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They will discover that the son of an immortal will not be easily broken, he thought.

Stressed beyond the reserves of even his great strength, Rephaim collapsed. He tried to position himself so that he could attain some relief from the agony that wracked his body with every beat of his heart, but it was impossible. Only time could relieve his physical pain. Nothing would relieve the soul-deep pain of never being able to fly again—of never being whole.

She should have killed me, he thought. Perhaps I can goad her into it if she returns alone. And if she comes back with her allies and attempts to torture my father’s secrets from me, I will not be the only one to shriek in pain.

Father? Where are you? Why did you desert me?

That was the thought foremost in his mind when unconsciousness finally claimed Rephaim again and, at last, he slept.



“Hey, remember you promised the nun you’d go to bed. And I’m pretty sure that didn’t mean going to his bed.” Heath jerked his chin at the door to Stark’s room.

I raised my brows at Heath.

He sighed. “I said I’d share you with the stupid vamps if I had to, but I didn’t say I’d like it.”

I shook my head. “You’re not sharing me with anyone tonight. I’m just going to make sure Stark’s okay, then go to my own bed. Alone. By myself. Got it?”

“Got it.” He gri

“See you soon, Heath.”

I watched him walk away down the hall. He was tall and muscular and looked every inch the star quarterback. He was all set to go to OU on a full-ride scholarship next year, and then, after college, he was going to be either a cop or a fireman. Whichever he chose there was one thing for certain—Heath would be one of the good guys.

But could he do all that, would he do all that, and also be a vampyre High Priestess’s consort?

Yes. Hell, yes. I am going to make sure Heath gets the future he’s dreamed of and pla

“You going to go in, or are you just going to stand out here and stress?”

“Holy crap, Aphrodite! Could you not sneak up and scare me?”

“No one was sneaking, and ‘holy crap,’ is that a curse? ’Cause if it is, I’m afraid I’m going to have to wake up the Potty Mouth Police and have them make an arrest.” Darius followed Aphrodite into the hall and gave her a be nice look, which made her sigh and say, “So. Stark’s not dead yet.”

“Gosh, thanks for that update. You just made me feel ever so much better,” I said sarcastically.

“Don’t be a pain in my ass while I’m trying to be nice.”

I turned my attention to the only responsible adult in the area and asked Darius, “Does he need anything?”

The warrior hesitated for only an instant, but it was an instant that I caught. Then he said, “No. He is doing well. I believe he will recover completely.”

Well…” I dragged out the word, wondering what the hell was really going on. Was Stark hurt worse than Darius was admitting? “I’ll check on him real quick, then I’m going to bed.” I raised a brow at Aphrodite. “You and I are roomies. Darius is rooming with Damien and Jack. Uh, that means you’re not sleeping with him ’cause that would freak the nuns. You got that, right?”

“Oh. No. You so didn’t need to give me that A

Darius and I stared, speechless, as Aphrodite worked herself up into a seriously extraordinary hissy fit.

“I heard the damn nun. Plus, it’s not like this abbey is exactly romantic. Like I want to have hot monkey sex while the penguins cross themselves and pray? Ugh. Not hardly. Goddess! I may melt if I stay here too long.”

When she paused to take a breath, I inserted, “I didn’t mean I didn’t think you knew how to act. I was just kinda reminding you, that’s all.”

“Yeah? Bullshit. You’re a really bad liar, Z.” She walked over to Darius and kissed him hard on the mouth. “Later, lover. I’ll miss you in my bed.” She gave me a disgusted glance. “Just say night-night to boyfriend number three and get your butt to our room. I do not like to be awakened after I’ve retired to my boudoir.” Aphrodite tossed her long, gorgeous blond hair and twitched away.

“She’s really amazing,” Darius said as he gazed lovingly after her.

“If by amazing you mean a total pain in the butt, then I’ll agree with you.” I held up my hand, stopping his she’s-really-not-that-bad comment before he could make it. “I don’t want to talk about your girlfriend right now. I just want to know how Stark’s really doing.”

“Stark is healing.”

I could almost see the big gap in the rest of his sentence. I raised both brows at the warrior. “But…”

“But nothing. Stark is healing.”

“Why do I think there’s more to it than that?”

Darius waited a beat and then he smiled a little sheepishly. “Perhaps because you are intuitive enough to feel that there is more to it than that.”

“All right, what is it?”

“It’s about energy and spirit and blood. Or rather Stark’s need of and lack of them.”

I blinked a couple times, trying to understand exactly what Darius was saying, and then I sucked in air as the lightbulb went on over my head and I felt like a total idiot for not understanding sooner. “He’s been hurt—like I was—and he has to have blood to heal, just like I did. Well, why didn’t you say something before? Crap!” I kept babbling on as my mind raced, “I don’t especially want him to bite Aphrodite, but—”

“No!” Darius interrupted, looking more than a little upset at the thought of Stark drinking from his girlfriend. “Aphrodite’s Imprint with Stevie Rae makes her blood repellent to other vampyres.”

“Well, hell! Let’s get him a blood baggie or whatever, and I guess I could try to find a human he could bite…” My voice trailed off. I hated, hated, hated thinking about Stark drinking from anyone else. I mean, I had already had to deal with his extracurricular biting before he’d pledged himself as my Warrior and gone through the Change. I had hoped that the days of his biting other girls were behind him. I still hoped it! But I wouldn’t be so selfish that my feelings kept him from getting what he needed to heal.

“I’ve already given him some blood the sisters had on ice in the infirmary. He’s not in danger of dying. He will recover.”

But?” I was exasperated that Darius’s sentences all seemed to have these big unfilled-in blanks at the end of them.

“But when a Warrior is pledged to the service of a High Priestess, there is a special bond between them.”

“Yeah, I already know that.”

“That bond is more than just an oath. Since ancient times Nyx has blessed her High Priestesses and the Warriors who serve them. The two of you are linked through the Goddess’s blessing. It gives him intuitive knowledge about you that makes it easier for him to protect you.”

“Intuitive knowledge? You mean like an Imprint?” Goddess! Was this like I was Imprinted with two guys?

“An Imprint and a Warrior Bond have similarities. Both bind two people together. But an Imprint is a cruder form of a co

“Cruder? What do you mean?”

“I mean that even though an Imprint often happens between a vampyre and a human for whom she cares deeply, it is a co