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“I wonder how he owns such a beautiful cock.” I thought with interest. And, judging by the fact that Alex's dignity was upheld from the start, Edward warned him about a possible ‘under the table’ surprise.

Exactly, Edward! I closed my eyes. I decided. With the other hand, I unbuttoned his pants and started stroking my boss. I took a member in a ring of softly clenched fingers and moved them up and down. Then I started to run his head between two fingers with slight tension, so that Edward felt resistance. I played with the bridle with my thumb…

I was sitting under the table, there was a conference and I masturbated both men at the same time. I rhythmically slid my hands along their trunks, and what was happening in a strange way touched me. I couldn't tell if I liked doing it, but it was definitely something interesting.

For a long time I stroked Edward’s and Alex’s limbs, trying to prolong the foreplay further. But the more I looked at Alex's cock, the more I liked it. Obeying a sudden impulse, I closed my lips on him…

At the same time, I didn't stop stroking Edward's penis with my hand. I sucked on the head and, opening my mouth, slowly plunged Alex's cock into my mouth. When I got to the middle, I stopped, put my tongue around inside my mouth and swallowed to the end. And the reflex didn't even work.

“Wow honey, you're gaining momentum.” I thought of my abilities.

“The actual results are such that… ah… cough-cough.” Alex, at that moment making his speech, could not resist and, groaning, immediately coughed. No one seemed to notice his awkward attempt to hide his pleasure, except Edward.

“Yes, by the way, Alex Igorevich, sorry to interrupt, but let me express my opinion on this matter.” My boss decided to save the situation and intervened in the speech.

I smiled. Although Edward was a tough nut to crack, Alex seemed to be a begi

I was definitely starting to enjoy this activity and closed my eyes with pleasure. After a while, my nose buried itself in Alex's stomach, his penis was so deep in me… By that time, I had already forgotten about Edward's penis.

“Alex Igorevich, are you feeling bad?” A man's voice came from somewhere at the back of the table.

“N-no-no…” squeezed poor Alex.

“He just didn't get enough sleep, no wonder, that trip!” Edward snapped sharply. There was a note of disgust in his tone. But what was he dissatisfied with? “And yet, dear colleagues, let's solve the problem again…”

At this moment, Alex was brought to the top of enjoying my efforts and I felt him begin to throb. A healthy load of cum erupted down my throat and I nearly choked. Apparently Alex hadn't had sex for a long time. His legs began to move…

I thought everyone heard this sound, but they had the tact not to disturb Alex. Finally, his legs relaxed and I heard his clear sigh of relief above me.

“Now it's Edward's turn. But I'll punish him… I won't swallow his dick.” I decided vindictively and, first zipping Alex's jeans, switched my hands to my boss's dick. As much as I wanted to put it in my mouth, I had to endure it and satisfy it with just my hand. Deserved!

The conference continued as usual, but I masturbated Edward in a monotonous way, without much zeal to please him. I knew he would punish me for this, but I was naughty anyway.

Finally the meeting was coming to an end. I sat in a comfortable position and stretched out my arms, they were very tired. My throat hurt a little after pleasuring Alex, but not as much as the last time with Edward. His penis remained standing and I did not let go…

I heard they all left. But Alex didn't leave and I realized that he was staying. I felt a kind of thrill because it seemed like I was going to get to know him.

Unexpected acquaintance

Edward looked under the table. His face was more eloquent than any words! His expression was extremely furious. It seemed my boss wasn't happy with my little engagement…

“Are you coming out? Hurry.” He hissed, and I, with a wicked smile, complied with his demand. In front of me appeared a face unknown to me: Alex's face. And then I felt ashamed, remembering what I DID with his penis…

He was quite a handsome boy, tall, thin, brown-haired with green eyes, who also had a bit of shyness. He was clearly five years younger than Edward… But of course Edward was even more handsome.

“So, are you Elvira?” Alex said.

I nodded silently.

“Edward told me a lot about you.” He continued.

And suddenly he cursed:

“Damn, that was the best blowjob of my life!”

“Really?” Edward's voice sounded like steel. The coldness in it, perhaps, could have frozen everything around him.

“Is he jealous?” I was surprised, but in response I said something completely different:

“Oh yeah. I was glad to do it. I really liked it…”

Alex chuckled and looked at me with an appraising look. It was clear that he was waiting for a sequel.

Edward was silent. But he knew what was behind it. I felt my feminine power over him and realized that I could easily control his emotions. A little more, and I would catch him on my hook, and he would leave his fucking wife!

A vulgar idea immediately occurred to me. I was nervous after having two members in front of me, but an immense gulf divided the lack of previous experiences and my acceptance for new and unusual impressions.

Silently, I unzipped the side of my skirt and it slid silently to the floor. The crisp white blouse followed, revealing my cream-colored lace underwear, which cost me half my salary. I knew perfectly well that the translucent bra favorably lifted my breasts, making them larger, and the panties fit me well, opening my butt.

I mentally praised myself for hitting the gym quite often over the past year, and kicked my fallen clothes aside. Alex whistled approvingly, Edward just looked at me with eyes, dark with emotion. What he was thinking at the time was impossible to guess, and I didn't want to.

I walked over to Alex, deliberately ignoring Edward. I realized I was playing a dangerous game and walking the edge of the blade, but I decided to take a chance… I licked the surprised Alex on the lips, as if making fun of him. He took the strap off my bra…

“Stop.” Edward said in an imperious tone.

“Is that all? I just started.” I thought in a

“Elvira, you are acting bad to me. I just asked you to please us both under the table during the conference. As a result, only Alex had pleasure, for a reason that is not clear to me.” Edward looked expressively at his colleague. “And on top of that, you put on this show. Do you think this is reasonable?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Why not? After all, when will I see Alex again? You don't care, do you?” I turned to the brown haired man. He shook his head with a leering smile.

“Well… She asked for it. Alex, you know what to do. Plan B.” Edward nodded to his colleague, then went to the door and locked it. Then they both began to undress. Both the one and the other with imperturbable faces unbuttoned their shirts, which whispered silently to the floor. Then they began to remove their pants.

“Sit down on your knees.” Alex asked.

I worriedly thought: “Wow! I think I'm in trouble!”

Now, right in front of me, two impressive male cocks were swinging: Edward's big cock, my favorite boss, and Alex's beautiful cock, his colleague from another city. They were both beautiful, and my stomach turned unbearably tormented…

Edward took his tie and started to blindfold me with it. He surprised me, but I decided not to resist. Who knew where this would lead?