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Regret, remorse, guilt, shame are, first and foremost, a "reversed", "negative" numerical value. And only after that does the actual cause of the psychic transformation (that is, the Ten) follow.


Fig. 2.7.9 Reversed Ten of Cups. Regret, remorse, guilt. A paralyzed psyche.217


Eight of Cups


– Way to go, Masha! I'm really impressed! Now, that's loyalty! Married four times, but you've still got the same lover!


"Eights", according to the Kabbalah, are form + form, stability, constancy.

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Thus, the Eight of Cups represents something stable, resilient, and constant, a formation of emotions, feelings, and memories.

It may symbolize stable feelings, emotions, memories. Such as, for instance: confidence, equanimity, loyalty, tranquility.

In the sphere of memories and remembering, the Eight of Cups may be a stable, enduring memory. Such as, for instance, your ability to recall your own name and place of residence.


Fig. 2.8.1 Eight of Cups – stability, reliability, constancy. Fidelity in marriage. An elderly married couple.218


Fig. 2.8.2 Eight of Cups – stable and reliable feelings. Confidence, composure, resolve.219


Fig. 2.8.3 Eight of Cups – stability, resilience, constancy of feelings. Joie de vivre, faith in the future.220


Fig. 2.8.4 Eight of Cups – stability, reliability, constancy of feelings. Confidence. Self-confidence.221


Fig. 2.8.5 Eight of Cups – stability, reliability, a formation of emotions and feelings. Confidence. Equanimity.222


Fig. 2.8.6 Eight of Cups – stability, resilience of emotions and feelings. Confidence in your own strength. Composure.223


Fig. 2.8.7 Eight of Cups – stability, reliability, constancy of emotions and feelings. The dog has faith in its master and waits patiently.224


Fig. 2.8.8 Eight of Cups – stability, resilience, constancy, a formation of emotions, feelings, memories. Meditation. Yoga.225


The distinguishing feature of the Eight of Cups is stability of feelings, emotions, and memories. Obviously, in a positive sense.


One of the most striking examples of the Eight of Cups is the story of the Japanese dog named Hachikō. Please note that the dog's name is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the number "8".226


Nine of Cups


A female nymphomaniac comes to the police:

– Some problems? Registering a complaint?

– You see, the thing is… I really enjoy having sex. The ecstasy is absolutely indescribable. The passionate rapture that comes over me during sex just drives me out of my mind. A raging hurricane of bliss goes off inside me like a bomb, transforming into a wild orgasm. And then time comes to a standstill, I forget myself, and just go berserk until I'm hoarse…

I have up to 10 orgasms a night.

– Hmmm…That's really something! Well, probably you need to see a doctor. So, why did you come to the police?

– You see, the thing is – my neighbors want to kill me.


"Nines", according to the Kabbalah, are the last, final step before the Ten (transformation, transition to a new level). This moment determines the meaning of the "Nine".

Accordingly, "Nines" are completeness, perfection, mastery, a certain ideal (for your level or class).

Cups (Hearts) are emotions, feelings, memories.

The Nine of Cups, therefore, is completeness, perfection of feelings, emotions, memories.

For example, any positive feeling or emotion manifested to an extreme: delight, ecstasy, rapture, adoration, etc.

Fig. 2.9.1 Nine of Cups – perfection of feelings, emotions, memories. Absolute happiness.227


Fig. 2.9.2 Nine of Cups – perfection of feelings, emotions, memories. Feeling so high, you could fly.228


Fig. 2.9.3 Nine of Cups – completeness, perfection of feelings, emotions. At one with Nirvana. Religious ecstasy.229


Fig. 2.9.4 Nine of Cups – completeness, perfection of feelings, emotions, memories. Delight. "Bursting with joy."230


Fig. 2.9.5 Nine of Cups – completeness, perfection of feelings, emotions, memories. "Soaring with happiness". "Jumping with delight".231


Fig. 2.9.6 Nine of Cups – completeness, perfection of feelings, emotions, memories. "To die of happiness." It's sooooooo great being a cat! What a life!



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