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Her mouth is firm on mine, insistent, needy, and though my wounds throb gently, they will not stop me from taking anything she offers.

From taking everything she offers.

A growl rises in my throat as her tongue flicks against mine. My hands skate across her soft hips, the lean muscles in her stomach, until they stop at her rib cage, where her breasts are caged by thin, stretchy material.

As though she can read my thoughts, her hands press mine down. For a moment, regret fills me, that she won’t allow me to touch her, that we will stop at these fervent kisses and nothing more.

Until her fingers find the edge of the material, and she tugs it up, over her shoulders, tossing it behind me.

I ca

Her blue eyes are full of fire, and she takes my hands, guiding them over her full breasts. They are soft, and luscious, and the perfect handfuls. I groan, harder than ever.

“You are so perfect,” I tell her, bending down and lowering my head to her pretty pink nipple. I flick my tongue against it, and she gasps, the sound sending lightning through my veins. Her fingers curl through my hair, blunt fingernails scraping my scalp. I groan, my eyes half-closed, as I tug the delicate nipple into my mouth, sucking lightly.

“Kanuz,” she moans, and the sound of her pleasure, of the hot need in her voice, is the most incredible thing I have ever heard.

My grip on her waist tightens, and I lick her nipple, the scent of her desire clouding my thoughts. All I want is to hear her lose herself, to watch as her eyes grow hazy with pleasure, to hear her say my name as she comes on my tongue.

I switch to the other breast, and she huffs a shaky breath as my fingertips replace my mouth.

“Kanuz,” she says again, and I wrap my arm more fully around her, supporting her weight as she melts under my ministrations. Her skin is so soft. Every sigh of pleasure is a gift.

“What is it, my flower?” I ask her, then lick her sensitive nipple.

“I want to see if you’re as good as you say you are.” There’s no hesitation in her voice, and I ca

“I am glad you are not shy, my princess. I want to hear you tell me everything you want. I want you to hear you beg for it.”

“You have the dirtiest mouth. It’s driving me crazy.”

I pause, flummoxed, and look up at her. “My mouth is clean.”

Laughter bursts out of her, the sound so light and musical it makes my heart soar.

“No, no, it means I like the way you talk.”

“My words are dirty?”

“No.” She gives her head an emphatic shake. “I really like how you talk to me. A lot.”

I inhale deeply, and the proof of her words sings through me. “Then let me tell you this, my Gen. I would feast upon your cunt until all you can do is whimper, because words have lost their meaning. We would need no translators.” I pause, ru

“We would need no translators,” I continue, “because all that would matter is how wet you are. How tight you’ll be around my cock. How good it will feel when you come all around me.”

“Oh, yes,” she says, her eyes dark with lust, her body pliant against mine. “Let’s put that dirty mouth to the test.”

I growl, ripping the piece of fabric down the center. “I like all your challenges. I like all your edges. I like how underneath your prickles, you have a soft, kind heart.” I drop to my knees, ripping her garment.

The flimsy material falls away, and my mate is bared to me, her scent even stronger now. I clutch her to me, savoring her. Savoring the soft, silken skin of her stomach against my cheek. The surprising curly hair that covers her here. The delicious smell of her, so mouthwatering I can take it no more.

I grip her hips, raising her up as she squeals. “Spread your legs for me, like a good wife,” I command, and she groans, doing as I bid.

Her legs fall apart, and I raise her muscled body up until her legs fall across either shoulder. She squeals as I lick down the seam of her body.

“You are delicious,” I tell her. “You are already wet and ready for me, Gen. Have you been this wet the whole time? Have you been this ready to be bred every time I look at you?”

“Kanuz,” she whimpers, her fingers gripping my hair tight, squirming as I breathe against her glistening pink cunt. “Please, please.”

“You are so polite like this,” I tell her, my arousal painfully hard now, precum dripping from the tip, soaking into my pants. “Maybe I should make you straddle my face more often. I like it when you beg so nicely.”

“Then please, please do it again.”

I cock my head, enjoying the tight quality to her voice, the way her whole body is tight against mine, her thick, muscular ass in my hands. Her upper body curves over my head, and I slowly lower myself to the ground, so that she’s seated on my face.

She raises up slightly, her chest heaving, but I yank her back down.

“You asked so nicely, my Gen, now enjoy your reward. You say that human females can come more than once, right? I will make you come until you ca

“Oh, Kanuz,” she moans, her fingers scrabbling against my skin.

I lick her sweet flesh, teasing her, listening to her gasps and cries as I run my tongue all over her cunt. There is a small nub at the top of her pretty pink slit, and she seems to like it best when I make small circles around it, teasing it.

When I suck it hard, she nearly jumps away from my face, groaning. Juices drench my mouth and chin, and I lap them up greedily. Her legs begin to shake, and I grin against her cunt as I continue to tease her, thrusting my tongue in and out of her body.

“Did you enjoy that, my little human?”

“Yes,” she says, her body going taut again.

My need for her blazes higher still. I lift her off my face and onto my stomach. She lets out a little moan, writhing against me.

“I want you, Gen,” I tell her. “I want you badly.” I search her face, expecting her to deny me. Hoping she doesn’t.

“I want it, too,” she tells me, her cheeks flushed as pink as her swollen cunt. “I want you, Kanuz.”

There’s an unexpected sweetness to her words, and it sends me past the edge of control. The tightly leashed restraint I’ve choked myself with the past few weeks snaps. Growling, I grip her hips, and she cries out, wide-eyed, as I roll her to the ground, throwing her legs wide open.

My pants can’t come off fast enough, and I grunt in frustration as she rubs her hand down my hardness.

“My laces are too wet.”

“Let me,” she says. Her gaze rakes over my cock, and it sets me on fire. Undone by it, I hold her face in my hands, claiming her mouth in a savage kiss. She opens her mouth to me, so pliant and greedy I nearly spill early.

I ca

And I no longer have to.





This is the beeeest!

The prince did not tell a single lie, no he did not! I’m flying on the wings of one of the best orgasms in the history of orgasms, so fucking happy my alien is alive and well I can’t even stand it.

Kanuz kisses the daylight out of me, and I taste myself on his tongue, which makes me even hotter for my slab of scaly muscles. The knot on his pants finally comes undone, and I pull away from his kiss, tugging his sodden pants off as fast as I can.

He laughs, and it’s a dark sound, full of promise. It sends a fresh shiver through me, and he pulls his pants the rest of the way off, his huge cock swinging free.