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9. What does the birthday child have to do?

10. Why is a teenager’s birthday party a problem for parents?

11. What is a typical teenager’s birthday party like?

12. What is one of the most important birthdays?

13. What kind of presents do parents try to give on this occasion?

14. What is a typical present from well-to-do parents?

15. When is the next important birthday?

16. Why do we say a birthday is like a family holiday?

17. What is a surprise party like?

18. Has Julia ever had a surprise party?

19. How did she like her surprise party?

20. What else can make a birthday really special?

Training 1

Birthdays are big events for children. Usually parents buy one big present for the child and various other, small presents. All the other family members and school friends give the child presents, too. Parents usually organize a birthday party. There is always a birthday cake with candles. The birthday child has to blow out all the candles and make a wish. And parents usually organize games.

Training 2

A birthday is like a family holiday. The family will come together for a meal in the evening. Sometimes friends or family organize a surprise birthday party. A person comes home and suddenly everybody jumps out from the darkness and says, “Surprise! Happy Birthday!” Julia likes special surprise birthdays, she likes surprise parties or surprise presents, like a flight in a hot air balloon, which is a fantastic present.

6. Borrowing Money

Borrowing money is a difficult thing. I suppose it depends on whether you are borrowing from a bank or borrowing from your friends and how much you are talking about. I have got a good friend and we often borrow money from each other but only small amounts and only for a few days or a week. And I know I can trust him and he can trust me. We always repay each other as soon as possible and that works OK. The other week I went to the bank to get some money. The bank was closed. It was some kind of holiday. I actually did not have any money. Luckily, I could ring my friend and say, “Have you got any money because the bank is closed?” He lent me some money and I gave it back to him a couple of days later. But, on the whole, I think borrowing money from friends isn’t really a good idea. If you can’t pay it back on time or there is some problem, it can ruin a friendship. Maybe a friend will not ask you for the money back and then there is a bad feeling between you. That goes for relatives as well. We all borrow small amounts from our brothers and sisters. But to borrow a large amount of money from a relative is probably not a good idea. Because if there is a problem and you don’t pay the money back to the relative, you can have big problems in the family. If people need money for a holiday or to buy a car, a house or a flat, most people go to their bank and ask for a loan. However, you have to repay more than you borrowed. So it is a more expensive way of borrowing money. But you are not risking losing friends or having problems in your family. Most people borrow the largest amount in their lives to buy a house or flat. This is a big responsibility and usually they have to repay the money over ten or twenty years.

1. Does borrowing money seem easy?

2. Who does Julia often borrow money from?

3. How much does she borrow from her good friend?

4. What do they always try to do?

5. Why couldn’t Julia get any money from the bank the other week?

6. Why was the bank closed?

7. Why was Julia in trouble?

8. Who did she ring?

9. Her friend willingly lent Julia some money, didn’t he?

10. When did she repay it?

11. What does Julia think of borrowing money from friends?

12. How can borrowing money ruin a friendship?

13. What might happen if your friend doesn’t ask his money back?

14. Who do we often borrow money from?

15. Why had you better not borrow a large sum from a relative?

16. What do most people do if they need money?

17. How much do you have to repay?

18. What are pros and cons of borrowing money from a bank?

19. What do most people borrow the largest amount for?

20. How long do they usually have to repay it?

Training 1

Borrowing money from friends isn’t really a good idea. Because if you can’t pay it back on time, it can ruin a friendship. Maybe a friend will not ask you for the money back and then there is bad feeling between you. That goes for relatives as well. We all borrow small amounts from them, but to borrow a lot of money from a relative isn’t a good idea. If you don’t pay the money back, you can have big family problems.

Training 2

If people need money for a holiday or to buy a car, a house or a flat, they go to their bank and ask for a loan. However, you have to repay more than you borrowed. So it is an expensive way of borrowing money. But, you are not risking losing friends or having family problems. Most people borrow the largest amount in their lives to buy either a house or flat. This is a big responsibility and usually they have to repay the money over ten or even twenty years.

7. Breakfast, Lunch

The first meal of the day is, of course, breakfast. Sometimes I don’t have breakfast. I just have a cup of coffee and then I go to work. But that’s not very healthy. Most people, especially if they have children, try to have a good breakfast. Perhaps the most usual breakfast in England is some sort of cereal with cold milk, a cup of tea or coffee and toast with marmalade. Other people like to have eggs for breakfast. You can cook eggs in a lot of ways. Eggs are very popular for breakfast because they are quick to cook. But the traditional English breakfast, people usually only eat on Saturdays and Sundays. It is very big and very unhealthy. You usually have bacon, eggs, grilled sausages, grilled tomatoes and even fried bread. It is a very big meal and very unhealthy. But people like to have a big traditional breakfast at the weekend. Maybe lunch isn’t such an important meal anymore. Maybe Mum and Dad are at work and the children are at school. But perhaps when the children are younger and still at home, then Mum makes a simple lunch for the children. Maybe soup, pasta or salad. Fish fingers are very easy to cook. Oh, and lunch for people at work is usually something like a sandwich. There are a lot of take-away shops in England and sandwich shops where you can buy ready-made sandwiches. Some of them are very good. They have lots of different fillings, chicken and mayo

1. What is the first meal in a day?

2. What does Julia often have instead of breakfast?

3. Why isn’t a cup of coffee for breakfast good idea?

4. Who usually tries to have a good breakfast?

5. What is the most usual breakfast in England?

6. What else is very popular for breakfast?

7. How can you cook eggs?

8. Why are eggs such a good choice for breakfast?

9. When do people have the traditional English breakfast?

10. What is it like?

11. What do people have for the traditional English breakfast?

12. Why isn’t lunch an important meal anymore?

13. Who is lunch still important for?

14. What do Mums usually cook for lunch?

15. What is lunch for people at work like?

16. Where can you get ready-made sandwiches?