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diseases. Because… for example the World Health Organization doesn’t have a definition of a healthy person. Everything is defined through the absence: there is no specific disease, there are no specific symptoms. …So, in order to find a healthy person… Without knowing how to do it. They haven’t set a goal, so they don’t reach it, probably.

In order to understand… whether or not you have balance, whether or not you can be adequate in this context. It is also important. It is critical to know, it is critical to understand ourselves.

Yes. So, when we know ourselves, it means that we can change

ourselves. Right? So, very logical. Because when we don’t realize

something, it guides us, as you always say. We are in the power

of what we ca

it. I believe. Even metaprograms can be changed.

To be more precise, it is not about changing, but rather about shaking them up. And balancing. If a person has only FROM, and has no TOWARDS programs, we can gently move – while practicing

– toward TOWARDS. To intentionally outline goals. To implement the WFO technique we’ve practiced. Actually, the WFO technique partially addresses metaprograms. For example, Step Number One – setting a goal – corresponds to TOWARDS motivation. While Ecology – Step Number Five – corresponds to FROM motivation. And we should put emphasis exactly on what we really want. In order to balance out…

Working with fears also I believe.

Accounting fears.

Work with our fears in order to change this metaprogram.

In psychotherapy? Right?


So, using all those tools and instruments, it would be a great

idea for a business owner or a company manager who keeps

a few employees to manage those employees knowing their

metaprograms. Right? Have you ever practiced that? What is your

experience with that?

Yes… I consider this information – about metaprograms – to be very

important, very important for distinguishing the type of personality.

First of all, if you have for a long time been with a person, for example, in a working context, you can understand what kind of person he or she is based on their combination of metaprograms. Let us pretend that you have a list of occupations and job positions available at your company, including corresponding metaprograms. For example, FROM and TOWARDS. …And you know, that Accountant rather refers to FROM, Sales Representative rather refers to TOWARDS, Office-Cleaner – let it be FROM, and, for example, Chief Commercial Officer refers to both FROM and TOWARDS. And during perso

Because some people, in spite of their character traits, tear themselves literally apart… While perso

available Job Positions… And you analyze people. And you will realize at once how comfortable a person feels while performing a certain job. As an example.

Yes. It is a great tool in NLP. Alexander, I think that you have

awoken interest to other metaprograms. Now we have understood,

how useful it is, what great a tool it is.

Thank you, Alexander.

Thank you, Olga. I also would like to ask our listeners to tell us in their comments about their metaprogram ratio, and which program prevails… Within the 1-100% range. It could it an 80% of TOWARDS

to 20% of FROM ratio, or vice versa… 30% of TOWARDS

to 70% of FROM… or 100% of TOWARDS… How do you think, what kind of person are you? And using which parameters can you define it?

I’m sure while you were listening to this podcast you already got

it in yourself. So, please write. Bye!




Hello, everyone! And again this is NLP radio on stream. Today

in our studio we are having our usual guest – a famous NLP trainer

in Russia, a professional negotiator, Alexander Gerasimov. Hello,

Alexander. Thanks for being with us.

Hello, Olga. Hello, everybody.

Today we continue talking about metaprograms. Last time

we discussed motivation “to” and “from” and today we continue

talking it over. We will highlight reflective and active types of people.

Would you introduce it, Alexander, what is this?

Those are our certain character traits. As you know, there are people who ca

meaning that such people first weigh everything, calculate everything, and only then… slowly but steadily… they commence, for example, achieving a goal…

We didn’t know, that that was called metaprograms. Okay.

So, how do we identify it in people actually? We are watching

them. We observe them, of course. But are there any tests

to understand it?

Unlike the FROM/TOWARDS metaprogram we discussed in our previous podcast… everything is a little bit simpler in this case… more noticeable… A person having ACTIVE metaprogram literally ca

even starts doing something before a final decision is made… I often see this picture at trainings, when I explain an exercise… there are people, who immediately jump up and commence doing it… and there are reflective people… it is critical to them to ask all questions, to take everything possible into consideration… to think, to look around, to weigh everything… sometimes to note down… to take into account some other nuances… to ask questions once again… and keep sitting, contemplating… philosophizing… Not that it’s critical to them to avoid doing something… they also do… but they need certain preparation… when they do something, they do it one step at a time.

Okay. Very interesting to find out. What makes people such? What

kind of circumstances make us active or reflective? What should

happen in childhood, that a child grows up reflective or active?

In this case, in early childhood… the parenting style plays a significant role… Basically, all children are rather active… You can see that, for example, observing children playing outdoors at a kindergarten…

where they permanently moving somewhere, doing something…

But you surely can imagine how a kid is gradually growing up… and he or she is told, “Where are you constantly hasting to?”, “Why are you always grasping everything?”, “Sit, and think it over!”, “Calculate!”…

and it gradually gets integrated… and if a family is, for example, accustomed to slow heart-to-heart talks… some philosophical speculations… or – parents’ occupations are not related to physical activities… subsequently, such person starts slowing down… realizing that thinking is more beneficial… Besides, it often happens that a person… their pro-activeness is to their detriment… for example, a person makes a decision unthinkingly… for example, with regard to investments… if we are talking about adults… runs somewhere, writes something, or says something… and then gets punished for that… and gets feedback as follows, “If you were not in so much of a hurry, and if you had calculated and weighed everything, that wouldn’t happen!” … And later, in a similar situation, – it really is an imprint, – … in a similar situation, such person asks him- or herself, “Why am I in a hurry?”… and comes to a conclusion, ‘I’d