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I was once more caged.


The Chosen arrived sometime later. It could’ve been hours, or another day could’ve passed, I couldn’t tell. But there were fewer Chosen than before under Callum’s watchful gaze.

I made sure I remained at the divan while they collected the used towels, replaced the water in the pitchers with fresh, and then set the table with what appeared to be a carafe of water and a tall, slender, capped bottle and four glasses.

“I’m relieved to see you’re a quick learner,” Callum commented after the last Chosen had left the chamber.

I looked over at him. “My life is complete knowing that.”

The Revenant smirked. “I’m sure it is.”

Rolling my eyes, I looked away. My heart was beating fast, mostly out of concern that somehow Attes’s visit would be discovered.

But Callum said nothing. He just silently stood near the cage.

Frustration stoked my temper as I focused on him. “Do you need something?”

“No.” That polite smile appeared.

“Then why are you just standing there, staring at me?”

“Does it bother you?”

“Who wouldn’t be bothered by it?” I replied, unfolding my legs.

“I wouldn’t.”

“Well, I don’t really think your opinion counts.”

The golden paint shimmered when he lifted his head. “Why is that?”

“I can’t imagine you’re right in the head.” I scooted to the edge of the divan, letting my feet touch the floor. “What with dying multiple times and all.”

He laughed. “At least I come back. You—”

“I know. I won’t.” I raised a brow. “Not exactly a clever insult, considering I’m mortal.”

Callum shrugged as I glanced at the doors. They weren’t completely closed. I could see the glint of golden armor through the gap.

My fingers tapped the cushion as my gaze slid back to him. I thought about what I’d seen in the dimly lit part of the sprawling structure. “I…I saw other Chosen.”

“I was under the impression that when you made your poor attempt at an escape, you saw many Chosen,” he replied. “And frightened them.”

I almost laughed. Yeah, I’d likely been a terrifying figure, but I knew I wasn’t what truly scared them. “I’m not talking about them. I saw one feeding on another.”

Callum said nothing.

“And she killed him,” I continued. “But he came back. Not like you. He was—” The embers suddenly pulsed in my chest, jerking my attention to the doors.

“You feel him?” Callum asked. “I can see that you do.”

My palms turned clammy as I rose. “Then why do you ask?”

“Because,” he answered, much like a rotten little child.

The doors swung open, and I couldn’t prevent the immediate burst of fear upon seeing Kolis enter the chamber. It invaded all my muscles, causing me to go rigid. Even after I forced myself to relax, it lingered like a dark cloud.

Intrigue flickered across Kolis’s features as he approached the cage. “What are you two discussing?”

I opened my mouth to lie with who knew what, but Callum, the bastard, beat me to it.

“She was asking about the Chosen she killed,” Callum shared, retrieving the key from his pocket. “And then the one who returned. She was sharing her astute observation of how Antonis wasn’t a Revenant.”

Antonis, I repeated to myself. So that was the name of the Chosen who’d come back to life and tried to attack me.

“Of course, not.” Kolis frowned and looked at me as if I were somehow supposed to know what he was. “Some would call him cursed. A once-mortal, now-decaying body plagued with an insatiable hunger. Craven.”

A flurry of nerves churned in my belly as Callum unlocked the cage door. The soft creak of the hinges sent shivers down my spine. I told myself that he must not know about Attes because I doubted we’d be talking about Craven if he did.

“They are nothing more than an unfortunate…side effect.”

“Side effect of what, exactly?” I asked, watching Callum step aside.

“Of creating the Ascended. They are the product of maintaining balance and giving life.” Kolis smiled then, ducking as he entered the cage.

Fear collided with my already-frazzled nerves, unleashing a surging tide of potent emotions I battled to restrain. I gritted my teeth in a desperate attempt to keep them at bay, ignoring the flare of pain it caused. “The Ascended? I don’t think I understand.”

“The woman you spoke of? The one I was told you killed.” The smile faded as the door was closed behind Kolis. “She was an Ascended. My child.”

I drew back in surprise. “You don’t mean that in the literal sense, right?”

“I played a role in the creation of her new life,” he replied. “Does that not make her my child?”

I wasn’t so sure. I didn’t know what he meant by playing a role. “How?”

“By Ascending her, just as my brother did with those before.”

A jolt of incredulity surged through me. Everyone had said that no Chosen had Ascended since Kolis’s reign began.

With keen discernment, Kolis’s observant stare flitted across my face. “That surprises you to hear? Did my nephew not explain how the Chosen are made into gods? It’s through Ascension.”

I tensed at the mention of Ash.

“Whether or not he did, I can see you don’t believe me.” His jaw clenched, and the gold flecks brightened in his eyes. “You think I ca

Oh, damn. I’d hit a nerve. “I—”

“It does not matter.” His hand cut through the air in a curt wave. “This is not what I came to speak to you about.”

A heavy thud resounded from within my chest. Maybe I had been too quick to think he hadn’t learned about Attes’s visit.

“Leave us,” Kolis bit out.

Outside the cage, Callum said, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Kolis crossed the cage, going to the table. “You didn’t answer my question.”

I blinked rapidly. He’d spoken?

“I asked if you’ve been resting.” A glimmer of gold swirled beneath the flesh of his cheeks. “Since I last saw you.”

Did he actually think I’d been relaxing? My mouth opened to ask him that, but I stopped myself.

The plan.

I had a plan.

Ash was far more important than the momentary satisfaction of speaking my mind. I took a deep breath and held it, forcing my mind to clear. Years’ worth of training I wanted nothing more than to forget pieced themselves together, reminding me why I needed to be a blank canvas.

It was the only way to adapt to his needs, allowing my personality to become painted with what he wanted and all he approved of. It was a part of the art of seduction the Mistresses of the Jade had taught. Pay attention to what is said and what is not spoken. Movements and actions. Knowledge of a person could always be gained.

And used.

I already knew that Kolis didn’t like cursing. Apparently, he also didn’t enjoy being called out when he was being a creep, which was unfortunately often. What did he like? I already knew from my few interactions with him that he didn’t enjoy others arguing or fighting back. He was nothing like Ash. Kolis wanted meekness. And I would bet that, above all else, he desired submission.

My fingers curled into the skirt of my gown as I cleared my throat. “I have been resting.”

“Good.” He gestured at the table. “Would you like something to drink? It will be disappointing if you decline.”

Irritation buzzed through my veins, and I wasn’t sure if I was more frustrated with his small manipulation or myself. He wanted me to drink, so I drank. He wanted me to stand on my head, I would stand on my fucking head. That was what it would take. I knew that.

“Yes.” The word fell from my lips like dead weight.

Kolis smiled, flashing straight, white teeth and fangs. That smile…it was momentarily startling because it was strange. I still couldn’t put my finger on why, but it was a nice smile. For all the Primal’s horribleness, he was a beautiful being. That couldn’t be denied.