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– Andrada is not my friend. She's more of a mentor, a teacher. In the brief time I've spent in Sturfjell, she's taught me a lot.

– But you said Alviss was your mentor.

– Yes, of course, while I lived in the mountains. I escaped there when I was thirteen, and I went to town almost every day to learn wisdom from that old mage… It's a shame he's so adamantly opposed to our journey. The way we treated him, after all he'd done for me…" Evans didn't finish, but he grimaced and squeezed my palm harder.

– Okay. But what about Astrid? – I asked.

– Astrid… There's more to her than gratitude and magic," the healer said, resting his head on the bed. – We met when we were both eighteen. She was hiding in the darkest streets of the city, but I found her and took her into my home. We loved each other. We were lovers…

"I knew it!" – I smiled understandingly.

– … but after two years of relationship I lost romantic feelings for her and she became more like a sister to me than a lover. But she didn't accept my decision and got terribly angry… She destroyed half the artifacts I had in my house…" Evans sighed heavily. – And then she ran away, and I didn't see her until the moment she suddenly appeared before our eyes....

– You're full of surprises, Evans Vallas," I smiled involuntarily. – Now I could see why she'd been so rude to me. She's jealous of you.

– And for nothing. You are madly beautiful and sweet, Sylvia, but I have no romantic feelings for you.

– That's good to hear," I said, relieved. – I think if it were otherwise, this quest would have become unbearable for both of us....

– Hey you, in the cell! – suddenly interrupted us by a loud stern shout, and, turning our heads, we saw a burly jailer jumping up to our glass prison. Beside him, to our great surprise, stood a huge golden-horned lion. – The king has ordered me to bring you to him. No jokes! I'll beat you without warning!

– I think this conversation is over," Evans said with a sigh and rose to his feet. – My brother has deigned to send for us.

– Your brother's tongue is a sting," I said, rising as well.

– Hello, Kungen," Evans said, nodding to the lion. – It's been a long time.

– Hello, Evans Vallas," the lion replied in a beautiful melodic voice. – Honestly, I was hoping I wouldn't see you again.

– Truth be told, I was hoping for that too," Evans smiled.

"It must be the king's familiar! I've seen that lion before! On royal flags!" – I guessed and stared curiously at this magnificent familiar.

– Lead them, Vis," the lion ordered the jailer, and then turned to us again. – Don't try to escape, or I'm afraid I'll have to bite you.

The lion's last sentence made me smile.

What a sweet beast… So concerned about us, his captives!

The jailer opened the glass door without delay, Evans and I stepped out into a wide, clean, bright corridor, and, led by the lion, we walked forward in a chain. Glass chambers surrounded us, and each chamber was occupied by someone: they were men and women, old and young. In some of the cells were imprisoned small, looking like very ugly children with black eyes, creatures I had never seen before. When they saw me looking at them, they smiled broadly and predatorily, exposing many small, sharp teeth.

– Evans! – I whispered in my friend's ear. – Who are those strange creatures?

– Those? – He nodded toward the freaks. – They're Lillédir, small but very harmful and dangerous scoundrels who live in the forests of Emmerlend and prey on lonely travelers. They attack in droves, and all that is left of the poor fellow is a gnawed skeleton. So, Sylvia, never wander the woods alone… Kungen, what have these creatures done to get here? – Evans turned to the lion.

– Oh, these creatures are here for a reason," the lion explained. – They ate the son of one of the high noble courtiers. Yakub has sentenced them to death. Tomorrow at dawn they will be beheaded.

– So your brother is not only the king, but also the chief royal judge? – I asked Evans ironically.

– That's right, and now you will be given a fair royal trial," the lion said.

– It doesn't look like it's going to be a fair trial," I said gloomily, and looked at the lion hopefully. – But the king will not execute us, will he? We have done nothing wrong!

My question went unanswered: Evans, frowning and serious, strode toward the king's court, the lion didn't even nod, and the jailer, clinking his metal armor, must not have been allowed to speak in the presence of the king's familiars.

"Come on, strength! I need you now more than ever!" – I thought and tried to knock the jailer down with telekinesis, but I failed. Then I tried to get into the lion's thoughts, but he suddenly laughed out loud.

– Nice try! You're fast! But your powers won't help you! You're in the palace of the King of Emmerlend! Do you think he hasn't protected himself from criminals like you? Jakub is a great magician, and there is no equal! – laughed the lion. – But thank you, now I see that you are very dangerous and should not be let out. But don't be upset, my master will take care of you… Or maybe he will execute you… Who knows, it all depends on his mood.

Instead of answering, I sarcastically sNorded: ah, it seems that King Jakub is justice itself! Good mood – pardoned, bad mood – executed!

We came to a stone archway covered with emeralds, which immediately lit up with a blue flickering light.

A portal. But where does it lead?

– Follow me," the lion commanded and disappeared into the portal.

But we were not given even a second to think: the jailer roughly pushed Evans and me into the blue glow, and in a moment we were in a huge, bright hall with dozens of high-ceilinged windows with multicolored glass, which made the hall seem incredibly mysterious and even cozy.

"The ring!" – I remembered, and glanced at the emerald Derek had given me: surprisingly, it was calm and unburned. Had it stopped working? Evans and I were in danger!

Then, as I looked around the huge throne room, I noticed that there was no one in it but me, Evans, and the lion. The lion Kungen was seated on a high, golden throne cut with blue veins of some liquid metal. Next to it was a lower throne, but just as magnificent.

Suddenly, my stomach ached as if my stomach had been kicked by a strong man's leg, and I gasped.

– What's wrong? Sylvia, are you sick? – Evans asked, leaning in close to my face.

– Can I… Can I ask you to let me sit down? – Instead of answering my friend, I turned to the lion, barely getting the words out of my mouth.

– She needs a chair! – Evans said firmly. – Come on, Kungen, you're not so cruel that you're going to let her take this pain standing up!

– A chair for my guest! – King Jakub's beautiful velvet voice suddenly filled the hall, a snap of his fingers, and a chair appeared behind me.

Without a word of thanks, I hurriedly sat down, put my palms to my stomach, and closed my eyes. It must have been Lucifer's golden mark that was causing me this pain. Was its creator unhappy that I was away from my spouse? If not, what could it be?

The pain became even worse, and I screamed loudly. I felt as if I had been pierced with a sharp blade, as if my insides had been cut into small pieces. But after a moment, the pain was gone as suddenly as it had come. It was as if it hadn't been there.

– What's wrong with me? – I whispered, amazed at my own condition and behavior.

– Vit said something bad had happened at home. – Nord, my black raven henchman, whom I hadn't seen in a long time, came down on my shoulder. His appearance pleased me, but the raven's words made me wary.

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