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Teramandor Mountains—the Sharonian analogue of the Cataluna Mountains of Spain.

Ternath Island—the ancient homeland of the Emperors of Ternathia; the Arcanan equivalent of Ireland.

Ternathian Empire—the most ancient human polity known in any of the explored universes. The Ternathians established an effective world-state during the Copper and early Iron Age eras of Sharona, largely through the recognition, development and use of psionic talents. Originally located on Ternath Island (Ireland), it is the largest, oldest, most prestigious empire on Sharona. Its major component states include, besides Ternath Island: Alathia: Italy; Jerekhas: Sicily; Bernith Island: Britain (Scotland, England, Wales); Delkrathia: part of Spain; Ermandia: Austria; Karmalia: Hungary; Lugathia: France; Mulgethia: Germany/ Switzerland; Narhath: part of Spain; Nessia: Greece; Pairhys Island: Isle of Man; Teramandor: part of Spain.

Tharkan—a grand Duchy in Shaloma, an imperial territory of the Kingdom of Elath located in the Arcanan equivalent of Poland where the first Arcanan trans-temporal portal was discovered.

Time of Conquest—the period of ancient Ternathia's most sustained, militant expansion. Generally dated by Sharonian historians as extending from approximately 2025 to 3650.

Torkash—the chief deity of the ancient Manisthu pantheon in Arcana.

Tosaria—an ancient Ransaran kingdom on Arcana. Its ancient capital was located in the same approximate geographical spot as Shanghai. Tosaria had attained a high and sophisticated level of civilization while most of the rest of present day Ransara was still in a state of primitivism.

Tracer—a Sharonian with the Tracer Talent. One who is sensitive to the current location, or at least direction to, another individual or object. They are also called "Sniffers".

Trans-Temporal Express—a privately-held corporation responsible for building and maintaining the primary rail and shipping co

Although it is the single largest, wealthiest privately-held corporation in Sharonian history, the TTE is subject to close regulation and oversight by the Portal Authority, which has granted—and retains the legal right to revoke—the TTE's multi-universal right-of-way.

Tukoria—the largest and most powerful of the Hilmaran kingdoms, consisting of the equivalent of most of Argentina and Chile. Tukoria was the only Hilmaran state which maintained its independence against Andaran conquest and colonization.

Union of Arcana—the world government of the home universe of Arcana.

Union City—a city at the entry portal into New Sharona, located about fifty miles east of Bloemfontein, South Africa.

Union Trans-Temporal Transit Authority—the agency of the Union of Arcana's government charged with overseeing trans-temporal travel and commerce, including regulation of sliderails and maritime transport infrastructure.

Union Arbitration Commission (UAC)—a quasi-diplomatic commission which answers to the Union Senate's committee on inter-universal disputes.

Uromathia—a general term applied to the Sharonian equivalent of Asia south of Mongolia and west of India. This area is divided into many smaller kingdoms and two empires, all of which share many common cultural traits.

Uromathian Empire—the larger of the two empires found in Uromathia. It occupies the Sharonian equivalent of China and includes the equivalent of Vietnam and Cambodia.

Usarlah—a Sharonian city located in the Delkrath Mountains (just north of Madrid) in the Ternathian province of Delkrathia.

UTTTA—see Union Trans-Temporal Transit Authority, above.

Vandor Ocean—the Sharonian equivalent of the Atlantic Ocean.

vos—"of the line of" in ancient Mythlan. The use in a Mythlan's name indicates that the individual is of high shakira caste. (See also "mul," above.)

Vothan—the Ternathian deity called "Father Vothan," who serves as Ternathia's war god, is one of the Ternathian Double Triads. "Father Vothan" protects the Empire in military combat and is therefore also called Protector Vothan or "The Protector" by the people of Ternathia and those regions colonized by Ternathia.

Vothan's chariot—the armored chariot of the Ternathian Double Triad deity who serves as Ternathia's Protector, or god of war.

Vyrlair—an Arpathian region of Sharona roughly equivalent to our own Turkmenistan.

Western Ocean—the Sharonian name for the Pacific Ocean.

Whiffer—a Sharonian with the Whiffer Talent. One who is sensitive to residual psychic impressions.

White Mist Lake—the Arcanan equivalent of Lake Erie.

windhold—the feudal territory held by a Uromathian "windlord" (see below); roughly equivalent to an earldom.

Windlord—a Uromathian aristocratic title, roughly equivalent to that of earl.

Winged Crown—the imperial crown of Ternathia. This ancient crown (still used in coronations) was made by Farnalian goldsmiths almost 5,000 years ago as a surety for the treaty negotiated between the Kingdom of Ternathia and Farnalia by Celaryon II of Ternathia (see above).

Yamali Mountains: the Sharonian analogue of the Himalaya Mountains, they lie north of Harkala, stretching from Isseth in the west into the Uromathian Empire in the east.

Yanko—the third major Andaran kingdom, which includes the equivalent of most of central North America, from the Canadian border south, and virtually all of Mexico.

Yarahk—an Arcanan city located at the equivalent of Aswan, Egypt.

Yirshan River—the Sharonian equivalent of the Columbia River.

Ylani Strait—the Sharonian equivalent of the Bosporus.

Ylani Sea—the Sharonian equivalent of the Black Sea.

Yurha—the soul as conceptualized by Mythalan religion. The yurha is the basis of Mythalan reincarnation beliefs, which enshrine the concept of "spiritual evolution" to a higher state of being.

Zaithag—an Arpathian city in Vyrlair, located at approximately the same spot as Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.