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7 Calendar of the Close Rolls, 1333—37. L., 1898. P. 523.

8 Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1334—38. L., 1895. P. 247.

9 Calendar of the Close Rolls, 1337—39. L., 1900. P. 67.

10 Чосер Дж. Кентерберийские рассказы / Пер. с англ. И. Кашкина и О. Румера. М., 1988.

11 Calendar of the Close Rolls, 1333—37. L., 1898. P. 599.

12 Foedera, Conventiones, Literae, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica (etc). / Comp. T. Rymer / Vol II, Pars II. L., 1821. P. 813.

13 Ibid. P. 1049.

14 Ibid. P. 1051.

15 Public Record Office SC 1/54/29; Barber R. Edward Prince of Wales and Aquitaine. Woodbridge, 1996. PP. 29-30.

16 Murimuth A. Continuatio Chronicarum; Avesbury R. De Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Edward i Tertii. L., 1889. P. 304-307.

17 The Brut or Chronicles of England / Ed. F.W.D. Brie. Vol. Г. L., 1906. P. 293-94.

18 Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1338—40. L., 1898. P. 510.

19 Foedera, Conventiones, Literae, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica (etc). / Comp. T. Rymer / Vol II, Pars II. L., 1821. P. 1125.

20 Nicolas N. H. Royal Navy, from the Earliest Times to the Wars of the French Revolution. Vol. II. L., 1847. P. 61-62, 501-502.

21 Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1340—43. L., 1900. P. 174.

22 Ibid. P. 459.

23 Murimuth A. Continuatio Chronicarum; Avesbury R. De Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Edwardi Tertii. L., 1889. P. 340-344.

24 Foedera, Conventiones, Literae, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica (etc). / Comp. T. Rymer / Vol III, Pars 1. L., 1825. P. 32.

25 Ibid. P. 35.

26 Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1345—48. L., 1903. P. 357.

27 Register of Edward the Black Prince, Part IV. L., 1933. P. 69-70.

28 Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1345-48. L., 1903. P. 131.

29 Green D. The Household and Military Retinue of Edward the Black Prince. Nottingham, 1998. P. 70.

30 Foedera, Conventiones, Literae, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica (etc). / Comp. T. Rymer / Vol III, Pars I. L., 1825. P. 90.

31 Murimuth A. Continuatio Chronicarum; Avesbury R. De Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Edwardi Tertii. L., 1889. P. 200-201.

32 Ibid. P. 203-204.

33 Ibid. P. 215.

34 Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1345—48. L., 1903. P. 308-309.

35 Register of Edward the Black Prince, Part I. L., 1930. P. 13-14.

36 Eulogium (Historiarum sive Temporis): Chronicon Ab Orbe Condito Usque Ad A

37 Chronica Monasterii De Melsa / Ed. by E.A. Bond. Vol. III. L. 1868. P. 57.

38 Chronique de Jean Le Bel. Vol. II. Paris, 1905. P. 97.

39 Cronicadi Giova

40 Chronique de Jean Le Bel. Vol. II. Paris, 1905. P. 106.

41 Cronica di Giova

42 Froissart J. Chroniques de J. Froissart / Par S. Luce. Tome III. Paris, 1872. P. 183.

43 Arderne J. Treatises of Fistula in Ano, Haemorrhoids and Clysters. / Ed. by D’Arcy Power. L., 1910. P. XXVII.

44 Wy

45 Eulogium (Historiarum sive Temporis): Chronicon Ab Orbe Condito Usque Ad A

46 Wrottesley G. Crecy and Calais. From the Public Records. L., 1898. P. 184-185.

47 Register of Edward the Black Prince, Part I. L., 1930. P. 14.

48 Register of Edward the Black Prince, Part I. L., 1930. P. 40.

49 Accounts of the Chamberlains and Other Officers of the County of Checter. 1301—1360/ Ed. by R. Stewart-Brown // The Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. 59. Manchester, 1910. P. 126.

50 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part E L., 1930. P. 45.

51 Murimuth A. Continuatio Chronicarum; Avesbury R. De Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Edwardi Tertii. L., 1889. P. 369, 371-372.

52 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part I. L., 1930. P. 51.

53 Ibid. P. 49-50.

54 Ibid. P. 50.

55 Ibid. P. 83.

56 Ibid. P. 33.

57 Murimuth A. Continuatio Chronicarum; Avesbury R. De Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Edwardi Tertii. L., 1889. P. 386-387.

58 Chronique de Jean Le Bel. Vol. II. Paris, 1905. P. 113.

59 Knighton H. Chronicon Henrici Knighton, Vel Cnitthon, Monachi Leycestrensis / Ed. by J. Lumby. Vol. II. L., 1895. P. 48.

62 Cronicadi Giova

61 Rectis d’un Bourgeois de Valencie

62 Cronica di Giova

1 Calendar of the Close Rolls, 1346—49. L., 1905. P. 473.

2 Ibid. P. 566.

3 Register of Edward the Black Prince, Part IV. L., 1933. P. 38.

4 Ibid. P. 76.

5 The Agrarian History of England and Wales / Ed. by E. Miller. Vol. Ill, 1348—1500. Cambridge, 1991. P. 526.

6 Chronica Joha

7 Chronica Monasterii De Melsa / Ed. by E.A. Bond. Vol. III. L., 1868. P. 69.

8 Knighton H. Chronicon Henrici Knighton, Vel Cnitthon, Monachi Leycestrensis / Ed. by J. Lumby. Vol. II. L., 1895. P. 57-58.

9 Ashmole E. The Institution, Laws & Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. L., 1672. Appendix I.

10 Ibidem.

11 Baker G. Chronicon Galfridi Le Baker de Swynebroke. Oxford, 1889. P. 108-109.

12 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part IV. L., 1933. P. 72.

13 Belvaleti M. Tractatus ordinis serenissimi domini regis Anglie vulgariter dicti la Gerretiere. Cologne, 1631. P. 7.

14 Vergil Polidore. Polydori Vergilii Vrbinatis Anglicae Historiae Libri Vigintiseptem. Basel, 1570. P. 378.

15 Chronique de Jean Le Bel. Vol. II. Paris, 1905. P. 293-94.

16 Froissart J. Chroniques de J. Froissart / Par S. Luce. Tome II. Paris, 1870. P. 135.

17 Owen A. Le Trаité de Walter de Bibbesworth sur la Langue FranQaise. Gen6ve, 1977. P. 58.

18 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part II. L., 1931. P. 8.

19 Ibid. P. 18.

20 Baker G. Chronicon Galfridi Le Baker de Swynebroke. Oxford, 1889. P. 107.

21 Minot L. The Poems / Ed. by J. Hall. Oxford, 1914. P. 33.

22 Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1350—54. L., 1907. P. 51.

23 Ibid. P. 235.

24 Register of Edward the Black Prince, Part IV. L., 1933. P. 146.

25 Ibid. Part II. L., 1931. P. 9-10.

26 Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1350—54. L., 1907. P. 81.

27 Register of Edward the Black Prince. Part IV. L., 1933. P. 10.

28 Ibid. P. 164.