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What is characteristic of the living world?

Mutual devouring.

Which is better – idleness and labor?

Each is better when the other becomes boring.

In what climate it is better to live?

In the natural.

Whether it is necessary to go to elections?

The choice is always, especially in the presence.

Whether belief is in omens the prejudice?

There is nothing reprehensible in drawing attention to the conspicuous.

Why do people still go to the theatre?

They want to make sure personally in the existence of third-party life.

What is different "outside" and "inside"?

Everything depends on position of the observer.

What are now times?

Exactly such, which we brought ourselves, but not someone another.

Whether really it is easier to live for the optimist?

It would be easier – he didn't turn into the pessimist over time.

Whether really, that the internationalists is more preferable than racists?

It is unlikely! The first try to lime everybody for the sake of the idea, the second – for the sake of breed.

What opportunity differs from actuality in?

Opportunity is more pleasant, but it is impossible to overstay in it.

Why so love songs?

It is more preferable sinking in them, than in the lake.

Why the world is infested with parasites?

Apparently, it is checked for survivability.

Is moving time actually?

Include a projector with the film, and on the screen too everything will move.

What feature distinguishes mind?

Mind is pragmatic, and is restricted by this.

Than wisdom is characteristic?

Wisdom is unselfish and thereby it is reckless.

How can you visualize the infinity?

Look into the distance and along of the railway gauge.

What is through the looking glass?

Nothingness, which turns around to thou.

What useful is in the collection of taxes, except filling of the budget?

It automatically brings crowd into civil state.

What door always remains open?


What divides people?

Directionality of consciousness.

Whether there is ideal?

Seeming by it, appears in actual fact more or less as rough matter.

What is characteristic of a volunteer?

He does not sacrifice by other.

Can a state be humane?

Function isn't humanized.

Is it possible to be impartial?

Partiality does not obey to reason.

What does taste differ from smack in?

Smack is looked for, and the taste has.

The world is a theater?

If that were the case?! The world for the majority is a lottery.

In what the true tragedy and the present comedy converge?

By utter devastation of the viewer.

Why paroxysm of laughter causes tears?

Because of transition of absurdity of an event into instinctive horror from inevitability of this absurd.

In what case flexibility and grace coincide?

It happens in the ballet.

What is there criticism for?

For debugging.

Can the person not be curtained?

Like a scene, any opening requires initial concealment.

What does a being by the person?


What is the main flaw of the human being?

Groundless fear to disappear.

What stands behind death?

Single consciousness.

For what death is necessary?

For updating.

Does individuality remain after death?

Certainly, but only in combination with former manifestations.

Are there things outside of the person in the form in which he perceives them?

Of course, no, so how each species of beings perceives everything in own way.

What is Everything?

The separated and manifested Nothingness.

What divides and unites Everything and Nothingness?

The projection of Nothingness in the form of broken infinity.

What is characteristic of the broken infinity?

Coincidence of the entire with each its part (hologram).

How Nothingness is manifested?

Expressing self through the finite.

What is typical for the finite?

Durations which is alternated through a pause, or time.

When is the current time, as well as space, things and motion (beingness) manifested?

At the instants of combining of copies of the active and passive components of infinity (Nothingness).

What is the principal characteristic of any finite?


What is a basis of the current time?


What represents the current time?

Combination of time of each living being (his present, or "now") and general (universal) time.

What represents the general time?

The active, as single-multiple, forms the general time (as if external time for any living being), derivative which are all material objects, in the environment which single consciousness is able to exist and develop in the form of the individual consciousnesses making it.

What means the present time ("now") for any living being?

Each individual consciousness in the framework of external time in the ma

How is the active component of infinity (Nothingness) manifested in beingness?

In the form of living beings in whom consciousness (active) for the period of their existence is integrated with copies of thingness components of infinity.

What is mechanism of exit of infinite (Nothingness) in existence?

Infinite active (consciousness) interacts with endless passive (things) through their own finite copies.

What interaction of finite copies of the active and the passive is required for?

For ensuring infinite development and expression of the active (consciousness) through beingness which is derivative of a holographic projection of infinity.