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My nod was stiff and my cheeks felt hot.

“Contrast that bond with the Oath Bond you have with Stark.”

“Well, I haven’t had it very long. I really don’t know much about it.” But as I said the words, I realized that I did already know that the co

“As your Warrior serves you longer, you will understand more of your bond with him. Your link with your Warrior means he could develop the ability to sense many of your emotions. For instance, if a High Priestess is suddenly threatened, the Warrior pledged to her may feel her fear, and follow that emotional trail to his Priestess so that he may protect her from whatever is threatening.”

“I–I didn’t know that,” I stuttered nervously.

Darius’s smile was wry. “I hate to sound like Damien, but you really should find time to read your Fledgling Handbook.”

“Yeah, that’s on the top of my to-do list as soon as my world stops exploding. Okay, so, Stark might be able to tell if I’m afraid. What does that have to do with him being hurt?”

“Your co

The memory of the very emotional experience I’d shared with A-ya while she’d trapped Kalona had my stomach tightening at Darius’s explanation. “Go on,” I said.

“A Warrior can absorb his Priestess’s emotions. He can also absorb spirit from her, especially if his Priestess has a strong affinity. Often he can tap into that affinity.”

“What in the hell does that mean, Darius?”

“It means he can literally absorb energy through your blood.”

“Are you saying it’s me Stark needs to bite?” Okay, I’ll admit that my heart started to speed up at the thought. Seriously—I was already mega-attracted to Stark and I knew sharing blood with him would be a very hot experience.

It would also break Heath’s heart, and what if drinking from me let Stark into my mind and he saw what was going on with my memories of A-ya? Hell! Hell! Hell! Hell! Hell! Hell! Then a new thought hit me. “Hey, wait. You said Stark couldn’t bite Aphrodite because she’s Imprinted with someone else and other vamps don’t want her blood. I’m Imprinted with Heath. Does that mess up my blood for Stark?”

Darius shook his head. “No, the Imprint only changes a human’s blood.”

“So mine will work for Stark?”

“Yes, your blood would definitely help him to heal, and he knows it, which is why I’m taking the time to explain all of this to you.” Darius continued as if I wasn’t having a mini emotional breakdown right in front of him. “And you should also know he is refusing to drink from you.”

What? He’s refusing to drink from me?” Okay, sure, a second before I’d been worried about what would happen if Stark bit me, but that didn’t mean I wanted to be rejected by him!

“He knows you’ve recently healed from the Raven Mocker’s attack. The creature almost killed you, Zoey. Stark doesn’t want to take anything from you that might weaken you. If he drank from you he wouldn’t just be absorbing your blood; he would be taking energy and spirit from you. Factor in that none of us knows where Kalona and Neferet have gone, and that means we don’t know when you might have to face them again. I agree with his decision to refuse to drink. You need to be at full strength.”

“So does my Warrior,” I countered.

Darius sighed and nodded his head slowly. “Agreed, but he can be replaced. You ca

“He can’t be replaced!” I blurted.

“I do not mean to sound unfeeling, but you must be wise—in all of your decisions.”

“Stark can’t be replaced,” I repeated stubbornly.

“As you will, Priestess.” He bowed his head slightly, and then suddenly changed the subject. “Now that you understand the ramifications of a Warrior’s Oath, I would like to ask your permission for me to pledge myself formally.”

I swallowed hard. “Well, Darius, I really like you and you’ve taken seriously good care of me, but I think I’d feel kinda awkward having two guys pledged to me.” As if I didn’t have enough guy issues?

Darius’s smile was quick. He shook his head and I got the distinct impression he was trying not to laugh at me. “You misunderstand. I will stay with you and lead those who guard you, but I would like to pledge my Warrior’s Oath to Aphrodite—that is what I’m asking your permission to do.”

“You want to be bound to Aphrodite?”

“I do. I know it is irregular for a vampyre Warrior to pledge to a human, but Aphrodite is not a normal human.”

“You’re telling me,” I mumbled. He went on as if I hadn’t spoken.

“She is truly a prophetess, which puts her in the same category as a High Priestess of Nyx.”

“It won’t mess up your Warrior’s bond to have her Imprinted with Stevie Rae?”

Darius shrugged. “We shall see. I am willing to take the chance.”

“You love her, don’t you?”

He met my gaze steadily and his smile warmed. “I do.”

“She’s seriously a pain in the butt.”

“She’s unique,” he countered. “And she needs my protection, especially in the days to come.”

“Well, you have a point there.” I shrugged. “Okay, you have my permission. Don’t say I didn’t warn you about the pain-in-the-butt part, though.”

“I wouldn’t think of it. Thank you, Priestess. Please, do not say anything to Aphrodite. I would like to make my offer privately to her.”

“My lips are totally sealed.” I made a little pantomime of zipping up my lips and throwing away the key.

“Then I bid you good night.” He fisted his hand over his heart, bowed, and he was gone.



I stayed out in the hall, trying to sift through the mess of thoughts in my head.

Wow! Darius was going to ask Aphrodite to accept his Warrior’s Oath. Jeesh. A vampyre warrior and a human prophet of the Goddess. Huh. Who knew?

On an equally freaky note: Stark could feel my emotions if they were strong enough. Well, I had a strong feeling that was going to be inconvenient. And then I realized I was feeling strong about feeling strongly, and I tried to clamp down on everything, which just stressed me out, which he could probably sense. Undoubtedly, I was going to drive my own self crazy.

Stifling a sigh, I opened the door quietly. The only light was coming from one of those tall prayer candles—the kind you can find in the grocery store that have really weird religious pictures on them. This one wasn’t so weird. It was pink, had a pretty picture of Mary on it, and it smelled like roses.

I tiptoed over to Stark’s bedside.

He didn’t look good, but he also wasn’t as pale and awful as he had been not long before. He seemed to be asleep—or at least his eyes were closed—his breathing was regular, and he looked relaxed. He didn’t have a shirt on, and the hospital sheet was pulled up under his arms so that I could just see the white top of what must have been a huge bandage covering his chest. I remembered how terrible the burn had been and wondered if, even considering the possible ramifications, I should make a cut in my arm like Heath had done for me, and then shove it against his mouth. He’d probably latch on to it automatically and, without thinking, drink what he needed to heal. But would he be pissed when he’d realized what I’d done? Probably. I knew Heath and Erik certainly would be.

Crap. Erik. I hadn’t even begun to deal with him yet.

“Stop stressing.”

I jumped and my gaze instantly went to Stark’s face. His eyes weren’t closed any longer. He was watching me with an expression that was somewhere between amused and sarcastic.