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Xin Tse-yun perished, but the offensive was repulsed.The grenade thrower Li Fusheng can deservedly be called the "Hero of the Island's Defence".

This young soldier, a former peasant, became a tank-eliminating specialist. With several grenades suspended on him, he fearlessly rushed towards the Japanese tank and threw a bundle of grenades under its tracks.

During the last Japanese offensive in the southern part of the island, Li Fusheng was wounded six times. The front command awarded the brave grenade thrower and promoted him to Junior Commander.

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After wi

After the communists came to power in 1949, patriotic films about the struggle of the Chinese guerrillas in the Japanese-occupied territories flooded the screens of China. And of course, this struggle was led by the communist revolutionaries.

In reality, the Communist Party had been gradually penetrating the regions where there was no military force and order. Japanese troops were stationed unevenly and only partially controlled the territory they had conquered from the Kuomintang. These areas became ideal environments for the expanding communist movement. The US assisted the government in military matters, though cooperation was complicated by mutual mistrust and disputes between Chiang Kai-shek and the American general Joseph Stilwell. After wi

After the communists came to power in 1949, patriotic films about the struggle of the Chinese guerrillas in the Japanese-occupied territories flooded the screens of China. And of course, this struggle was led by the communist revolutionaries.

In reality, the Communist Party had been gradually penetrating the regions where there was no military force and order. Japanese troops were stationed unevenly and only partially controlled the territory they had conquered from the Kuomintang.

These areas became ideal environments for the expanding communist movement.

The US assisted the government in military matters, though cooperation was complicated by mutual mistrust and disputes between Chiang Kai-shek and the American general Joseph Stilwell.

At the begi

This is evidenced by the only offensive undertaken by the communists being the Battle of One Hundred Regiments in 1940 led by General Peng Dehuai. Mao criticized Peng for revealing the military strength of the Communist Party. During the "Cultural Revolution" (1966-1976), Peng fell victim to the purge of Mao recalling the General's "betrayal." The issue of the USSR's entry into the war with Japan was significant, and its discussion became the reason for the Soviet side to put forward demands to which the allies were forced to agree. Among them was the expansion of Soviet influence in China and the transfer of the southern part of Sakhalin and all the Kuril Islands. It ca

For example, American ships which were supposed to bring landing troops to the cities of Dalian and Lushun (founded by Russian sailors in the 19th century Dalny and Port Arthur) arrived there after the Soviet landing party had already completely broken the Japanese defences.

The Soviets had their plans for the war with Japan and most importantly, there was an understanding of how to defeat the Kwantung Army with the least losses. First of all, it was necessary to supply the troops of the Trans-Baikal Front with the latest military equipment and weapons, which was achieved by sending part of new tanks, guns and aircraft from the Urals to the east.

Their flow gradually increased as the date for the start of hostilities approached.

When the fighting in Europe ended, a colossal grouping of Soviet troops including 36 rifle, artillery and anti-aircraft artillery divisions, 53 brigades, 5 air divisions, 3 air defence corps and a bomber aviation corps with vast combat experience was then transferred to the Far East in the shortest possible time.

As a result, by August 8, 1945, eleven combined arms, one tank and three air armies were concentrated as part of the Transbaikal and the 1st and 2nd Far Eastern fronts, numbering: 80 rifle divisions, four tank and mechanized corps, six rifle and 40 tank and mechanized brigades.