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– When were you going to tell me about this? – I asked with a sarcastic frown.

– Frankly, I wanted to take that secret to my grave.

– Ah, that's it! That's just great! You knew perfectly well that both of us were not welcome here, but if I've only been seen in portraits, if at all, you're known by sight! And you didn't even bother to change your appearance or hide your identity! – unable to put out the fire of anger in my chest, I exclaimed.

– I realize that you can hardly trust me now, but I'm asking you to listen-" Evans rose to his feet and tried to take my hand, but I took a step back, not letting him touch me.

– You got it right. How can you trust someone who lies to the face of their queen, their friend, or whatever I am to you? Maybe that's a secret you'll take to your grave, too.

– Are you satisfied? – The healer suddenly asked in a calm tone.

– Satisfied? With what? – I was not expecting such a phrase, I threw.

– Are you satisfied that you told me off like a child?

– Do you think I have no right to tell you off for lying?

– You have every right to, but let's think about getting out of here.

Evans' calmness was both frightening and gratifying. On the one hand, I wanted to believe that he was a good mage, and that his calmness was due to the fact that he had escaped from the dungeon more than once. However, on the other hand, I was uneasy about his despicable act. Was it difficult to tell the truth from the begi

– We'll get to that, but first you have to tell me the truth. I want to know everything and in every detail.

– Whatever you say, my queen. My brother and I haven't really been friends. Not since we were children. My father, the King of Emmerlend, met my mother by chance at a carnival and hid his origins. My mother, on the other hand, was the daughter of the town's common rare animal shopkeeper. So their relationship began, and when she gave birth to me and I was six, my father confessed his secret to her and moved me and my mother to the palace. Need I say that the queen, my father's consort, felt that he had humiliated her and their son by his act. A mistress and her offspring have no place in their family nest, she said…" The mage's face suddenly changed, and now it was full of pain.

– But how? You are children of the same father, the king. Would she dare to defy his will? – I was indignant, not waiting for Evans to speak.

– She wouldn't, no, and that's why we all lived in this very palace while my father was alive," the healer explained hastily. – She didn't have to love us, and what woman would be pleased if her husband found a substitute for her and had children on the side? There were already rumors that the queen was ill, that she could no longer give the king heirs, that she had done something wrong to him and had therefore lost his favor. I understand her. She doesn't deserve to be treated that way. It's just a pity that she was never able to believe that we were also i

– I understand her too… There are thousands of rumors about me too. But, you know, as cruel as it sounds, if Derek had done that, I wouldn't have put up with his cheating and his children with another woman," I admitted honestly. – Of course, Alva and Willa are different; they came along long before I was their father's wife. I can see why the Queen of Emmerlend couldn't find the strength to be kind to you, and I can hardly blame her.

– Your candor does you credit, Sylvia, but I will not enter into a long discussion of morals and principles, I will simply continue my story. Perhaps the fact was that my father never loved his wife, but only pretended to. Their marriage was arranged for the good of the kingdom," Evans answered my barbs calmly and gri

– There's some truth to what you say," I gri

– I'm glad you agree with me. Once we moved into the palace, all the king's attention went to my mother and me. I was his favorite son, my mother his favorite woman, and his old family lost his favor. He loved his eldest son, Jakub, of course, and often played with him in the evenings, but it was not enough for his brother. He wanted more and so he often bullied me. At first I tried to establish relations with him, called him for a walk in the garden, shared sweets and toys with him, but he was disgusted by my actions. He didn't see us as equals. And his mother never missed a chance to put words in our mouths.

– I'm sorry, Evans. I'm sorry for you and your mother. But I'm sorry for the Queen and your brother, too. But why did you hide your origins from me? – I sat down beside him and took his hand. I needed to see his eyes, to know if he was telling the truth or lying again.

– It's in the past. You're my queen, so you're free to ask whatever you want. – He looked at me again, and only now did I notice that the color of his eyes had changed from blue to yellow.

– Your eyes…" I whispered.

– Yeah, it's bad," the healer gri

– We need to get out of here and out of Emmerlend before that happens," I agreed. – But tell me, how did you, a prince, though illegitimate, end up as a physician in my husband's court?

– When my father died, my mother and I had to leave the palace. By that time, my father's consort had died of a rare disease, and a couple months after we were banished from the palace, my mother died of the same disease. The throne went to the rightful heir, and the first thing he did was banish me. My brother always saw me as a threat. He only gave me a few hours to leave the kingdom, or I would be publicly executed. But I loved Emmerlend too much to leave, and hid in the mountains for as long as I could. But my presence there became known to Jakub, and I was forced to flee to preserve my life.

– Does Derek know who you really are? – I asked the question that had been plaguing me.

– Derek Merkswerd is a man of honor, but he's on good terms with my brother, and if he knew who I was, he'd turn me over to him.

– You're so sure of that?

– I'm sure.

– Then the other question is, does anyone in Kaldwind know that you are the brother of the King of Emmerlend?

– Only one soul knows, but she would never betray me," Evans smiled broadly. – It was she who arranged my escape and, without your husband's consent, gave me a place as court physician.

Chapter 9

– Andrada? – I said in surprise, not believing my ears.

– I see you're surprised," Evans said cheerfully and laughed softly. – Besides, it was Andrada who asked me to accompany you on this quest. I mean, you're not the first person to tell me about King Derek's illness.

– And I'm incredibly grateful to her for doing it," I smiled softly. All my grudges against Evans were forgotten. But how many interesting Ц were revealed to me! – But you and Andrada have a close relationship, don't you think? I thought your only friend was Astrid.