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– It seems so, – whispered the pale Falcon.

– And this is a new map of the three future states, Your Majesty, – Lord Murd continued. – I have a suggestion on how to stop the traitors.

The young king's face took on an earthy hue.

– Tell me.

– This area needs to be hit with a magic strike. They don't have a shield-maker, so they won't be able to deflect it. The desert will be a desert again, as it should be. Ratmir of Oden will have nothing to offer the allies, they will refuse him and we will have one less enemy.

– Your Majesty, you promised to give me your word, – the Minister of War's voice rang with tension.

– Yes, – The king looked dead tired.

– All these statements of Mr. Murd are not supported by a single fact. These are just words, and the words are false!

– Your statements are also just words, – Raven's voice was still on the same note.

The Duke of Lanberg suddenly clutched at his heart. The Falcon quickly ran up to him, laying him down on the floor of the tent and giving him magical energy. The healer made sure that the life of the still unconscious man was not in danger, nodded to the soldiers, and they carried him away. Murd, still half-bowing, waited for an answer.

Robin stood up, looked at the map again for some reason, and said:

– Adenia will not strike at its own provinces. You are dismissed, my lord.

– You're making a mistake, Your Majesty, – Murd said, barely able to contain his anger. – Let me tell you that you are still too young and do not realize the situation…

– Get out.

Murd tried to say something else, but he met the gaze of the Bear Clan chief, the evil gleam in his eyes didn't bode well. So he had to quickly retreat.

– Did you believe him? – The Falcon asked the king.

– It doesn't matter. If the army has already moved out, then only women and children are left there. Will you order me to wipe them off the face of the earth?

– Yes, and the game will be even more fun than I thought, – said Arthur.

– The lord of Arenia has become Lady Raine's chosen one, – Raven said bitterly.

The young men looked away.

Three days later, the division stationed in the valley was put on alert. The enemy was operating strictly according to the plan that Robin knew, thanks to the Adenian magical intelligence. The troops of the neighboring countries had to break through the defense in this most convenient place for them – in the Cold Valley. And all of Adenia was waiting for the magical blow that the shield-maker was supposed to protect them from.

Raven watched the approaching enemy cavalry.

– We're going according to plan, – Arthur said to someone behind him. – The flank attack should only be launched on my orders.

The distance between the soldiers was closing.

– The slaughter is about to begin, – the Falcon said heavily.

Robin took hold of the hilt of his sword to give the command to attack. But Arthur suddenly stopped him. The king saw horror and despair on the faces of the young men. On the hills of the valley, numerous cavalry appeared on both sides.

– These are the warriors of Oden, – the Falcon said in a strangled voice.

– Sound the all-round defense! – Raven shouted sharply.

Realizing that they were surrounded on all sides, and there was nowhere to retreat, the Adenian soldiers rushed around. There were shouts of panic in the crowd, which even the officers could not stop. Arthur and the Falcon were already preparing to use magic to calm the soldiers. Suddenly, the Duke of Lanberg gave an exclamation of delight from behind:

– Look, they're flying the Aden flags!!! The Union has come to our aid!

The Aden army broke into a chorus of "Hurrah!" followed immediately by a loud, high-pitched, long-drawn-out shout from above. Robin looked back in surprise.

– They're dragons! – Edward shouted enthusiastically.

The beautiful creatures flew low over the ground, proudly spreading their wings. Several dozen dragons flew over the heads of the Aden, showering them with a strong current of air. The advancing enemy cavalry had not even covered half the intended distance when they were stopped by a wall of fire spewed by the winged individuals. Panic and confusion gripped the ranks of the attackers, and almost all the riders turned back. Robin heard a bugle call from the hills and knew that the allies were waiting for his orders. He turned to look at Arthur, who understood him with a half-glance.

– Chase the enemies to the border. Take the commanders prisoner.

His order was already being repeated by the buglers. Robin remembered A

– Are you ready to sign our agreement? Or would you prefer to go to the best prison in Aden, Your Majesty? – he asked.

The rebellious monarch looked up from his study of the papers and gri

– I sign this contract, sealed with a magical seal in the name of my monarch, – the general of the Piran army said, and signed the paper that was issued, which was immediately taken from him.

The Arenian, without uttering a word, waved his pen on the paper and stamped it with his ring. The clerk hurriedly picked up the document and put it in the box, which immediately a

– Duke Ratmir of Oden, Count Luchezar of Rhone, and Count Buslay of Rhone request an audience.

– Let them come in, – Robin ordered immediately.

The curtain lifted and revealed the young men, whose appearance attracted the eyes of all those present. The three of them placed their right hands on their chests and bowed to Robin the First, who returned their greeting with alacrity. Arthur and Edward, as well as their king, were looking at the guests carefully and appraisingly. In front of them was a platinum-blond man with gray-green eyes that now gleamed like steel, and a little further away were young men with long golden hair and blue eyes. The faces of all three had a downright girlish freshness, but this impression was deceptive. Carefully examining the figures of those who entered, Arthur realized that they all had remarkable physical strength, and this was especially true of the first young man, who was Ratmir of Oden.

«The same power comes from a breeding young bull that grew up in the wild», – the Bear thought for some reason.

Rathmir had not yet used the chair offered to him when he heard the King of Arenia's hoarse laughter and voice.

– A baby Piranha rose. And you've grown up, little wolf.

The outwardly imperturbable Odensky and the Counts of Rhone shuddered, but did not say a word. Their reaction was not lost on the defeated monarch.

– It's hard to call them women. Only vicious she-wolves can protect their pups like Black Lightning and Piranha Rose. Filthy witches with pretty faces. Robin felt a red haze over his eyes, and suddenly he heard Rathmir's deep, distant voice.

– It's your mouth and your guts that are rotten.

– How rude, why are you so, and I could have been your dad.