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7. Abbott, R. The Narrative of Richard Abbott, A Servant of Caryll Lord Molyneux, containing an Account of his Apprehension, Imprisonment and Release. In the Years 1689–91/Richard Abbott. — Manchester: Chetham Society, 1864. — 32 p.

8. Bellingham, T. Diary of Thomas Bellingham, An Officer under William III/ed. by A. Hewiston, A.R. Maddison. — Preston: Geo. Toulmin & Sons, 1908. — 161 p.

9. Burnet, G. Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Time: From the Restoration of King Charles II to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht, in the Reign of Queen A

10. Davies, R. Journal of the Very Rev. Rowland Davies, LL.D. Dean of Ross (and aftermath Dean of Cork) from March 8, 1688–9, to September 29, 1690/ed. by R. Caulfield. — L.: Camden Society, 1857. — 188 p.

11. A Diary of Events in Ireland from 1685 to 1690//Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde. K.P. Preserved at Kilke

12. Drummond, J. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, Chief of the Clan Cameron. With an Introductory Account of the History and Antiquities of that Family and of the Neighbouring Clans/J. Drummond. — Edinburgh: Maitland Club, 1842.— 412 p.

13. Evelyn, J. The Diary of John Evelyn: in 3 v./ed. by A. Dobson. — L.; N.Y.: Macmillan, 1906. — Vol. 3. — 479 p.

14. Fitzjames, J. Memoirs of the Marshal Duke of Berwick. Written by himself. With a summary Continuation from the Year 1716, to his Death in 1734. To this Work is prefixed a Sketch of an historical Panegyric of the Marshal, by the President Montesquieu; and explanatory Notes, and original Letters relative to the Campaign in Flanders, in 1708, are subjoined: in 2 v./James Fitzjames, Duke of Berwick. — L.: T. Cadell, 1779. — Vol. 1. — 396 p.

15. Hyde, E. The Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford: in which is Included a Continuation of His History of the Grand Rebellion: in 3 v./Edward Hyde. — Oxford: Clarendon Press: Tourneisen, 1827.  — Vol. 3. — 523 p.

16. Jackson, J. The Diary of John Jackson: Sometimes Macebearer in Seventeenth Century Beverley, 1639–1689/ed. by P. Hopkins, J. Murray. — Beverley: Hutton Press, 1991. — 111 p.

17. Lauder, J. Historical Observes of Memorable Occurrents in Church and State, from October 1680 to April 1686 by Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall. — Edinburgh: Ba

18. Leslie, C. Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee and the Highland Clans; with an Account of his Officers after they went to France. Together with the Massacre of Glencoe/C. Leslie, G. Ridpath. — Edinburgh: D. Webster, 1709. — 371 p.

19. Lindsay, C. Memoirs touching the Revolution in Scotland, 1687–1690. Presented to King James II at St. Germains, 1690/Colin Lindsay, Earl of Balcarres. — Edinburgh: Ba

20. Luttrell, N. A Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs from September 1678 to April 1714: in 6 v./Narcissus Luttrell. — Oxford: Oxford univ. press, 1857. — Vol. 1. — 621 p.; Vol. 2. — 655 p.; Vol. 3. — 586 p.; Vol. 4. — 724 p.; Vol. 5. — 629 p.

21. Mackay, H. Memoirs of the War Carried on in Scotland and Ireland, 1689–1745. With an Appendix of Original Papers/Hugh Mackay. — Edinburgh: n.s., 1833. — 359 p.

22. Mackenzie, J. Mackenzie's Memorials of the Siege of Derry Including His Narrative and its Vindication/ed. by W.D. Killen. — Belfast: Aitchison; L.: Hamilton & Adams, 1861. — 95 p.

23. The Memoirs of James II: His Campaign as Duke of York, 1656–1660/ed. by A. Bryant, A.L. Sells. — Bloomingston: Indiana univ. press, 1962. — 301 p.

24. Neuville, F. An Account of Muscovy, as it was in the Yaer 1689/Monseieur Foy de la Neuville. — L.: Edward Castle, 1699. — 119 p.

25. North, R. The Autobiography of the Hon. Roger North//North R. The Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron Guilford; the Hon. Sir Dudley North; and the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North. Together with Autobiography of the Author: in 3 v./Roger North. — L.: G. Bell & Sons, 1890. — Vol. 3. — P. 1–209.

26. Reresby, J. The Memoirs of the Honorable Sir John Reresby, bart. And Last Governor of York. Containing Several Private and Remarkable Transactions, From the Restoration to the Revolution Inclusively/John Reresby. — L.: Samuel Harding, 1734. — 349 p.

27. Scottish Diaries and Memoirs, 1550–1746/ed. by J.G. Fyfe. — Sterling: Eneas Mackay, 1928. — 463 p.

28. Sheridan T. An Historical Account of some remarkable matters concerning King James the Second's succession, Sunderland's contrivances and corruptions, Tyrco

29. Thoresby, R. The Diary of Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S. Author of the Topography of Leeds (1677–1724): in 2 v./ed. by J. Hunter — L.: H. Colburn & R. Bentley, 1830. — Vol. 1. — 471 p.

30. Walker, G. A True Account of the Siege of London-Derry//Derriana: a Collection of Papers Relative to the Siege of Derry, and Illustrative of the Revolution of 1688/ed. by G. Douglas. — L.; Derry: G. Douglas, 1794. — P. 1–58.

31. Wood, A. The Life and Times of Antony Wood, Antiquary, of Oxford, 1632–1695, described by Himself. Collected from His Diaries and Other Papers: in 4 v./ed. by A. Clark. — Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1891–1895. — Vol. 3: 16821695. — 1894.— 546 p.

Фольклорные источники

1. Hogg, J. The Jacobites Relics of Scotland: Being the Songs, Airs, and Legends of the Adherents of the House of Stuarts/James Hogg; ed. by M.G.H. Pittock. — Edinburgh: Edinburgh univ. press, 2002. — 527 p.

2. Macquoid, G.S. Jacobite Songs and Ballads (selected)/G.S. Macquoid.— L.: Walter Scott, 1887. — 360 p.

Художественная литература

1. O'Kelly, С. Масапаг Excidium, or the Destruction of Cyprus; being a Secret History of the War of the Revolution in Ireland/Charles O'Kelly; ed. by J.C. O'Callaghan. — Dublin: Irish Archaeological Society, 1850. — 546 p.

2. Philip, J. The Grameid: An Heroic Poem Descriptive of the Campaign of Viscount Dundee in 1689 and other Pieces, 1691/James Philip; ed. by A.D. Murdoch. — Edinburgh: Edinburgh univ. press, 1888. — 268 p.

Картографические источники

1. Allard, C. Novissima Regni Scotiae septentrionalis et meridionalis tabula, divisae in ducatus, comitatus, vicecomitatus, provincias, praefecturas, dominia et insulas/Carel Allard. — Amsterdam: Allard, 1697. — col.: printed, hand-coloured outlines: 490 x 572 mm. — 1 copy. — URL: http://maps.nls.uk/Scotland/view/?sid=00000617 (дата обращения: 01.04.2011).

2. Moll, H. Scotland/Herman Moll. — L.: Moll, 1701. — black-and-white: hand col.: 178 x 175 mm. — 1 copy. — URL: http://maps.nls.uk/Scotland/view/)sid=00000254 (дата обращения: 01.04.2011).

3. Morden, R. A Mapp of Scotland/R. Morded, R. Gordon. — L.: Rob. Walton, 1687. — col.: printed, handcoloured outlines: 425 x 325 mm. — 1 copy. — URL: http://maps.nls.uk/Scotland/view/?sid=00000615 (дата обращения: 01.04.2011).