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2. The Jacobite Trials at Manchester in 1694: From an Unpublished Manuscript/ed. by W. Beamont. — Manchester: Chetham Society, 1853. — 126 p.

Дипломатические документы

1. «Зело народ груб и противо Королевского Величества дерзок»: русский посол об Англии накануне переворота 1688 г./под ред. Е.И. Кобзаревой//Источник. — 2002. — № 5. — С. 24–29.

2. Памятники дипломатических сношений древней России с державами иностранными: в 10 т. — СПб.: Н-е Отделение собственной е. и. в. канцелярии, 1851–1871. — Т. 7: 1686–1699 гг. — 1864. — 1514 с.; Т. 8: 1695–1699 гг. — 1867. — 1415 с.; Т. 9: 1698–1699 гг. — 1868. — 1230 с.

3. British Diplomatic Instructions, 1689–1789: in 7 v./Royal Historical Society — L.: Office of the Royal Historical Society, — 1922–1934. — Vol. 2: France, 1689–1721/ed. by W. Legg. — 1925. — 212 p.

4. Correspondence between Louis XIV and M. Barillon on English Affairs, from December 1684, to December 1685//Fox, C.J. History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second: with an Introductory Chapter. To which is added an Appendix/C.J. Fox. — Philadelphia: Abraham Small, 1808. — P. i-cxc.

5. Manifesto of King James II to the Protestant Princes, 1697. — URL: http://jacobite.ca/locuments/l6970000.htm (дата обращения: 11.11.2010).

6. Protest of King James II and VII against the Treaty of Ryswick, June 8, 1697. — URL: http://jacobite.ca/locuments/l6970000.htm (дата обращения: 11.11.2010).

7. State Papers and Correspondence Illustrative of the Social and Political State of Europe from the Revolution to the Accession of the House of Hanover/ed. by J.M. Kemble. — L.: J.W. Parker & Sons, 1857. — 539 p.

Публицистика и периодическая печать

1. Anonymous Pamphlet, 1696//Stroud A. Stuart England/Angus Stroud. — L.: Routledge, 1999. — P. 200–201.

2. Burnet, G. The Present State of Jacobitism in England: in 2 parts. — L.: n. s., 1702.— Part 2.— 29 p.

3. England's Glorious Revolution, 1688–1689: A Brief History with Documents/ed. by S.C.A. Pincus. — Boston; N.Y.: Bedford: St. Martins, 2006. — 185 p.

4. London Gazette. — 1686 (16 March). — № 2224. — P. 2. — URL: http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/ssues/2224/)ages/2 (дата обращения: 23.07.2010).

5. Маску, J. A View of the Court of Saint Germain, Addressed to the Malecontent Protestants of England/John Маску//Маску, J. Memoirs of the Secret Services of John Маску Esq.; During the Reigns of King William, Queen A


1. Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde. K.P. Preserved at Kilke

2. Culloden Papers: Comprising an Extensive and Interesting Correspondence from the Year 1625 to 1748: Including Numerous Letters from the Unfortunate Lord Lovat, and Other Distinguished Persons of the Time: With Occasional State Papers of Much Historical Importance. The Whole Published from the Originals in the Possession of Duncan George Forbes, of Culloden, Esq. To Which is Prefixed, An Introduction. Containing Memoirs of the Right Honorable Duncan Forbes, may Years Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland/ed. by T. Cadell, W. Davies. — L.: s.n., 1815. — 479 p.

3. Letter to the Gentlemen of Clan Cameron by John Cameron of Lochiel, XVIII Chief of Clan Cameron, June 24, 1716. — URL: http://www.lochiel.net/archives/irch173.html (дата обращения 06.04.2011).

4. Letters of George Lockhart of Carnwath, 1698–1732/ed. by D. Szechi. — Edinburgh: Pillans & Wilson, 1989. — 401 p.

5. Letters of John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee, with Illustrative Documents/ed. by K. Sharp. — Edinburgh: Ballantyne Club, 1826. — 96 p.

6. Letters Written during the Years 1686, 1687, 1688, and Addressed to John Ellis, Esq. Secretary to the Commissioners of His Majesty's Revenue in Ireland. Comprising Many Particulars of the Revolution, and Anecdotes Illustrative of the History and Ma

7. The Manuscripts of the Duke of Athole, K.T., and the Earl of Home/Historical Manuscript Commission. — L.: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1891. — 233 p.

8. The Manuscripts of the Duke of Hamilton, K.T./Historical Manuscript Commission. — L.: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1887. — 261 p.

9. The Manuscripts of the Earl of Dartmouth: in 3 v./Historical Manuscript Commission. — L.: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1887–1896. — Vol. 1. — 1887. — 500 p.; Vol. 3. — 1896. — 326 p.

10. The Manuscripts of J.M. Heathcote, Esq., Conington Castle/Historical Manuscript Commission. — Norwich: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1899. — 305 p.

11. The Manuscripts of Lord Kenyon/Historical Manuscript Commission. — L.: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1894. — 703 p.

12. Memorials and Letters Illustrative of the Life and Times of John Graham Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee: in 3 v./ed. by M. Napier. — Edinburgh: Thomas G. Stevenson; L.: Hamilton, Adams, 1859–1862. — Vol. 1. — 1859. — 388 p.; Vol. 2. — 1862. — 430 p.; Vol. 3. — 1862. — 819 p.

13. Original Letters, Illustrative of English History: including Numerous Royal Letters, from Autographs in the British Museum, ad one or two other Collections: in 4 v./ed. by H. Ellis. — L.: Harding and Lepard, 1825–1827. — Vol. 4. — 1827. — 544 p.

14. Patrick Gordon and His Family Circle: Some Unpublished Letters/ed. by Paul Dukes//Scottish Slavonic Review. — 1988. — № 10. — P. 19–49.

15. The Rawdon Papers, consisting of Letters on Various Subjects, Literary, Political, and Ecclesiastical, to and from Dr. John Bramhall, Primate of Ireland. Including the Correspondence of Several Most Eminent Men during the Greater Part of the Seventeenth Century Faithfully printed from the Originals; and Illustrated with Literary and Historical Notes/ed. by E. Berwick. — L.: Nichols & Sons, 1819. — 430 p.

16. Report on the Manuscripts of the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G., K.T., Presented at Monagu House, Whitehall: in 3 v./Historical Manuscript Commission. — L.: His Majesty's Stationary Office, 1899–1903. — Vol. II. — 1903. — 856 p.

17. Report on the Manuscripts of the Marquess of Lothian Presented at Blicking Hall, Norfolk/Historical Manuscript Commission. — L.: His Majesty's Stationary Office, 1905. — 514 p.

18. Sixteen Further Letters of General Patrick Gordon/ed. by S. Kosolapov//Oxford Slavonic Papers. — 1997. — Vol. 13. — P. 72–95.

19. The Ta

Мемуарные источники

1. Гордон, П. Дневник, 1635–1659/Патрик Гордон; пер. с англ., статья, примеч. Д.Г. Федосова. — М.: Наука, 2000. — 278 с.

2. Гордон, П. Дневник, 1659–1667/Патрик Гордон; пер. с англ., статья, примеч. Д.Г. Федосова. — М.: Наука, 2003. — 315 с.

3. Гордон, П. Дневник, 1677–1678/Патрик Гордон; пер. с англ., статья, примеч. Д.Г. Федосова. — М.: Наука, 2005. — 235 с.

4. Гордон, П. Дневник, 1684–1689/Патрик Гордон; пер. с англ., статья, примеч. Д.Г. Федосова. — М.: Наука, 2009. — 339 с.

5. Корб, И.Г. Дневник путешествия в Московию (1698 и 1699 гг.)/Иоанн Георг Корб; пер. с лат. А.И. Малеина. — СПб.: Издание А.С. Суворина, 1906.— 322 с.

6. Сен-Симон, Л.Р. Мемуары, 1691–1701: пер. с фр./Л.Р. Сен-Симон; отв. ред. В.Н. Малов. — М.: Ладомир: Наука, 2007. — 992 с.