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I saw the angel in a piece of marble and carved until I set him free.

(Michelangelo Buonarotti)


"Sevens", according to the Kabbalah, represent harmony, harmonization, a geometrically "correct" form, cutting off or eliminating everything superfluous or excessive.

Thus, the Seven of Disks is harmony, harmonization, a geometrically "correct" form, cutting off or eliminating everything superfluous or excessive in Matter or Finance.

For example, it may symbolize a tea strainer or some form of economy.


Fig. 1.7.1 Seven of Disks – this is harmony, a geometrically "correct" form, elimination of all superfluous Matter. Any man-made objects with a geometrically correct form. Bricks, tiles, beams, pipes, corners, etc.71


Fig. 1.7.2 Seven of Disks. A washbasin. A shower. A toilet. Plumbing. Rain water drainage systems. Garbage disposals. Elimination of dirt and waste products.72


Fig. 1.7.3 Seven of Disks – elimination of all superfluous Matter. A blowtorch. A CNC flame cutting machine. Accordingly, welding is a "reversed" Seven of Disks – the addition of "extra" Matter.73


Fig. 1.7.4 Seven of Disks. Cranes, valves, pressure regulators, shut-off valves. Cutting off "excess" gas or liquid flow.74


Fig. 1.7.5 Seven of Disks – cutting off all excess Matter. Laser cutting.75


Fig. 1.7.6 Seven of Disks. A protective suit – "cuts off" harmful "excess" air, temperature, acid. Any pragmatic utilitarian clothing.76


Figure 1.7.7 Seven of Disks – harmony, harmonization, elimination of everything u


Fig. 1.7.8 Seven of Disks – harmony, harmonization, a geometrically "correct" form, a cutting away of everything excessive in Matter and Finance. A diamond. That is, a natural diamond, which has been given a geometrically "correct" form by eliminating everything excessive. All natural precious stones after being processed, cut, and polished. Processed gemstones are at once both objects of Matter and Finance.78


The defining feature of the Seven of Disks is that everything excessive from Matter (or Finance) has been eliminated or cut away, thereby achieving harmony.


Eight of Disks


Decorating one's aquarium in "Titanic" style is the latest rage among "new Russians". So, these three guys get together and start bragging, who's got the coolest aquarium. The first one takes everyone to his place and shows them a huge wall-sized aquarium, with all sorts of strange fish, and rusty spoons, cups and other junk lying on the bottom.

– I bought this at an auction in London. All this stuff was taken straight from the Titanic!

And the second guy says:

– That's nothing! Let's go to my place!

He's got this giant glass bowl, nearly the size of his house, with all sorts of fish swimming inside, and wreckage of the Titanic sticking out of the mud at the bottom.

– This is an exact copy, I ordered it from James Cameron!

And the third guy says:

– Dudes, don't make me laugh. All this is crap. Let's go to my place and take a look at what I bought!

They go to his mansion and are blown away by the following display: there's a pool, no fish but with floating icebergs, and Leonardo DiCaprio frozen at the bottom…


"Eights", according to the Kabbalah, are form + form.

In other words, a conglomerate of forms – a composite form.

An artificial conglomerate of forms is called a formation. A formation usually consists of geometrically "correct" forms.

From the limited point of view of a mortal human being, artificial formations are usually perceived as something stable, solid, and unchanging. But this, in fact, is not the case, it's just that human perception doesn't notice the changes, or regards them as insignificant.

Thus, the Eight of Disks is a kind of stability and resilience, a formation or mechanism, in Matter or Finance.

For example, it may symbolize a house or a Swiss bank.

Fig. 1.8.1 Eight of Disks – stability, resilience, a solid Material formation. An old castle. Ancient mountains.79


Fig. 1.8.2 Eight of Disks. A mixture of "simple" liquids is a cocktail. A "mix" of buildings – an old port city. The "eternal" Ocean, the sea.80


Fig. 1.8.3 Eight of Disks – a formation of Matter. A fireplace. An oven. A hearth.81


Fig. 1.8.4 Eight of Disks – stability, resilience, a formation of Matter. An old mill in the Netherlands. A windmill.82


Fig. 1.8.5 Eight of Disks – stability, constancy of Matter. The "eternal" sun overhead. The moon, which is "always" in the sky. The "eternal" sky.83


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