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– Yes, Your Majesty.

– You'll come with us tomorrow morning.

– As you command, Your Majesty, – A

– You'll have to ride, are you ready for that, ma'am? – Arthur cut in, giving her a mocking look with his gray eyes.

– I think I can manage, my lord, since I came here on horseback, too.

Edward chuckled. All three of them were a head taller than the Countess, and they were too close.

– Like I said, it'll take us about four hours to get over the rocks, – Arthur reminded him. – But this road is dangerous. The local stones absorb all the magic. As a result, we will have to rely only on weapons. And, in case of what… I suggest we go around this place.

The young king grimaced:

– We leave in the morning on a straight road.

He looked at the Countess, who was listening intently to Arthur.

– You had something to say, my lady? – The question was mocking.

– If you please, Your Majesty.

The answer was a slight nod and a piercing look from his black eyes.

– I agree with Lord Kern, the trip is very dangerous indeed.

– But you will be under our protection, Countess, or do you doubt that we can keep you out of harm's way? – Edward's tone was sarcastic.


– Not at all.

– That's good, – the king said again. – There is a ball tonight, and you are invited, my lady.

– Thank you, Your Majesty. I don't like social amusements. Can't this be avoided?

– That's not possible, – The young monarch's voice was steely again.

– All right, I'll carry out your order, – A

– The servants will bring you a ball gown.

– You are very kind to me, Your Majesty, I do not deserve such attention. And please don't worry, I'll find a party dress.

– Well, I won't force you to accept gifts, ma'am. You can go now.

Bowing, A

As soon as the door closed behind her, Robin looked at Edward questioningly.

– No enchantment, – he drawled, – a little gift for healing, that's all. She came in her true form.

– How can that be? – Arthur asked in surprise.

– I don't know, – the blond youth shook his head, looking around at the raging tropical greenery, so similar in color to his eyes. – In all the history of healing I've studied, I've never seen anything like it.

– There's no doubt that it's really her, – Robin said grimly. – Have you seen the War minister's puppy-dog delight?

– Yes, I couldn't believe my eyes, I thought it was an illusion, – Arthur chuckled.

– If she managed to do this to him, what does she do to the others? – Edward asked a rhetorical question.

– We'll check it out, – the Raven King said with a bad smile.


– Who?

– A

The girl turned the lever and threw herself into the arms of the gray-haired old man.

– Careful, you'll strangle me, – he said jokingly, wrapping his weak arms around her.

– How are you? – A

– I've been better, – Gered grunted, looking around. – I see you've been assigned the most luxurious apartment? This was once a prison cell.

–Да, старые друзья не дремлют, – засмеялась графиня и сняла плащ.

– Don't worry, I'll spend the night in the stables. They have an order there. And here you can catch a cold. She looked into his eyes searchingly.

A few hours left, – he said, lowering his gaze. – I'm glad I got to see you.

– I've given my whole life to this crypt. Served-served and did not deserve anything, even the only granddaughter could not protect.

– Your great-grandson was born after she was dishonored? – The Countess's question sounded sad.

– Yes. My bright boy knows neither mother nor father. He is very ill, and I think he will soon follow me.

– I saw a fair-haired page at the gate, suffering from consumption, is that him?

– Yes. The healers tried to cure him, but the effect was only temporary.

– His mother's suffering was not lost on him. I'll take care of him. Don't think about dying. It is not true that your life has been in vain. Thanks to you, an inconspicuous and desperately brave clerk, this state still exists and millions of lives have been saved, including mine. Ged's face brightened, and he was able to straighten up and look triumphantly at A

– Take it, – he said, holding out the scroll. – You know what to do with it. I leave without saying goodbye.

The huge ballroom, lit by torches and candles made of white wax, was full of bright dresses of the ladies. Everyone was talking in low voices, but even that made the room hum unbearably. Dressed in a black suit with silver embroidery, the young king stood at the large window, looking out at the cold drifts. The background of white snow behind the glass accentuated his graceful silhouette and dark skin. Red-haired Arthur, who was as handsome as his king, came to the window. The music began to play pleasantly, and the couples swirled around the room.

– The celebration is in full swing, and our guest is not here. She dared to disobey orders? – Robin asked.

His friend snorted contemptuously and suddenly stared at the front door.

The king followed his gaze and saw a female figure in a low-key green dress, not very frank, but emphasizing all the advantages of the figure. And there really was something to admire. A

– Who is this young beauty?

All the sounds merged into an unintelligible noise, when suddenly, almost nearby, a startled cry flew by:

– The Piranha rose!

The head of the Falcon clan looked around, trying to find the speaker, but couldn't.

Meanwhile, A

– What kind of jewelry are these?

– Black pine.

– A tree? – someone chuckled.

– It is several times more expensive than precious stones.

Lady Rain ignored the whispers and acted as if she were far away.

– Countess, – Edward suddenly appeared in front of her.

– My Lord, – the girl curtsied deeply.

– You don't like the holiday?

– I've already told you that I don't like such social events. This is no different from the others.

The Lord chuckled.

– And you won't even dance with me?

– I can definitely refuse you that, – A

Edward couldn't hide his surprise.

– In that case, I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am.

Lady Rain responded with a slight bow.

Robin and Arthur were still standing at the window, watching the Falcon approach.

–Why didn't you ask the Countess of the Rhine to dance? – The Duke of Kern asked ironically.

– She said «no».

– What?! You?!

– It looks like she's not going to dance at all, – the Falcon said, watching the other man walk away from A

– This is something interesting, – Robin said thoughtfully.

Meanwhile, the Duke of Lanber came up to A

– The Minister? – Arthur asked. – Who's that brat next to him?"

– That's his son, – Edward said, eyeing the slender, blue-eyed blond man.

– Look, she went to dance with him, – the Bear continued.