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He took my hand and lifted me up. Without looking at me, he gestured for me to roll onto my stomach. I obeyed. He raised my hands to the bars of the bed. I couldn't turn my head to see what he was doing, but I felt him tie my hands to the bed… with his tie, it seemed!

I was surprised and shocked. It might be interesting, but I hadn't been tied down before and the lack of freedom of movement made me a little nervous.

Edward, meanwhile, tied my hands completely, took off my panties, brought me to my knees and spread them as far as he could. A blush flooded my face at the mere idea of what kind of view was opening up for Edward then. He suddenly opened my mouth and put a kind of cloth in me as a gag. I mumbled in disgust.

“It's so you don't scream. Your panties.” He explained quietly. Realizing that I had my own wet panties in my mouth, I started to flow with great force in an unexpected way. Edward inserted his fingers into me to check my moisture content and grunted in satisfaction…

The abrupt entrance into my vagina from behind made me serious. Apparently Edward loved doing it strongly, and his rough and even aggressive movements washed away the remnants of my spirit.

He pushed his cock into me very, very deep. It was hard for me to breathe, but then it got worse. Edward grabbed me by the neck with his strong hand. My eyes began to darken, but his movements kept me from losing my mind. And I was on the verge of fainting and becoming unconscious, tormented by a lot of unusual sensations. I felt sore, very uncomfortable from the lack of air…

It seemed to me that I was out of reality. I didn't know how long it was before Edward's cock suddenly moved up to my ass. When I felt him begin to press against me there, I immediately tensed.

He realized I wasn't ready yet and started to stimulate my clit with his thumb. This is what it took to relax, and I put my attention to it. Pleasure began to fill me, and when Edward tried to enter me again, he succeeded. I, although without enthusiasm, let him enter me, in my secret place, where I swore not to let anyone enter.

The feeling of fullness there covered me up to my head, and I even started to like this unusual feeling a bit. Edward sped up and I completely dissolved into his movements, immobilized and silent…

Finally he finished and untied me. It took me a while to rub my stiff wrists.

“How did it feel?” Edward asked. “You liked it?”

I chose my words carefully. Like it? I don't think these words fit my impression…

“Let's say… unusual.” I said.

It was more like the truth. In time, perhaps, I would learn to enjoy it, but at that point, I had to please Edward.

He nodded in satisfaction.

“For starters, it will do. Tell me, Elvira, what do you know about sex without limits? Maybe you know something that fits this description?”

I looked into his seductive eyes and was once again struck by the fact that such a handsome man was lying next to me. My boss!

“Um… BDSM?” I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

“Too general.” Edward said. “Can you be more specific?”

“A book on this subject has recently become famous.” I began, but he interrupted me:

“About BDSM or what? Elvira, don't disappoint me!”

“What's wrong with this literature?” I asked, perplexed. Then sighed.

“You see, when I read it, I realized that BDSM is described there too narrowly, superficially and softly. In reality, it is much more versatile and resistant. And I'm not a pervert or sadist, I don't have a Red Room. I have my own quirks that you… will find hard to accept. And possibly, you will even regret having accepted this adventure. But everything has its moment.”

I nodded thoughtfully. Then he giggled…

“I can't believe you've read books about BDSM!”

“What is the problem?” I asked. “I am very interested in this topic.”

The conversation was no longer uncomfortable for me, and I listened with interest to the nuances of sex that I did not know before. About fears, complexes, rigidity, mistrust in relationships, about the differences between men and women with sex.

It turned out that we women had many psychological barriers that prevented many from achieving the long-awaited orgasm.

Edward was undoubtedly a smart talker. In the end, our conversation turned into his monologue, and I just listened to him, enjoying the moment.

Imperceptibly to myself, I began to fall asleep under his velvety voice…

In the morning, I abruptly opened my eyes, trying to understand if I was dreaming about everything that happened at night. No, I did not dream, to my joy, I was still in the room. I turned my head to the side and saw that the next bed was empty. Also, judging by the absence of pleats in the bedding, Edward didn't sleep with me. I frowned.

Apparently, he decided not to wake me up and just left me in the room, heading towards his house. His wife. Thinking about this, I was immediately struck by a twinge of jealousy. It started to flow through my veins and significantly ruined my mood…

It would seem that I should have experienced at least a drop of guilt. After all, Edward cheated on his own wife with me (even though she was already ahead of him), and it still bothered me that he was going back to her. But the outrage in me was boiling over: “This is wrong! He must be mine! The wife does not deserve someone like him!”

I got an SMS on the phone. I opened it immediately. This was Edward's morning message.

“Good morning. Breakfast at the hotel is paid. Come back to work in the afternoon. I know you're not sick ;)”

The winking emoticon at the end of the message made me smile at least a little. After breakfast, I went home to change for work.

I wondered if something would change in our working relationship with Edward. Would he behave differently with me? Would colleagues notice anything? How soon would the next sex happen?

Unanswered questions filled my head completely.

I finally made it to the office. Many colleagues were happy to see me. Many, but not my own boss…

He, noticing me, simply approached with an indifferent look, nodded briefly and said:

“Welcome back, Elvira. Get to work, you have many pending tasks.”

Angry, I sat down at my workplace. Every now and then I would shoot him interested looks, but Edward ignored me, as if I wasn't there at all.

“What happened?” I wondered. “What could have changed in such a short time? Is he really not interested in me? We… won't we be together anymore?”

I felt hurt. As soon as I finally found happiness and was given hope of a full relationship with the man of my dreams, everything was taken from me. I deserved it.

As I thought about this sadly, it turned out that Edward was calling me.

“Elvira! Elvira, can you hear me?”

I finally woke up and was very embarrassed. How long did he call me?

“Finally.” Edward muttered, and I had to strain my ear to hear him. “Come to my office.”

I obeyed.

He asked me to close the door.

I obeyed.

The moment the door cut us off from the rest of the world, he quickly approached me and buried his lips on mine. I, without expecting such pressure, almost suffocated while he took me with a kiss. His strong hands wrinkled my chest, then went down under my skirt…

“Damn.” Edward breathed on my lips. “So, you are in stockings?”

He suddenly sat me on the dresser.

“Edward, the door is not closed.” I whispered unconsciously, looking at the exit with some anxiety, there was such a good size gap. If someone passed by, they would see us…

“Let me.” He growled back, and I gave myself to him completely!

Several hasty movements, and he was already inside me, hammering inside me, he wanted me… his thrusts stirred my blood, and the office dresser rocked from side to side thanks to our efforts. I was very excited to realize that we could be seen, and I bit my fingers to keep from screaming…