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Fig. 1.8.6 Eight of Disks. Historical monuments with a long history. Pyramids, Stonehenge, the Vatican, etc.84


Fig. 1.8.7 Eight of Disks – stability, resilience, a formation of Matter and Finance. A reliable bank with a centuries-old history.85


Fig. 1.8.8 Eight of Disks – stability, reliability, a formation, a mechanism of Matter and Finance. A safe deposit box, a bank vault.86


The defining feature of Eight of Disks is that it's a kind of stable material (or financial) formation of simpler elements in/over time. As a general rule, it can be taken apart into simpler elements, and then reassembled.


Nine of Disks


Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery.


"Nines", according to the Kabbalah, are the last, final step before the Ten (transformation, transition to a new level). This moment determines the meaning of the "Nine".

"Nines" are completeness, perfection, mastery, a certain ideal (for your level or class).

Accordingly, the Nine of Disks is completeness, perfection in Material or Financial matters.


Fig 1.9.1 Nine of Disks – completeness, perfection of Matter. A beautiful sculpture, a house, a monument. Matter brought to "perfection" – beauty.87


Fig. 1.9.2 Nine of Disks. Drinks, liquids, solutions of the highest quality. Matter brought to "perfection" – perfect taste, quality. Collectible wines, spirits, the purest water.88


Fig. 1.9.3 Nine of Disks. Burning without smoke and soot – that is, ideal, "perfect" burning. For example, the flame of an alcohol burner


, a gas stove. Or, for example, hydrogen burning – the result is water vapor, without harmful byproducts. A laser, a plasma cutter


as perfect tools.



Fig 1.9.4 Nine of Disks – perfection of Matter. Clean air (for humans). "Beautiful" fragrances, aromas, perfumes.92


Fig 1.9.5 Nine of Disks – perfection of Matter. "Beautiful", perfect, streamlined metallic goods. A race car, an airplane.93


Fig. 1.9.6 Nine of Disks. A modern coin, a banknote. In essence, these represent the pi


Fig 1.9.9 Nine of Disks – completeness, perfection of Matter and Finance. Precious stones and metals brought to perfection – "Premium" class jewels. Jewelry made by a talented craftsman. These are not just financial assets, but works of art and craftsmanship.95


Figure 1.9.8 Nine of Disks – completeness, perfection of Matter and Finance. "Perfect", chemically pure, precious metals. 999 gold, platinum, palladium, silver. Simultaneously both Matter and Finance.96


The defining feature of the Nine of Disks – perfection in Material or Financial matters.


Ten of Disks


After the first bottle of vodka, every shop teacher discovers they've got a gift for singing.

After the second bottle, they unveil in themselves a wise politician of global scale.

After the third, a still unknown philosopher for all times and places.

And only the inevitable morning hangover mercifully saves the Universe from being overpopulated by geniuses.


"Tens", according to Kabbalah, are transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state.

Thus, the Ten of Disks is a transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state of Matter or Finance.

For example, chemical reactions, phase transitions in Matter. The conversion of currencies or bank assets in Finance.


Figure 1.10.1 Ten of Disks – transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state of Matter. The hardening of concrete, mounting foam. The manufacture of building materials. 97


If a useful quality is attained from the transformation, then this is an "upright" Ten of Disks.

If a useful quality is lost, then this is a "reversed" Ten of Disks.


Figure 1.10.2 Ten of Disks. Chemical reactions in liquids, devices. A kitchen, processing food with special liquids and seasonings. Sauces, wine, spices, salt, sugar, etc. Pickling, marinading, making sauces.98


Figure 1.10.3 Ten of Disks. A kitchen, heating and cooking food. Boiling, frying, baking, smoking, steaming, roasting and aerogrilling.99


Fig. 1.10.4 "Upright" Ten of Disks – for example, smelting steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals. Obtaining glass from quartz sand. Blacksmithing works. Transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state of Matter.100


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