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Finley 19656 — Finley M. L Myth, Memory and History // History and Theory. 1965. 4.

Finley 1967 — Finley M. I. Utopianism Ancient and Modern //The Critical Spirit: Essays in Honor of Herbert Marcuse. Boston, 1967; переизд.: Finley M. I. Use and Abuse. 1975.

Finley 1968a — Finley M. I. Ancient Sparta // Problèmes de la guerre en Grèce ancie

Finley 19686 - Slavery in Classical Antiquity2 / Ed. M. I. Finley. Cambridge, 1968.

Finley 1970 — Finley M. I. Aristotle and Economie Analysis //Past and Present. 1970. 47; переизд.: Studies in Ancient Society /Ed. M. I. Finley. L., 1974.

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Frankel 1946 - Frankel H. Man's Ephemer os Nature according to Pindar //Transactions of the American Philological Association. 1946. 77.

Frankfort 1948 - Frankfort H. Kingship and the Gods: A Study of Ancient Near Eastern Religion as the Interpretation of Society and Nature. Chicago, 1948; фр. пер.: Frankfort H. La Royauté et les Dieux. Intégration de la société et de la nature dans la religion de l'ancien Proche-Orient/Trad.J. Marty, P. rCrieger. P., 1951.

Frazer 1898 - Frazer J. G. Pausanias' Description of Greece: In 6 vol. L., 1898.

Frazer 1922 - Frazer J. G. The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. Part II (Vol. 3). Taboo and the Perils of the Soul. L., 1922; фр. пер.: Frazer J. G. Le Cycle du rameau d'or. II. Tabou et les Périls de l'âme / Trad. H. Peyre. P., 1927.

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