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For example, it may symbolize opera as the interaction of a musical system (the orchestra) and a theatrical system (the singers) on an emotional level.


Fig. 2.6.1 Six of Cups – a system of mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. The feelings of the actors, musicians, and audiences caught up in one unified, interanimating whole.200


Fig. 2.6.2 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. The circulation and flow of emotions based on a system. A canonized dance in front of an audience.201


Fig. 2.6.3 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. A rock concert as the circulation of emotions and passions between the audience and the musicians according to a system.202


Fig. 2.6.4 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. A concert.203


Fig. 2.6.5 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. A disco.204


Fig. 2.6.6 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. A sports arena. An arena.205


Fig. 2.6.7 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. A stadium.206


Fig. 2.6.8 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. Theater. Opera. A stage.207


Seven of Cups


From a sad confession of yet another Anonymous Maniacs Association gathering:

– … And when the third clip was empty, I suddenly decided to become nice.

Because I finally realized, to my great horror: there aren't enough bullets for everyone!


"Sevens", according to the Kabbalah, represent harmony, harmonization, eliminating everything that's u

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Accordingly, the Seven of Cups is the harmonization of feelings, getting rid of "u

For example, it may symbolize a confession, repentance, a psychotherapy session, a heart-to-heart chat with a friend, a shower (as a cleansing of negative physical states).


Figure 2.7.1 Seven of Cups – emotional harmony, getting rid of "u


Fig. 2.7.2 Seven of Cups – emotional harmony, getting rid of negative feelings, emotions, memories. The blessing of a Shaivist209.210


Fig. 2.7.3 Seven of Cups – getting rid of "u


Fig. 2.7.4 Seven of Cups – harmony of feelings, the cleansing of negative feelings, emotions, memories. A shower. A good mood means washing away a bad one!212


Fig. 2.7.5 Seven of Cups – harmony of feelings, getting rid of "u


Fig. 2.7.6 Seven of Cups – getting rid of negative feelings, emotions, memories. Self-observation, radical introspection, self-irony.214


Figure 2.7.7 Seven of Cups – getting rid of "u


Fig. 2.7.8 Seven of Cups – getting rid of negative feelings, emotions, memories. Shiva as a paradigm of the process of purifying the psyche. The owl as a symbol of radical introspection.216


The defining feature of the Seven of Cups – getting rid of "u


The Seven of Cups (getting rid of "wrong" emotions) is closely related to a reversed Ten of Cups (regret, remorse, "negative" transformation of feelings). Often, in fact, they are mutually interco

But these are different cards. Both in terms of sign as well as numerical value. To distinguish between them, you should always look at the sign of the card.


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Shaivism – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Shaivism according to legends, the blessing of a true Shaivist frees from sins and cleanses Karma. The degree of purification depends on the personal strength and good will of the Sadhu. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadhu


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