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Alphabetized Character List

Ambor, Shield Layrak, Union of Arcana Army—[HG] assistant surgeon, Charlie Company, First Battalion, First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

Anzeti, Djoser—[HG] a director of the Sharonian Portal Authority board, representing the Arpathian Septentrion.

Arthag, Petty-Captain Hulmok, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] acting platooncaptain, CO, Second Platoon, Argent Company, Ninety-Second Independent Cavalry Battalion. Formall promoted to platoon-captain in HHNF

Balithar, Sathee—[HG] Princess Andrin's personal maid from childhood.

Banchu, Olvyr—[HG, HHNF] the Trans-Temporal Express' chief construction engineer.

Bantha, Petty-Armsman Grethar, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG] Company-Captain Halifu's senior Flicker.

Baskay, Charazan—[HG] Platoon-Captain chan Baskay's sixteen-year-old sister.

Baulwan, Petty-Captain Shansair, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF a Voice assigned to Company-Captain Halifu at Fort Shaylar.

Berhala, Commander of Twenty-Five Tahlos, Union of Arcana Air Force—[HHNF] a pilot attached to the 3012th Strike; pilot of red battle dragon Skyfire.

Bolsh, Tarlin—[HG] international news division chief, Sharonian Universal News Network.

Borkaz, Trooper Emiyet, Union of Arcana Army—[HG] First Squad, Charlie Company, First Battalion, First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

Breasal, Ordras—[HG] a director of the Sharonian Portal Authority Board, representing the Kingdom of Isseth.

Bright Wind—[HG, HHNF] Hulmok Arthag's prized Palomino stallion.

Busar, Emperor Chava IX—[HG, HHNF] Emperor of Uromathia.

Calirath, Her Imperial Grand Highness Anbessa—[HG, HHNF] the youngest of Zindel chan Calirath's daughters.

Calirath, Her Imperial Grand Highness Andrin—[HG, HHNF] the eldest of Zindel chan Calirath's three daughters, next in the imperial line of succession after her brother, Crown Prince Janaki.

Calirath, Her Imperial Grand Highness Razial—[HG, HHNF] the second eldest of Zindel chan Calirath's daughters.

Calirath, Her Imperial Majesty Varena—[HG, HHNF] Empress Consort of Ternathia; Zindel chan Calirath's wife.

Carthos, Commander of One Thousand Tayrgal, Union of Arcana Army—[HG, HHNF] Two Thousand Harshu's senior ground commander.

Chan Barsak, Junior-Armsman Paras, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] a noncommissioned officer assigned to Fort Salby.

Chan Baskay, Platoon-Captain Dorzon, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] Viscount Simrath; a Ternathian cavalry officer assigned to Balkar chan Tesh.

Chan Braikal, Chief-Armsman Lorash, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] Prince Janaki's senior noncom, Third Platoon, Copper Company, Second Battalion, 117th Imperial Ternathian Marines, assigned to duty with the PAAF.

Chan Calirath, Platoon-Captain Crown Prince Janaki,, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] the eldest child and heir of Emperor Zindel chan Calirath of Ternathia. CO, Third Platoon, Copper Company, Second Battalion, 117th Imperial Ternathian Marines, assigned to duty with the PAAF.

Chan Calirath, His Imperial Majesty Zindel—[HG, HHNF] Zindel XXIV, Duke of Ternathia, Grand Duke of Farnalian, Warlord of the West, Protector of the Peace, Wing-Crowned, and, by the gods' grace, Emperor of Ternathia.

Chan Darma, Petty-Captain Kaliya, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] the Voice assigned to Fort Salby.

Chan Dersal, Platoon-Captain Parai, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] the senior of the two Ternathian Imperial Marine platoons assigned to Balkar chan Tesh.

Chan Eris, Foram—[HHNF] a retired Ternathian Army officer serving as Olvyr Banchu's second-incommand in Karys.

Chan Forcal, Chief-Armsman Wesiar, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] a Distance Viewer assigned to Fort Salby.

Chan Garath, Master-Armsman Tesan, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] senior noncommissioned officer, Fort Salby.

Chan Geraith, Division-Captain Arlos, Imperial Ternathian Army—[HG, HHNF] CO, Third Dragoon Division, Fifth Corps.

Chan Gordahl, Brahndys—[HG] one of Princess Andrin's personal guardsmen.

Chan Gristhane, Captain-of-the-Army Thalyar, Imperial Ternathian Army—[HG] senior uniformed officer of the Ternathian Army and Ternathian Defense Councilor.

Chan Habikon, Ulthar—[HG, HHNF] one of Princess Andrin's personal guardsmen.

Chan Hagrahyl, Ghartoun—[HG] crew chief for the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first contacts the Arcanans.

Chan Harthu, Platoon-Captain Gerail, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG] the junior of the two Ternathian Imperial Marine platoon COs assigned to Balkar chan Tesh.

Chan Hathas, Chief-Armsman Rayl, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] Hulmok Arthag's senior noncommissioned officer.

Chan Himidi, Fanthi—[HG] a Ternathian military veteran assigned to the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first contacts the Arcanans.

Chan Isail, Regiment-Captain Merkan, Imperial Ternathian Army—[HHNF] Division-Captain chan Geraith's chief of staff.

Chan Jassian, Division-Captain Ustace, Imperial Ternathian Army—[HG] CO Twenty-First Infantry Division, Fifth Corps.

Chan Kormai, Master-Armsman Frai, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] Balkar chan Tesh's senior noncommissioned officer.

Chan Korthal, Company-Captain Lisar, Imperial Ternathian Army—[HHNF] Division-Captain chan Geraith's staff Voice.

Chan Lyrosk, Petty-Captain Waird, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] a Voice assigned to Fort Brithik.

Chan Manthau, Division-Captain Yarkowan, Imperial Ternathian Army—[HG] CO, Ninth Infantry Division, Fifth Corps.

Chan Milhenai, Under-Armsman Sirda, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] a Ternathian soldier assigned to Fort Shaylar.

Chan Morak, Platoon-Captain Harek, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] Company-Captain Nalkhar's assistant engineer at Fort Salby.

Chan Morthain, Master-Captain Farsal, Imperial Ternathian Navy—[HG] the CO of Emperor Zindel's escorting cruisers for the voyage to Tajvana.

Chan Noth, Platoon-Captain Tarkel, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] a platoon commander assigned to Fort Salby.

Chan Quay, Brigade-Captain Renyl, Imperial Ternathian Army—[HHNF] CO, First Brigade, Third Dragoon Division, Imperial Ternathian Army.

Chan Rakail, Josam, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG] the Talented Voice assigned to Fort Tharkoma in the universe of Salym.

Chan Robarik, Company-Captain Feryal, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] CO, Fort Brithik.

Chan Rodair, Petty-Captain Esalk, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG] the senior Talented Healer at Fort Brithik.

Chan Rowlan, Corps Captain Fairlain, Imperial Ternathian Army—[HG] CO, Fifth Corps.

Chan Sairath, Senior-Armsman Quelovak, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG] Platoon-Captain chan Talmarha's senior noncom.

Chan Salgmun, Falsan—[HG] a member of the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first contacts the Arcanans.

Chan Skrithik, Regiment-Captain Rof, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] CO, Fort Salby, in the universe of Traisum.

Chan Synarch, Junior-Armsman Tairsal, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] Balkar chan Tesh's senior Talented Flicker.

Chan Talmarha, Platoon-Captain Morek, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] CO of the mortar company assigned to Balkar chan Tesh.

Chan Tergis, Senior-Armsman Folsar, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] the Voice assigned to Fort Ghartoun.

Chan Tesh, Company-Captain Balkar, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] CO Copper Company, First Battalion, Ninth Cavalry Regiment.

Chan Therson, Chief-Armsman Dunyar, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG] Company-Captain Halifu's senior noncommissioned officer.

Chan Treskin, Chief-Armsman Virak, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] the Flicker assigned to Dorzon chan Baskay's negotiating team.

Chan Turkan, Under-Armsman Lyntail, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF] a soldier assigned to the Fort Ghartoun garrison.

Chan Yaran, Under-Armsman Rokal, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] Third Platoon, Copper Company, Second Battalion, 117th Imperial Ternathian Marines. Promoted to pettyarmsman in HHNF.

Chan Zindico, Lazima—[HG, HHNF] Princess Andrin's senior personal guardsman.

Charaeil—[HG] Emperor Zindel's peregrine falcon.

Chusal, Train Master Yakhan—[HG] the senior train master of the Trans-Temporal Express.

Cloudtiger—[HHNF] a red battle dragon; pilot, Commander of Twenty-Five Lairys Urkora.

Company-Captain Golvar Silkash, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF] senior surgeon, Fort Ghartoun.

Crown Prince Danith Fyysel—[HG] heir to the throne of Shurkhal.

Darshu, Lord of Horse Jukan, Uromathian Imperial Cavalry—[HG, HHNF] Sunlord Markan, senior officer of the Uromathian cavalry detachment sent to reinforce Fort Salby.

Dastiri, Uthik—[HG, HHNF] a member of the Union Arbitration Commission; Rithmar Skirvon's subordinate.

Desmar, Commander of One Hundred Sahlis, Union of Arcana Air Force—[HHNF] CO, 2029th Strike; pilot of black battle dragon Thunderclap.

Dulan, Brithum—[HG] Ternathian Internal Affairs Councilor.

Elivath, Darl—[HG] the Sharonian Universal News Network's senior Voice correspondent at the Sharonian Portal Authority's headquarters.

Erkol, Divis—[HG] Ghartoun chan Hagrahyl's Ricathian clerk, assigned to the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first contacts the Arcanans.

Erthek Vardan—[HHNF] a civilian Voice assigned to the Portal Authority Voicenet chain in the universe of Thermyn.

Eswayr, Commander of Five Hundred Pahkrys, Union of Arcana Army—[HHNF] senior battalion commander assigned to Thousand Carthos' detached command.

Fahrlo, Commander of Fifty Delthyr, Union of Arcana Air Force—[HHNF] a pilot attached to the First Provisional Talon; pilot of black battle dragon Deathclaw.

Fai Yujin, His Majesty Ju

Fai Goutin, Prince Howan—[HG, HHNF] Crown Prince of Eniath (see also Prince Howan).

Farl, Lance Yirman, Union of Arcana Army—[HHNF] a soldier assigned to Fifty Halesak's First Platoon, Able Company, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

Finena—[HG, HHNF] Princess Andrin's peregrine falcon.

Firefang—[HHNF] a red battle dragon; pilot, Commander of One Hundred Faryx Helika.

Fornath, Lord Mancy—[HG] fifty-first Baron Fornath and forty-fifth Earl of Ilforth, the Speaker of the Ternathian House of Lords.

Futhai, Braiheri—[HG] a Ternathian noble and naturalist assigned to the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first contacts the Arcanans.