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29 Ibid. P. 124.

30 Ibidem.

31 Political Poems and Songs Relating to English History / Ed. by T. Wright. Vol. 1. L., 1859. P. 57.

32 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part IV. L., 1933. P. 113.

33 Ibid. Part II. L., 1931. P. 77.

34 Ibid. Part IV. L., 1933. P. 143-145.

35 Fowler K. Henry of Grosmont, First Duke of Lancaster, 1310—1361/ Thesis for the degree of Ph. D. Leeds, 1961. Appendix A No 1.

36 Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1354—58. L., 1909. P. 264.

37 Archives Municipales de Bordeaux. Vol V / Public avec H. Barckhausen. Bordeaux, 1890. P. 439.

38 Murimuth A. Continuatio Chronicarum; Avesbury R. De Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Edwardi Tertii. L., 1889. P. 334-437.

39 Baker G. Chronicon Galfridi Le Baker de Swynebroke. Oxford, 1889. P. 131.

40 Murimuth A. Continuatio Chronicarum; Avesbury R. De Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Edwardi Tertii. L., 1889. P. 440.

41 Baker G. Chronicon Galfridi Le Baker de Swynebroke. Oxford, 1889. P. 132.

42 Murimuth A. Continuatio Chronicarum; Avesbury R. De Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Edwardi Tertii. L., 1889. P. 441-442, 444.

43 Hewitt H.J. The Black Prince’s Expedition of 1355—57. Manchester, 1958. P. 69, 76.

44 Murimuth A. Continuatio Chronicarum; Avesbury R. De Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Edwardi Tertii. L., 1889. P. 442, 445.

45 Lehoux F. Jean de France, due de Berri. Sa vie. Son action politique (1340—1416). Paris, 1966. Tome 1. P. 47.

46 Murimuth A. Continuatio Chronicarum; Avesbury R. De Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Edwardi Tertii. L., 1889. P. 457.

47 Ibid. P. 446-448.

48 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part III. L., 1932. P. 223-224.

49 Ibid. P. 224.

50 Ibidem.

51 Memorials of London and London Life / Ed. by H. T. Riley. L., 1868. P. 285-286.

52 Ibid. P. 286-287.

53 Ibid. P. 287.

54 Ibidem.

55 Froissart J. Chroniques de J. Froissart / Par S. Luce. Tome V. Paris, 1874. P. 26.

56 Cronica di Matteo Villani. Tomo II. Firenze, 1846. P. 14.

57 Hewitt H.J. The Black Prince Expedition of 1355—1357. Manchester, 1958. P. 114.

58 Sumption J. The Hundred Years War. Vol. II. University of Pe

59 Memorials of London and London Life / Ed. by H. T. Riley. L., 1868. P. 288.

60 Chronique des quatre premiers Valois (1327—1393). Paris, 1862. P.51.

61 Secousse D. -F Recueil de pieces servant de preuves aux Memoires sur les troubles excites en France par Charles II, dit le Mauvais. Paris, 1755. P. 661.

62 Cronica di Giova

62 Rectisd’un Bourgeois de Valencie

63 Froissart J. Chroniques de J. Froissart / Par S. Luce. Tome V. Paris, 1874. P. 63.

64 Bibliothfeque de l’Ecole des Chartes. Tome 12. 1851. P. 263.

65 Barber R. Edward Prince of Wales and Aquitaine. Woodbridge, 1996. P. 147.

66 Chronicle of London, from 1089 to 1483. L, 1827. P. 205-06.

67 Ibidem.

68 Foedera, Conventiones, Literae, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica (etc). / Comp. T. Rymer. Vol III, Pars I. L., 1825. P. 341.

69 Ibid. P. 333.

70 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part IV. L., 1933. P. 204-205.

71 Le Prince Noir. Роèmе du Heraut d’Armes Chandos. / Ed. par Francisque-Michel. London&Paris, 1883. P. 100.

72 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part IV. L., 1933. P. 323-324.

73 Ibidem.

74 Ibid. P. 350.

75 Ibid. P. 357.

76 Ibid. P. 73.

77 Barber R. Edward Prince of Wales and Aquitaine. Woodbridge, 1996. P. 159.

78 Chronique des quatre premiers Valois (1327—1393). Paris, 1862. P. 105-06.

79 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part IV. L., 1933. P. 377.

80 Gray T. Scalacronica of Sir Thomas Gray. Glasgow, 1907. P. 150.

81 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part IV. L., 1933. P. 346.

82 Lescot R. Chronique de Richard Lescot, religieux de Saint-Denis (1328—1344). Paris, 1896. P. 144.

83 Gray T. Scalacronica of Sir Thomas Gray. Glasgow, 1907. P. 157.

84 Le Prince Noir. Poème du Heraut d’Armes Chandos. / Ed. par Francisque-Michel. London&Paris, 1883. P. 102.

85 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part IV. L., 1933. P. 364.

1 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part IV. L., 1933. P. 427.

2 Chronica Joha

3 Foedera, Conventiones, Literae, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica (etc). / Comp. T. Rymer. Vol III, Pars II. L., 1830. P. 668.

4 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part IV. L., 1933. P. 467.

5 Ibid. Part III. L., 1932. P. 454.

6 The Book of the knight of La Tour-Landry / Ed. by T. Wright. L., 1868. P. 30, 209.

7 Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1364—67. L., 1912. P. 180.

8 The Anonimalle Chronicle 1333 to 1381 / Ed. by V.H. Galbraith. Manchester, 1970. P. 56.

9 Archives Historiques de Departement de la Gironde. Tome 6. Paris& Bordeaux, 1864. P. 370.

10 Ibid. Tome 4, Paris&Bordeaux, 1863. P. 111-112.

11 Ibid. Tome 6, Paris&Bordeaux, 1864. P. 370-371.

12 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part II. L., 1931. P. 211.

13 Froissart J. Chroniques de J. Froissart. Tome VI. Paris, 1876. P. 202.

14 Le Prince Noir. Poème du Heraut d’Armes Chandos. / fid. par Francisque-Michel. London&Paris, 1883. P. 128-129.

15 Ibid. P. 155-156.

16 Political Poems and Songs Relating to English History / Ed. by T. Wright. Vol. I. L., 1859. P. 105.

17 DelachenalR. Historie de Charles V. Tome III. Paris, 1916. P. 544.

18 Political Poems and Songs Relating to English History / Ed. by T. Wright. Vol. I. L., 1859. P. 112.

19 Delachenal R. Historie de Charles V. Tome III. Paris, 1916. P. 555—556; López de Ayala P Cronicas de los Reyes de Castilla. Tomo I. Madrid, 1875. P. 555.

20 Ibid. P. 556.

21 Prince A. E. A Letter of Edward the Black Prince Describing the Battle of Ndjera in 1367 // English Historical Review. Vol. 41 (1926). P. 415-417.

22 Lopez de Ayala P. Cronicas de los Reyes de Castilla. Tomo I. Madrid, 1875. P. 559.

23 Ibid. P. 563.

24 Delachenal R. Historic de Charles V. Tome III. Paris, 1916. P. 557-558.

25 Archives Municipales de Bordeaux. Vol I / Publie avec H. Barckhausen. Bordeaux, 1867. P. 172-177.

26 Barber R. Edward Prince of Wales and Aquitaine. Woodbridge, 1996. P. 211-212.

27 Political Poems and Songs Relating to English History / Ed. by T. Wright. Vol. I. L., 1859. P. 97.