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Whether there are a begi

Creation is equal to zero integrally and therefore doesn't need a creator; it had no the begi

What constitutes each thing (phenomenon) in beingness?

It is the information copy of potentially thingness components of infinity which in the form of more or less dense matter is manifested only through consciousness thanks to its form-building abilities and the sense organs of the carrier of consciousness.

Are there any things by themselves, i.e. without the support of them by consciousness?

There can be outside consciousness (the active) nothing because information, as such, arises in the form of set of certain data only in consciousness, but it does not arise by itself and it does not exist separately from consciousness.

Time is a subjective or objective for the person?

Initially time as an information process, that is performed by the living being (set of beings), has subjective character, which becomes objective, in particular, for the person only in the course of perception by his consciousness of environmental.

In what components of Creation is absent motion?

Motion is absent in infinity (Nothingness) owing to absence of time there. It is absent also in a holographic projection of infinity: consciousness "acts" in this projection, forming duration of each finite formation by updating of each previous copy of a thing through a pause in irreversible sequence, and each updated copy has no motion – it is just replaced. In what components of Creation is absent motion?

Where undertakes motion from?

Motion and change of things in beingness, which is derivative holographic projection, are the result of interaction of finite copies the active and the passive in the form of consecutive and irreversible coupling of the discrete information packages which receive the processing centers of the living being by means of its sense organs, that manifests the current time, space and moving things.

What is the mechanism of formation of the current time together with space and the moving things?

The delay on processing of each package in individual consciousness means perception by individual consciousness of discrete sequence of packages of information, as ongoing process – in the form of the current time, – in which contents of packages are reflected in the moving and changing objects. This process is similar to scrolling of the movie with motionless shots that creates quite life situations on the screen.

What is the essence of consciousness?

Consciousness (the active) doesn't exist on its own and can't be manifested out of the world, out of time, inasmuch this free, dynamic, thinking, solving, communicating, creative and developing formation without things has nothing to apply the forces and numerous abilities, there is no place to realize them.

Why things ca

Things are dissolved in infinite (out of time) from which only consciousness is capable "to extract" them in the form of information copies through its own carrier.

What, in essence, is information?

Information is a binding link between the passive, "dissolved" in infinity, and the active (consciousness), constituting the basis of a "torn" projection of infinity.

How information penetrates into consciousness of living beings?

Information arises in consciousness thanks to form-building abilities of single consciousness and – means which are available for the carrier of individual consciousness – the sense organs and the processing centers.

On what basis is produced recognition of things by consciousness?

The identification is performed automatically thanks to the inextricable link of each individual consciousness, as the part of the hologram, and single consciousness in a set of own particles, in which there are appropriate programs containing known and necessary samples, similar to groups of consciousnesses on their level of development as well as each individual consciousness out of these groups.

Where does each living being turn out in the course of this process?

The living being in this case is situated as though inside the changing picture, formed by his consciousness, like a personage of a computer game, but with that difference, that the living being "produces" self the "game". In other words, the current irreversible present time, its "now" is manifested for each living being. This "now," in turn, exists in the frameworks of the external time, formed by single consciousness.

What is each thing initially?

The moving and changing things in beingness initially "are extracted" by the living being by the means which are available for it from infinity in the form of the motionless information copies updated and united every moment by consciousness of each living being.

Why the current time is irreversible (asymmetrically)?

So far as the current time is the information process, in so far as asymmetry of the "selection" by consciousness of information from "environment", or receiving by consciousness of information without loss of substance and/or energy by a source of information is explained by unilateral sca

What explains the fact that every phenomenon has a cause (causality of beingness)?

Copying of things at each updating of a holographic projection is carried out consistently on the basis of what is available, but with high frequency. Therefore changes of copies of things in each impulse are insignificant and tied to the previous forms. As a result, in each individual consciousness the high-frequency update is reflected not by the chaotic, but the ordered processes of change of beingness, surrounding it, with compliance of the principle of causality.

Where does each living being get?

Each living being, being in the stream of the current time which is objectively perceived by it, nevertheless, remains always in same "point" of the present ("now"), which is renewed every moment, imperceptible for it.

What is the main characteristic of all living things?

These are sensations, without which there is no food not only for reflections, but also there is no life.

How is the changing picture of the world formed?

The world picture for any consciousness is formed not by sensations and not by thinking, though they are means, but this picture in general is a product of processing of arriving information in the person, similar to what occurs in the computer.

What is the essence of beingness?

Beingness which is presented to us as such reliable, real, vast, corresponding certain laws, containing macro– and microcosm, elementary particles and radiations, galaxies and the living beings, in the basis has no more than information, more precisely, – the high-frequency holographic formations bearing information. They are equal to zero integrally each position of updating owing to manifestation of each wave-like formation jointly with the same formation in antiphase. Such balance of a holographic projection corresponds to timeless infinity, which is nothingness, becoming by everything only through own projection in time.