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I swallow, eyeing it slightly warily.

I mean, it makes sense that it’s massive, considering my alien is close to seven feet tall, and I’m no stranger to dicks, but this one is… big. And bumpy. And there’s a thing sitting above it vibrating.

Curious, I reach out, stroking my hand across it.

Oh, yeah, it’s vibrating, all right.

“That is my xof. It readies our females to be ripened.” His voice is tight, and sure enough, when I glance up at him, his eyes are squeezed shut.

A smirk climbs across my face, and I run my fingers over it lightly again. His cock jerks, white fluid beading at the top. It’s sensitive, all right.

“You think to tease me?” he rasps.

“I—” My words fail as he raises his fingers to his mouth, biting off two talons cleanly.

My eyes go wide as I realize what he’s about to do.

“I promised you as many orgasms as your human body will allow,” he tells me, one hand braced against my chest, pushing me back into the ground.

His other hand spreads my legs wide, and then his dark head dives between my legs, his rough tongue ru

“Oh, Kanuz,” I groan, his thick, blunted finger entering me.

“You are so tight,” he tells me, his voice thick. His tongue swipes across my clit, and I cry out, overstimulated and already on the edge again. “You are going to feel so fucking good around my cock.”

“I want that,” I say, practically sobbing as he sucks my clit, adding a second finger inside me.

“Tell me again,” he growls, the words resonating against my core.

“I want you deep inside me, Kanuz, now,” I’m begging, spun up on need and lust and a warmth towards this male that I would never have thought possible.

“Fuck,” he murmurs. “You taste so good.” His tongue darts out again, and I arch off the ground, burying my hands in his thick black hair, pulling his head closer still.

I’m grinding shamelessly against his face, and he picks up the rhythm I set, licking and sucking and nibbling until I’m so goddamn close—

And then he stops, pulling his fingers out of me with a wet, sloppy sound as I moan in desperation.

“I can’t wait any longer,” he says.

“Yes,” I moan, needing to be filled, feeling so empty and close and then he’s there, his huge head pushing at my entrance.

“Relax,” he growls, his newly shorn nails teasing over my clit. His mouth covers mine, swallowing the animalistic noises erupting from me, his fangs pressing against my lips, so different and so right.

He thrusts his hips forward slowly, his cock slipping further inside, inch by inch. Kanuz trails kisses down my jawline and neck, and I shiver, my legs shaking.

His xof vibrates so hard I can feel it as he enters me, and then he groans, thrusting hard, and I cry out as he seats himself fully inside me.

We stare at each other for a long moment. His xof vibrates harder, and I moan, my eyes wide, as it stimulates my clit.

“Are you ready, my flower?” he asks, and the question is so sweet, so full of unexpected worry, that affection sweeps through me.

“Yes,” I breathe.

He doesn’t move though, not yet. Instead, he stares down at me, his gaze full of wonder. He raises one hand up, tracing a finger across my jawbone.

“I must be the luckiest male alive, to have one such as you.”

My heart skips, and I smile up at him. I’m about to say something else, when he moves, and any rational thoughts disappear.

Oh. My. God.

The bumps. The vibrating. My hands fly to his hips, and my eyes roll back in my head. So much sensation.

So good. My body quakes, and I raise my hips to meet each thrust. He’s so tall that my head’s at his chest, but he curls down, kissing me softly and staring into my eyes as he picks up the pace.

“Feels so good,” I say, completely lost in the overwhelming surge of feeling. I wrap my arms around his waist, ru

“You are everything,” he groans, “everything. You are mine, do you understand me?”

“I understand,” I whine, his xof driving me higher and higher.

“Tell me you’re mine,” he demands, his pace savage and fast.

I wrap my legs around him, nudging my feet into him, so close again I’m nearly out of my mind with pleasure. “Yours, Kanuz, yours.”

“My princess,” he says, and the words are victorious.

When he kisses me again though, it’s tender and soft, and it doesn’t feel like a loss, not at all.

I fall apart with a cry as his tongue sweeps across mine, his fingers tweaking my nipple as I shudder beneath him.

He comes a moment later with a brutal thrust, and I can feel it—his cum hot, searing through me.

I cry out again, the feeling winding me tight and loose all over again.

Finally, I slump, my legs quaking, and he pulls me tight against him.

“Now sleep, Princess.” His fingers comb through my hair, and for once, I don’t have a comeback. It’s all too easy to fall asleep in his arms, safe, the Suevan sky overhead.





I have never felt so whole in my life, as I do with this delicate golden female slumbering beside me. I hardly dare take breath, too afraid of disturbing her.

All I want is to watch her sleep, watch the delicate fluttering of her eyelids, the lax shape of her addictive mouth. The plump curves of her breasts and the muscled thighs. One leg’s draped over me, and my cock’s hard again, still inside my sleeping mate.

It feels so fucking good.

Our scents mingle together now, and it heightens my desire for her. I want to mate her, fuck her, until there is only us. No fear scent, nothing but our shared pleasure.

There will never be enough where Gen is involved.

My princess.

My mate.

Finally. Finally. I frown, my gaze wandering past the treasure in my arms to the temple courtyard, overgrown with vegetation.

I do not know what the puzzle will be here, but I do not doubt this place is chock full of challenges. I hope on the asteroids above that the many-faced-goddess will take mercy on my mate and me. I hope that we are through the worst of it.

I long to have her safe and sound and well pleasured in my bed, not sprawled on the ground covered in muck, hungry and exhausted.

This is no way for a princess to be treated.

It is no way to treat a treasure at all.

When the moons are heavy in the sky, I finally close my eyes, somewhat assured that we will find no trouble this night, at least.

My eyes fly open.

Beside me, Gen stirs in her sleep, restless. I pause, frowning. The night is almost over, orange and red breaking across the sky as the sun blazes into view. A bush rustles nearby, and I tense, on high alert, only to relax again as a bird flies from the brush.

Gen cries out next to me, her feet slamming into my shins.

“No, don’t,” she pants, the words thick with sleep. Her fingers move, all her muscles twitching. “I can’t. Don’t.”

“Gen,” I say, shaking her shoulder, alarmed.

“Don’t fucking touch me,” she screams, her eyes squeezed tight.

“Gen, my princess, it’s Kanuz. You’re safe.” I wince. Safe enough, at the moment. “Wake up.”

She inhales deeply, her bare chest heaving. Slowly, her muscles calm, and her eyes blink open.

“What’s wrong?” she asks blearily.

“You were having a bad dream,” I tell her, pulling her closer to me, now that I’m not worried she’ll kick me in the xof.

“I was,” she says, her face falling, her gaze going distant. “I was dreaming about the invasion.” Her breath hiccups. “Did I wake you? I’m sorry.”