements were reminiscent of those male adjustments by which he prevented injury to testes.  These were movements which a male learned early and relegated to an automatic behavior pattern.  The problem in the female body was that he had to think about such behavior.  And it went far beyond the breast-testes interlock.

As he tried to clear his mind for the Caleban contact, these webbed clusters of memory intruded.  It was maddening.  He needed to clear away bodily distractions, but this female body demanded his attention.  In desperation, he hyperventilated and burned his awareness into a pineal focus whose dangers he knew only too well.  This was the way to permanent identity loss if the experience were prolonged.  It produced a sufficient clarity, however, that he could fill his awareness with memories of Fa


He sensed time's passage as though each heartbeat were a blow.

Fear hovered at the edges of the silence.

It came to him that something had put a terrible fear into the God Wall Caleban.

McKie felt anger.

"Caleban! You owe me!"


The response was so faint that he wondered whether it might be his hopes playing tricks on him.


"Are you McKie?"

That was stronger, and he recognized the familiar Caleban presence in his awareness.