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I froze. An unusual request from my boss. And the unusual use of the shower in practice. I had never done this, although I heard some single girls relaxed this way. This form of virtual sex would also be unusual. Well, let's try…

Following the instructions, I carefully placed the smartphone on the shelf in front of my face. I immediately received a video call, which I accepted immediately.

“Elvira, welcome.” Came from my phone's speaker, and Edward's face flashed on the screen. “Can you hear us?”

“I'm listening well.” I replied, realizing the strangeness of the situation. “Where are you?”

“Does not matter. What matters is what we do now. Are you ready?”

I nodded. He aimed the camera at his cock, capturing Alex's cock in the frame. They began to masturbate.

Sighing, I adjusted the jet and directed it towards my clit.

Fun business trip

The pressure of the hot water instantly made my stomach go limp and had an exciting effect on me. My body was covered in goosebumps and I felt the muscles begin to relax. I looked at the members of Edward and Alex and felt like I was being electrocuted.

I bit my lower lip. A pleasant spasm went through my body and the blows brought my legs together. I closed my eyes, unable to resist the desire, and let myself run on the waves of pleasure. My thighs sagged forward, tense, and I groaned as I sank to the bottom of the shower. I was already in another world, somewhere at the peak of bliss…

The orgasm shook my body like a hurricane. After that, I sat there for five minutes with an empty head, listening to the sound of the water and the moans of the men who also finished.

“Are you alive?” Alex asked, looking anxiously at the camera.

“Yes.” I said weakly. “Thank you. I'm quite well.”

“Please.” He laughed. “I barely convinced Edward to call you. I still can't forget your blowjob. Thank you!”

“Alex, are you still in town a long time?” I asked.

“ Unfortunately not. I am leaving in the morning…”

“That’s all.” Edward interrupted our conversation. Obviously he didn't like the fact that Alex and I paid attention to each other. “I think it's time to finish. Elvira, have a nice weekend and see you at work.”

The video call was interrupted.

The weekend flew by in an instant. I tried not to think about the strange sexual experience I had the other day and enjoyed the present. I had long understood that there was no point in making a plan on how to get Edward out of the family, because in any case he would not be faithful to me, judging by his addictions to sex. It didn't suit me, but it seemed like I was willing to put up with it. And the concept of fidelity began to change a little in my head…

At work, I just nodded to Edward and immersed myself in my work. I already knew that I shouldn't bother him, he himself would propose some kind of occupation. Of a sexual nature, of course.

Sofia walked into the office before lunch and headed over to Edward's office. I looked at her in disgust, noticing that her belly was growing. After a while, Edward and Sofia got out holding hands, laughing at something between them, and headed towards the exit, probably for lunch.

Every time I saw Edward so happy with his wife, I wondered: “how can he behave so calmly? He himself admits that she betrayed him! What the hell? Maybe then, these clever words of his about freedom in relationships aren't worth a pe

“I'll never understand how he treats his wife.” I shook my head.

At the end of the work day, I was almost ready to leave when Edward approached me.

“Elvira.” He nodded. Before that, we hadn't talked all day and I was starting to get used to such selective communication. “Are you ready for a business trip with me?”

“How?” I raised my eyebrows. Another surprise from my boss?

“I have to go to St. Petersburg at the end of this week. For a work meeting. So… I decided to take you with me.”

Edward's message that he was taking me on a business trip with him took me by surprise. The fact was that my position did not involve business trips to other cities at all, and therefore I did not understand two things: how was Edward going to get this through and why did he need me there?

To my question, he replied briefly:

“I need you under the table again. Don't worry, I will tell the rest that you are participating with me in the discussion of the project.”

That was all. And that was Edward. Brevity and dryness were everything.

Although, to be honest, I was worried about the very idea of the trip. I hadn't traveled to the city on the Neva in a long time, and the very thought of going there with Edward excited me. What awaited me? Would he let me do something else with him besides the perversion under the table? I didn't complain, but the insistence on giving him pleasure under the table during some important meeting bored me. The same, always! How long did I have to suck his arrogant cock under the table?

But I noticed something else… Edward's gaze seemed to have changed after that joint sex with Alex. I remembered his jealousy and rejoiced in silence! Did this mean that I wasn't indifferent to my boss after all? Could I count on something else with him?

Day X was imperceptibly approaching. Edward called me to his office.

“Elvira, we're leaving tomorrow. Tickets are ready, so is the hotel. Any questions for me?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “How long will the business trip last?”

“Five days. Now come closer to me…”

I obeyed. His voice sounded so velvety, so sexy that my breath began to choke in anticipation of what might happen next.

“Good girl.”

Edward, looking into my eyes, put his hand on my chest. I was in tight jeans, and through the fabric I felt the touch of his fingers. They began to move rhythmically.

I opened my mouth to tell him that someone might notice us and immediately closed it. In the end, this never stopped Edward, and how miraculously lucky I was: none of my colleagues caught him giving an obscene lesson with me. Perhaps…

Meanwhile, his thumb found the place where my clit was and pressed hard. I gasped softly and bit my lip. Heat began to spread through my body…

Edward, seeing the languid expression on my face, stopped the painful caress and withdrew his hand from it. The feeling of fullness started to leave me as if reluctantly. At my pleading eyes, he laughed:

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