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127. An Essay upon Feudal Holdings, Superiorities, and Hereditary Jurisdictions, in Scotland. London, 1747.

128. An Impartial View of the Causes leading this Country to the Neccessity of an Union… Dublin, 1799.

129. A Proper Answer to the By-Stander. London, 1742.

130. Campbell J. A Full and Particular Description of the Highlands of Scotland. London, 1752.

131. Consideration on Militias and Standing Armies. With Some Observations on the Plan of Defence suggested by the Earl of Shelburne, and some Thoughts on the Propriety of Military Exercises on Sunday, and on the Necessity of a Scotch Militia. By a Member of Parliament. London, 1782.

132. Fletcher A. Two discourses concerning the affairs of Scotland, written in the year 1698. Edinburgh, 1698.

133. Mackintosh W. A Short Scheme: Whereby is proposed, by the help of the Military Road, Made by the Honourable Lieutenant-General Wade, And now extended by the Honourable Lieutenant-General Clayton, effectively to stop depredations and Thieft, so frequently committed in, and so destructive to the Northern Counties of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1742.

134. Observations upon a Bill, entitled, An Act for taking away, and abolishing the heritable Jurisdictions in that Part of Great Britain, called Scotland… Edinburgh, 1747.

135. Oldmixon J. Memoirs of North-Britain, taken from authentick writings, as well manuscript as printed. In which it is prov'd, that the Scots nation have always been zealous in the defence of the Protestant religion and liberty. London, 1715.

136. Reasons against a Standing Army. London, 1717.

137. Reasons for Extend the Militia Acts to the Disarmed Counties of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1760.

138. Remarks upon a Letter (Just made Publick) On certain Points of the Last Importance to these Nations. Addressed to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle. In a Letter to the Author of that Pamphlet. London, 1746.

139. Seasonable and Affecting Observations on the Mutiny-Bill, Articles of War and Use and Abuse of a Standing Army. In a Letter from a Member of Parliament to a Noble Lord. London, 1750.

140. Seasonable Considerations on the Present War in Scotland, against the Rebels: In which the Situation of the Highlands are truly describ’d; the Force of their Inhabitants fairly computed; And the Advantages of the King’s Troops, in Point of Discipline and Ma

141. Some Thoughts on the Land Forces, Kept up in this Kingdom. London, 1739.

142. Spenser E. A View of the State of Ireland: written dialogue-wise between Eudoxus and Ireneus, 1596. Dublin, 1833.

143. The Argument against a Standing Army, Discuss’d. By a True Lover of his Country. London, 1698.

144. The Highland Rogue: or, the Memorable Actions of the Celebrated Robert Macgregor, Commonly called Rob Roy. London, 1723.

145. The Question relating to a Scots Militia considered. In a Letter to the Lords and Gentlemen who have concerted the form of a law for that establishment. By a Freeholder. Edinburgh, 1760.

146. Локк Дж. Два трактата о правлении // Локк Дж. Сочинения: В 3 т. / Пер. с англ. и лат. Т. 3 / Ред. и сост., авт. примеч. А.Л. Субботин. М., 1988.

147. Мориц Саксонский. Размышления о военном искусстве // Теория военного искусства / Мориц Саксонский. Военные принципы Наполеона / Уильям Кейрнс. М., 2009.

148. Юм Д. О национальных характерах / Пер. с англ. Е.С. Лагутина // Юм Д. Сочинения: В 2 т. Т. 2. М., 1965.

149. Macdowell A. An Institute of the Laws of Scotland in Civil Rights: With Observations Upon the Agreement or Diversity Between Them and the Laws of England, In Four Books. After the General Method of the Viscount of Stair’s Institutions. Edinburgh, 1751–1753.

150. Angel J. A General History of Ireland in its Ancient and Modern State. On a New and Concise Plan. Vol. I. Dublin, 1781.

151. Bailey N. An Universal Etymological English Dictionary. London, 1736 [1770].

152. Borlase E. The History of the Irish Rebellion. Dublin, 1743.

153. Buchanan W. A Historical and Genealogical Essay upon the Family and surname of Buchanan. To which is added A Brief Enquiry into the Genealogy and present State of ancient Scottish Surnames; and more particularly of the Highland Clans. Glasgow, 1723.

154. Camden W. Brita

155. Defoe D. The History of the Union of Great Britain. Edinburgh, 1709.

156. Curry J. Historical Memoirs of the Irish Rebellion In the Year, 1641. London, 1758.

157. Johnson S. A Dictionary of the English Language. Vols. I–II. London, 1755.

158. Li

159. Macdowell A. An Institute of the Laws of Scotland in Civil Rights: With Observations Upon the Agreement or Diversity Between Them and the Laws of England, In Four Books. After the General Method of the Viscount of Stair’s Institutions. Edinburgh, 1751–1753.

160. Major J. A History of Greater Britain as well England as Scotland compiled from the ancient authorities by John Major, by name indeed a Scot, but by profession a theologian, 1521 / Publications of the Scottish History Society. Vol. X. Edinburgh, 1892.

161. Manley R. The History of the Rebellions in England, Scotland and Ireland… and etc. London, 1691.

162. Patten R. The History of the Rebellion in the Year 1715. With Original Papers and the Characters of the Principal Noblemen and Gentlemen Concern’d in it. The Third Edition. London, 1745.

163. Petty W. An Essay concerning the Multiplication of Mankind: Together with another Essay in Political Arithmetick, concerning the Growth of the City of London: With the Measures, Periods, Causes, and Consequences thereof, 1682 // Tracts; chiefly relating to Ireland. Containing: I. A Treatise of Taxes and Contributions. II. Essays in Political Arithmetic. III. The Political Anatomy of Ireland. By the late Sir William Petty. Dublin, 1769.

164. Petty W. The History of the Survey of Ireland, commonly called the Down Survey, by doctor William Petty, a.d. 1655–6 / Ed. by T.A. Larcom, for The Irish Archaeological Society. Dublin, 1851.

165. Petty W. The Political Anatomy of Ireland. 1672 // Tracts; chiefly relating to Ireland. Containing: I. A Treatise of Taxes and Contributions. II. Essays in Political Arithmetic. III. The Political Anatomy of Ireland. By the late Sir William Petty. Dublin, 1769.

166. Roy W. Military Antiquities of the Romans in North Britain. Edinburgh, 1793.

167. Smith A. An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Vols. I–II. London, 1776.

168. Smith G. An Universal Military Dictionary, A Copious Explanation of the Technical Terms &c. [1779] Ottawa, 1969.

169. Spenser E. A View of the State of Ireland: written dialogue-wise between Eudoxus and Ireneus, 1596. Dublin, 1833.

170. Temple J. The Irish Rebellion: Or, an History of the Begi

171. The History of the Rebellion 1745 and 1746. Edinburgh, 1748.

172. Albania: a Poem, addressed to the Genius of Scotland. Deducated to General Wade, Commander in Chief of his Majesty’s Forces in North Britain. London, 1737.

173. Barker J. A Sermon occasioned by the Victory obtained over the Rebels in Scotland, on the 16th of April, 1746. By His Majesty’s Army under the Command of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. London, 1746.