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Американские источники

Mr. Gregg to Mr. Marcy, extract from the letter. Honolulu, July 26, 1854.*

J. J. Stephan. The Crimean War in the Far East. Modern Asian Studies, III, 3 (1969), pp. 257-277.

Английские источники

Captain F. W. Nicholson. Official report to Captain C. Frederick. Admiralty, 1854.

Captain R. Burridge. The Affair at Petropaulovski. Official report to Captain F. Nicholson. Admiralty, 1854.

Colonel R. Palmer.Extracts from the letters and Log of my Grandfather, Admiral George Palmer.

The Pacific Squadron.The Times, October 24, 1854. London.

The allied forces in the Pacific.The Times, October 15, 1854, London; November 23, 1854, San Francisco.

Naval attack of the Russian fort of Petropaulovski.The Illustrated London News, November 28, 1854. London. p. 534.

Official despatches from the Pacific.The Illustrated London News, December 9, 1854. London. p. 591.

The attack of Petropaulovski.The Illustrated London News, December 16, 1854. London. p. 622.

The heroes of the Crimea.The Illustrated London News, December 16, 1854. London. p. 632-633.

The Affair of Petropaulovski.The Times, December 26, 1854. London.

The Allied squadrons in the China seas (from our own correspondent). San Francisco, Sept. 19.The Times, October 30, 1855. London.

J. Laughton. Dictionary of National Biography. London. XLVI, 326, Price, David.

M. Lewis. An eye-witness at Petropaulovski, 1854.The Mariner's Mirror, Vol. 49, November 1963.

R. Robinson. Will God forgive me? 1989. Предположительно, английские журналы "War Correspondent" или "Polar Records", текст и иллюстрации присланы Кеном Хортоном по e-mail.

I. R. Stone, R. I. Crampton. The Franco-British Attack on Petropavlovsk, 1854.The War Correspondent, Vol. 19, No.3, 4. West Sussex: Barnham. October 2001.

The Log Book, HMS President, August 28 - September 8, 1854. London: National Archive.

The Log Book, HMS Pique, August 27 - September 5, 1854. London: National Archive.

The Log Book, HMS Virago, August 30 - September 7, 1854. London: National Archive.

The Machine Log, HMS Virago, August 29 - September 7, 1854. London: National Archive.

The Log Book, HMS Barracouta, May 31 - June 4, 1855. London: National Archive.

Journal H.M.Ship Pique 40 guns, by Alexander Vernor Maccall, Clerk's Assistant. Greenwich: National Maritime Museum.

HMS Amphitrite, remarks, June 10th - June 14th, 1855. Greenwich: National Maritime Museum.

O'Bryne's Naval Biography. London: John Murray. 1849.

Colonel C. Field. Britain Sea Soldiers. Vol. II, p. 333.

P. H. Nicolas. Historical record of the Royal Marine Forces. London: Boone. Vol. 2, 1845. p. 326-330.

R. Jackson. History of the Royal Navy. London: Parragon. 1999, edition of 2001.


Barry M. Gough. British-Russian rivalry and the search for the Northwest Passage in the early 19th century. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario N21, 3C5, Canada. Polar Record 23 (144): 301-317 (1986), London.

G. P. V. Akrigg, Helen B. Akrigg. H.M.S. Virago in the Pacific 1851-1855.Sono Nis Press, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

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