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82. Murray J. Instructions for Mr. Alexander Macleod, Advocate. Holyrood-House, September 24, 1745 // Home J. Op. cit.

83. News Letters of 1715–1716 / Ed. by A.F. Steuart. London and Edinburgh, 1910.

84. Notes of a Charter by Charles I to James, Lord Carnegy, 1641, constituting him keeper of the Abbey of Aberbrothock; and of an order by Mr John Garden, factor on the Panmure Estates (1746), calling the tenantry of Edzell and Navar to be armed and ready to repel a Highland Raid / By J. Stuart // PSAS. 1874–1876. Vol. 11.

85. Notice of an Original Letter of King James II to Macdonell of Keppoch, after the Battle of Killiecrankie; three letters of General Monck; also some documents relating to Rob Roy Macgregor, and to Simon, Lord Lovat / By J. Alexander Smith // PSAS. 1866–1868. Vol. 7.

86. Papers illustrative of the Political Condition of the Highlands of Scotland, 1689–96. Glasgow, 1845.

87. Queries sent to Mr. Patullo, Muster-Master of the Rebel Army in the Year 1745, with his Answers // Home J. Op. cit.

88. Rev. Murray to the Reverend Colin Campbell, Minister of Ardchattan. Comrie Manse, July 2, 1717 / Communicated by W. Scott // PSAS. 1831. Vol. 3.

89. Stafford J., Attorney, Macclesfield. Letter to Sir — December 2,1745 // The Scottish Historical Review. 1908. Vol. 5.

90. Stanhope J. Letter to General Wade. Barcelona, June 9, 1709 // Chantrey D. George Wade, 1673–1748. Torrs Park; Ilfracombe; Devon, 2009.

91. Steuart J. Letter-Book of Bailie John Steuart of Inverness, 1715–1752 / Ed. by W. Mackay // PSHS. Vol. IX. Edinburgh, 1915.

92. Stuart J. to Mr. Johnstone, Junior. April 11, 1727 // Home J. Op. cit.

93. Stuart J. to one of his Adherents in Scotland. March 11, 1743 // Home J. Op. cit.

94. The Life and Letters of James Wolfe / Ed. by B. Willson. London, 1909.

95. Edwards J. An Account of the Life of the Late Reverend Mr. David Brainerd. Boston, 1749.

96. Ascanius, or the Young Adventurer. London, 1746.

97. Cameron D. «The Gentle Lochiel», XIX Chief of Clan Cameron. Memoire d’un Ecossais. April, 1747 // Archives of the Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres, Paris. MD Angleterre. Vol. 82 // http://www.lochiel.net/archives/arch050.html.

98. Fraser J. Major Fraser’s Manuscript. His Adventures in Scotland and England; his Mission to, and Travels in, France in Search of his Chief; his Services in the Rebellion (and his Quarrels) with Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat. 1696–1737. Vols. I–II / Ed. by A. Fergusson. Edinburgh, 1889.

99. Home J. The History of the Rebellion in the year 1745. London, 1802.

100. Hooke N. The History of Colonel Hooke’s Negotiations in Scotland in Favour of the Pretender; in 1707. Including the Original Letters and Papers between the Scotch and Irish Lords and the Courts of Versailles and St. Germains. With a Translation of Letters, talking a Narrative of the Pretender’s Expedition into Scotland in 1708, and his Return to Dunkirk, transmitted to the French Court by the commanding Officers of the Squadron. London, 1760.

101. Johnstone, Chevalier de. Memoirs of the rebellion in 1745 and 1745. Containing a narrative of the progress of the Rebellion, from its commencement of the Battle of Culloden; the characters of the principal persons engaged in it, and anecdotes respecting them. London, 1821.

102. Lockhart G. Memoirs Concerning the Affairs of Scotland from Queen A

103. Mackay H. General Remarks upon the Scots Wars in the years 1689 and 1690, with the Occasions of the Begi

104. Mackay H. Memoires ecrittes par Monsieur Hugh de Mackay Lieutenant General a fa Majeste Britanique touchant la Derniere Campaigne D’Irelande // Memoirs of the War carried on in Scotland and Ireland. 1689–1690. By Major General Hugh Mackay, Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Forces. With an appendix of original papers. Edinburgh, 1833.

105. Scottish Diaries and Memoirs, 1550–1746 / Ed. by J.G. Fyfe. Stirling, 1928.

106. Sinclair J. Memoirs of the Insurrection in Scotland in 1715. Edinburgh, 1858.

107. Wemyss D. A Short Account of the Affairs of Scotland in the Years 1744,1745,1746. Edinburgh, 1907.

108. Дашкова Е.Р. Небольшое путешествие в Горную Шотландию. 1777 // XVIII век. Сб. 19. СПб., 1995.

109. Buchan, Earl of. Letter to the Secretary, giving an Account of a Tour through Aberdeenshire, in 1789 [Read to the Society, 15th of December 1789, and 12th of January 1790] // PSAS. 1831. Vol. 3.

110. Defoe D. A Journey through Scotland. London, 1723.

111. Defoe D. Tour Through the whole Island of Great Britain / Introductions by G.D.H. Cole and D.C. Brawning: In II Vols. London; New York, 1962.

112. Johnson S. A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. London, 1791.

113. Loch D. Tour in Scotland. 1778 / By A. Mitchell // PSAS. 1897–98. Vol. 32.

114. Osborne T. A Collection of Voyages and Travels of the Most Countries of the World from the curious and valuable Library of the late Earl of Oxford: In II vols. London, 1745.

115. Pe

116. Pococke R. Tours in Scotland 1747, 1750, 1760 / Ed. by D.W. Kemp // Publications of Scottish History Society. 1887. Vol. I.

117. Robertson J. Tour through some of the Western Islands, etc., of Scotland in 1768 / By A. Mitchell // PSAS. 1897–1898. Vol. 32.

118. To the Hebrides. Samuel Johnson’s Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland and James Boswell’s Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. Edinburgh, 2007.

119. Джонсон Ч. История знаменитых морских разбойников XVIII века. М., 2009.

120. Свифт Дж. Первое письмо суконщика // Свифт Дж. Избранное. М., 1987.

121. Смоллет Т. Путешествие Хамфри Клинкера. М., 1983.

122. A Consultation On the Subject of a Standing Army, held at the King’s-Arms Tavern, On the Twenty-eighth Day of February 1763. London, 1763.

123. A Letter to an English Member of Parliament, from a Gentleman in Scotland, concerning The Slavish Dependencies, which a great Part of that Nation is still kept under, by Superiorities, Wards, Reliefs, and other Remains of the Feudal Law, and by Clanships. Containing Very good Hints for reforming the Highlands, and preventing Rebellion for the future. First printed at Edinburgh in 1721. London, 1746.

124. A Letter to a Noble Lord; containing some Remarks on the Nature and Tendency of Two Acts past Last Session of Last Parliament: namely, An Act for vesting in his Majestie the Estates of certain Traytors, and etc. and An Act for taking away and abolishing the Heritable Jurisdictions in that Part of Great Britain, called Scotland, and etc. And for restoring such Jurisdictions to the Crown, and etc. London, 1748.

125. A Memorial concerning the Disorders of the Highlands, especially the Northern Parts thereof, and the Isles of Scotland. With an Account of Some Means by which the same may be redressed and prevented. Edinburgh, 1703.

126. An Ample Disquisition Into the Nature of Regalities, and other Heritable Jurisdictions, In that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, as now under the Consideration of Parliament. Addressed to the Consideration of his Fellow Subjects of Scotland. By an English Gentleman. London, 1747.