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Переведите на русский язык:

1. Му watch is fast, it ca

parties. 18. I want to have some handbooks on this question, which can be relied on. 19- This is a book often referred to. 20. The article of the agreement objected to during the negotiations must be reconsidered.

Переведите на английский язык:

1. Над ним смеялись, когда он сказал это. 2. На них смотрели с большим интересом, когда они появились в зале. 3. Послали ли уже за ними? 4. На эту статью часто ссылаются. 5. Об этой книге очень много говорят. 6. На него можно положиться. 7. Я уверен, что его будут слушать с большим вниманием. 8. Почему над ней смеялись? 9. Я думаю, что за ними надо немедленно послать, 10. На эти сведения нельзя положиться. 11. Товарища Д. всегда слушают с большим интересом. 12. Я думаю, что против вашего плана не будут возражать. 13. Вы думаете, что за ним нашлют? 14. Можно ли на них поло­житься? 15. Я думаю, что над ним будут смеяться, если он скажет это. 16. Я уверен, что на этом плане будут настаивать. 17. На эту книгу редко ссылаются. 18. На его статью никогда не ссылаются. 19. Об этом событии очень много говорили. 20. Надо договориться об условиях платежа. 21. Повышение цен на Лондонской бирже металлов объясняется этим фактом.

К § 112

Переведите на русский язык:

1. This warning was not taken notice of. 2. These figures must be made use of. 3. This fact will not be taken notice of. 4. Soon the airplane was lost sight of. 5. The children should be taken better care of.

Переведите на английский язык:

1. Когда лодка исчезла из вида, мы пошли домой. 2. Я надеюсь, что их спору будет положен конец. 3. Этот материал будет использован. 4. На него не обра­щали внимания.

К §§113—114

Переведите на русский язык:

1. The meeting was attended by thousands of people. 2. That law was soon followed by another one. 3. These books are needed by all our students. 4. The football game was watched with great interest. 5. The letter will be answered to-morrow. 6. At the foot of the mountain we were joined by a group of tourists. 7. The prices of all goods imported into England were affected by the devaluation of the pound sterling. 8. Some plants are quickly affected by cold. 9. The crop was influenced by the bad weather. 10. The lecture'was followed by a heated discussion. 11. World trade was affected by the war. 12. The play was enjoyed by everybody. 13. He felt that he was being followed. 14. These goods are badly needed. 15. They were constantly hindered in their work. 16. He was envied by his friend. 17. In their research work the students were assisted (helped, aided) by their professor. 18. They were threatened with danger. 19. The prices for metal on the London Metal Exchange were influenced by the growing demand. 20. The lecture, which was followed by a heated discussion, was delivered by a well-known scientist. 21. The lecture, which was attended by a great number of students, was delivered by the director of the Institute. 22. The football team, which was watched by thousands of people, played with great enthusiasm. 23. The letter, which was followed by a telegram, caused some excitement. 24. The group of students, which was joined by a few tourists, decided to start climbing the mountain at sunrise. 25. The demon­stration, which was attended by a great number of people, was held to celebrate the First of May. 26. The boy, followed'by a number of friends, rushed down the hill. 27. Comrade Ivanov, assisted by some experienced engineers, drew up a plan of the reconstruction of the plant. 28. The children, watched by their mother,

played on the shore of the lake. 29. The expedition joined by comrade D. left at the begi

К § 115

Переведите на русский язык:

1. It is expected... 2. It was expected... 3. It is considered... 4. It was con­sidered. .. 5. It is believed... 6. It was believed... 7. It is hoped... 8. It was hoped... 9. It can be expected... 10. It can’t be expected... 11. It should be con­sidered. .. 12. It must be mentioned. .. 13. It is to be hoped... 14. As is shown... 15. As is known... 16. As believed... 17. As was reported... 18. As stated... 19. As shown...

Переведите на английский язык:

1. Ожидают, что лето будет жаркое. 2. Сообщают, что пароход вышел из порта первого мая. 3. Известно, что в Батуми очень часто идет дождь. 4. Говорят, что в этой библиотеке очень много иностранных книг. 5. Можно сказать, что эта библиотека одна из лучших в городе. 6. Сообщили, что китайская делегация прибыла в Москву. 7. Ожидали, что конференция откроется 15-го сентября. 8. Надо ожидать, что урожай пшеницы будет очень хороший в этом году. 9. Надо надеяться, что результаты опыта будут хорошие, 10. Можно ожидать, что соглашение будет достигнуто.

Обзорные упражнения к §§ 88—114

Переведите на русский язык:

1. Many houses, factories, schools, hospitals and museums were destroyed in Leningrad by artillery shelling and bombing during the blockade. All of them have now been rebuilt. 2. Vast cultural treasures are concentrated in Leningrad. 3. Since the construction of the Saratov-Moscow gas pipe-line, several more long pipe-lines have been built and put into operation. 4. Much is being done in the Soviet Union to spread rural electrification. 5. In the Soviet Union the price of food and manufactured goods is being progressively lowered and sales steadily increasing. 6. The Lenin Collective Farm is located in the Kirsanov District, Tambov Region. Its total collective property is valued at millions of roubles. 7. The clubhouse of the Lenin Collective Farm is a centre of busy activity — sound films are shown, performances are given and lectures are arranged. 8. Lectures which are delivered by eminent scientists at the Palace of Culture of, the Moscow Automobile Works are always attended by hundreds of workers and engineers. 9. G. Bortkevich, a tur­ner of the Sverdlov Works in Leningrad and a talented young i