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This is exactly what I wanted to specify. It is definitely in the

context. So probably to illustrate somehow? How do we specify it?

First of all, it is the context of interaction with other people. For example, in business it may be perso

a certain occupation… very often TOWARDS motivation or FROM

motivation has an effect… For example, a doctor. … A doctor – is it TOWARDS motivation or FROM motivation?

If it is a dentist, as a doctor. Earlier it was FROM motivation. A patient should not have toothache. In recent years, maybe in recent decades, medicine – dentistry – becomes more aesthetical, and it is rather TOWARDS. You might notice that… earlier we associated visiting a dentist with suffering… nowadays, marketing experts promote dentistry as – it is non-painful – it’s like we speaking the language of a FROM-motivation person, and we say, ‘It is non-painful’ …and a beautiful smile… it comprises two motivations – of those avoiding pain, and of those willing to look nice – at once.

And we can define a person’s motivation by their wording.

Or, for example, risk management. …Risk assessment at a company.

You can hardly imagine a risk manager, who will be striving for something… They will rather be modeling problems and resolve those in their mind. A company’s Chief Security Officer. …It is also rather FROM motivation – ‘Nothing should happen’ – than TOWARDS

motivation – ‘Let us hire more people.’ And occupation in perso

And, basically, in any communication, it may be the context of attitude, the context of sales, the context of consulting and therapy, and the context of self-development – to understand yourself – you also should be able to distinguish metaprograms. Metaprograms

– in general, and FROM motivation – in particular.

Yes. It is a peculiarity that should be taken into consideration when distinguishing metaprograms. If we inform a person in advance about an upcoming testing, most likely he or she will get prepared to it psychologically. So, figuring out – not only FROM or TOWARDS

metaprograms – it should be as close as possible to the context, and the most naturally… In the ideal case, it is just observing a person in natural environment… Like some companies do… they have installed CCTV cameras in their waiting room, and they observe a person before that person comes for testing… it also has an effect…

Let’s move on to basic emotions of people with these or those

characteristics. What are basic emotions? I can guess that maybe

with motivation “to“ people have got anger or maybe interest.

Am I right or some other emotions?

Yes, yes.

And with ‘‘motivation“ from – not only fear, but I believe also

boredom. Am I right?

If we take boredom as an emotion, it consists of two emotions: it is some kind of a cocktail – the emotion of disgust, and the emotion of sadness …if we combine these two chemical elements we will get a third one – named ‘boredom.’ …And disgust is exactly FROM

motivation, avoiding. Of course, there is fear – when disgust gets to the active phase. …Well, boredom – it is exactly when there is something

unpleasant, and you don’t want it to be, but a person is not always active, and has energy to move away from such boredom, from such disgust.

Okay. How to identify? How to personify? How do we grope for

it in a person? Are there any tests? Maybe calibration, whatever?

From my point of view, the most reliable way is observing a person.

Because when we invade their privacy, we immediately start influencing them… moreover, if we tell a person, ‘We will be testing you right now.’

Like an HR manager recruiting perso

It creates some filters. So, when we just place a person into a specific context, some stress, preferably… or a person is in some space, and we observe them… then – first – we are able to detect their leaning direction, the posture… a person having TOWARDS motivation will most likely be leaning forward… and looking forward, at the front of them… a person having FROM motivation will either look tight, or will be leaning aside or backward… Emotion, as we’ve already said… Anger and interest refer to TOWARDS motivation, while fear, sadness, and disgust refer to FROM motivation… Gestures. Thrusting away, or moving aside gestures correspond to FROM motivation, while decisive, chopping, forward-directed gestures correspond to TOWARDS motivation…

We can even… Well, where is no direct correlation… but we can distinguish even judging by clothing… or by a person’s attitude toward a situation, toward clothing… People inclined to avoid – having FROM

motivation – they wear clothes of darker colors, less clean-cut and contrast outfit… People having TOWARDS motivation – they wear rather something more bright-colored… It is not to say that if a girl wears a bright color blouse she has TOWARDS motivation. We can just collect more information. The main thing is to a greater extent how a person speaks, provided that that person feels maximum natural and relaxed. A person having TOWARDS motivation will be saying words such as ‘to achieve,’ ‘to obtain,’ ‘a goal,’ ‘possession,’ ‘forward,’

‘to move.’ While a person having TOWARDS motivation will use any words and verbs, such as ‘to avoid,’ ‘to take into account’.

‘If only that didn’t happen, didn’t occur,’ ‘if only we weren’t late,’

these include non-, dis-, -less, and other prefixes and suffixes used by a person… or even words such as, for example, dangerless… they are indicators of FROM motivation… Or the word ‘disgust,’ for example, refers to FROM motivation.

Okay. Now how can we use this information efficiently for our


The very first method… I suggest that we should start practicing, doing exercises related to this topic, I mean matching a person…

matching their perceptual filters… as programs are filters through which we are looking at the world… if the word “avoiding” is written on a person’s filter, it is most likely the world full of hazards… if you start talking about achievements, overcoming, the wish to obtain, and goals being next to such person, he or she won’t start moving before having taken all potential hazards into account… If you have figured out that a person has FROM program, for example, with an 80 to 20 ratio, I suggest that you should fill your speech – written or oral

– with FROM motivation. It will be matching the deepest… habitual ways of thinking,… the deepest levels, habitual ways of thinking…

it is matching at the level of person’s character… naturally, if you and another person have similar character traits, …that person will most likely prefer to communicate with you. It is an example of how you can use this information.

To persuade him somehow, right?

Yes, we can tell a person about a project, putting emphasis exactly on taking hazards into account. ‘We have got that covered, we have taken it into consideration, we have resolved that, we will plan it in more detail.’ And that person will feel more comfortable in our presence.

And he or she will pick us, if it refers to a business proposal.

We can also use it, for example, for the purpose of self-therapy and diagnostics. You surely understand that the most critical thing in our life is balance. Not to tilt toward a specific metaprogram, but exactly to choose… depending on the context we are currently in.

If it is, for example, the context of health, it would be logically… well, the idea of health is rather the idea of avoiding problems, of preventing