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8.    Evan Hansen. Skype Goes for the Gold. CNETNews.com, March 17,2005. http:// news cnet com/Skype-goes for-the-gold/2100 7352_3-5621463 htmPtag=txt 16.

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15.    Hansen. Skype Goes for the Gold.

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17.    Ben Chamy. Can Skype Live up to the Net Phone Hype? CNET News, September 27, 2004. http://news.cnet.com/Can-Skype-kve-up-to-the-Net-phone-hype/2100-7352_35383876.html.

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22.    Ibid.

23.    Cassani and Kemp, Go, 42.

24.    Ibid., 119.

25.    Ibid., 44.

26.    Ibid., 163.

27.    Ibid., 83.

28.    Ibid., 175.

29.    Michael Harrison. Go Fuels Low-Cost Air Travel War with Expansion Plan.

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30.    Cassani and Kemp. Go, 180.

31.    Ibid., 211.

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33.    Cassani and Kemp. Go, 215.

34.    Momssey. BA Sells Go for up to J110 Million to 3i.

35.    Ibid.

36.    Cassani and Kemp. Go, 259.

37.    Ibid., 274.

38.    Ibid., 288.

Глава 8

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2.    Ibid.

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18.    Josh Quittner. How Jeff Bezos Rules the Retail Space. Fortune, European Edition, May 5, 2008, 109-114.

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23.    Ibid.

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25.    Jeff Bezos: Theres No Shift in the Model.

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27.    Ibid.


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36.    Quittner. How Jeff Bezos Rules the Retail Space.

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38.    Ibid.

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