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There were also the Pacific Fleet and the Amur Flotilla. The total number of Soviet troops in the Far East was about 1.6 million people, armed with 26,137 guns and mortars, 5,556 tanks and self-propelled guns, and almost 5,000 aircraft. With an overwhelming advantage in manpower and equipment, the Soviet troops were able to break the resistance of the Kwantung Army in the shortest possible time and in just ten days to reach the designated lines on the shores of the Yellow Sea, completing the defeat of the Japanese.

Formation of the armed forces

Initially, from 1942 to 1943, the Japanese command pla

The initiators of using non-Japanese military perso

Valuable qualities of the jungle inhabitants, particularly their ability to survive in the wild and belligerence, found their application in combat operations behind Allied lines. The practice of bounty hunting and collective hunting, as well as torture and the infliction of intra-vital mutilation on the enemy with cold weapons, re-emerged.

Bounty hunting was a common practice of Taiwanese aborigines in almost all tribes: as part of military rites, to intimidate Chinese settlers, medical magic (heads brought to their native village were supposed to protect residents from diseases and epidemics), as a means of resolving a dispute or as an act of blood feud. Also, the number of heads of killed enemies increased the status of their owners in the tribe and simplified marriage.

The hill tribes believed that the absence of a head prevented the soul from returning to the body or being reborn. The ritual depersonalization of an enemy, dead or alive, with the severance of limbs, castration and blinding, also did not allow the enemy to be reborn and take revenge in a new incarnation. Blood was considered to be the life force of man, the ceremonial shedding of blood on the ground weakened the enemy's soul.

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