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4. It was a challenging, difficult, demanding/ difficult and demanding course.

5. We found the hotel to be a welcome though/ and pricey haven from the noise and confusion of the surrounding streets.

6. Many of these stone large/ large stone structures date from the early Bronze Age.

7. We can seat up to ten people at our oval and mahogany/ oval mahogany dining table.

8. I'm fed up with these mindless, boring and sentimental/ boring, sentimental TV talent shows.

9. We will never submit to their outrageous yet/ and unreasonable demands.

10. Nineteenth-century novels tend to be full of long, detailed/ long and detailed descriptive passages.

Task 4. Complete the sentences, using suitable comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box. Add than or the if necessary, as in the example.

1. And now we come to the award for ...................... actor in a leading role.

2. It's been raining non-stop. I think this will be ...................July on record!

3. The authenticity of dialogue and setting often makes low-budget films seem the somewhat artificial version of reality in Hollywood movies.

4. In medieval times people rarely travelled far. For most peasants, ............ destination would be the local market town.

5. This skirt's much too tight on the hips. I need something with a .............. fit.

6. The pianist was awful! I think that's ..................... performance I've ever heard.

7. I don't mind the Mediterranean summer because it's a ............... heat than you find in the tropics.

8. I like all Mozart's operas but I think Don Giova

9. We've inherited two paintings. Of the two, I'd say the landscape is ............. .

10. I know all theft is wrong, but don't you agree that it's .............. to steal from an individual than from a company?

11. ___ I've ever been was when Joe and I were flying over the Himalayas and we hit a storm; it was absolutely petrifying.

12. That play was so tedious. I was ___ watching that than I was when I spent three hours trapped in that lift last year!

Task 5. Underline the best word.

1. Don't cat the fish. It smells bad/badly.

2. It's a two-hours / Two-hour train journey from here lo Manchester.

3. I stumbled across man asleep/ sleeping man іn the doorway,

4. I hey ran home through the rain, and when they arrived were sheer/soaking wet.

5. As fаr as Maria was concerned, it was a losing /lost opportunity.

6. Tom opened the door and found a very large / enormous parcel on the doorstep.

7. I read that article, but I thought it was mere/complete rubbish!

8. The smell of baking-fresh /freshly bаked bread made me feel hungry,

9. That suitcase looks really heavy/heavily.

10. What's the matter with you? You look worrying/ worried.

Task 6. Complete the text with a word from the list in each gap.

aware be able clear hopeful impossible possible

surprised unusual unwilling unwise

Scientists carrying out research in swamps in Sumatra have discovered the world's smallest fish. The female is only 7.9 mm. It was thought to be a ___ that any living organism should survive in the swamps, as the water is extremely acidic. It is also very low in minerals and this is thought to explain why it is b ___ for larger species to develop. Researchers examining satellite data from the Antarctic have been с ___ to find that there are large lakes and rivers beneath the ice sheets. 'It's d ___ that Antarctic ice is moving much faster than we supposed,” said Professor Susan Graham from the Antarctic Survey. She was e ___ to say whether this would mean a more rapid rise in sea levels due to melting ice. 'It's f ___ to predict at this stage exactly what this discovery means, but it makes us g ___ . that Antarctic ice could be melting faster than we had thought'. Scientists at NASA believe that they may h ___ to detect earthquake from space before they happen. It' I ___ to monitor the build up of energy in the Earth's crust, and scientists are j ___ that this Information can be interpreted by computer programs which will give approximate predictions of future quakes.

Task 7. Complete the sentence with one word in each gap.

1. Budapest is one of the ___ beautiful cities in the world.

2. You haven't really worked hard ___ to get a higher mark.

3. The more exercise you take, the ___ you will feel.

4. Quite honestly, I don’t think this is as hard an examination ___ it used to be.

5. This is ___ the most beautiful beach in the Mediterranean. Don't you think so?

6. I've done just ___ as much shopping as anyone can do in one day!

7. The film was every ___ as entertaining as I expected it to be.

8. Most of Winterson's books are good, but I think this one is the best of ___all.

9. The boat drifted ___and no one noticed Sue had fallen into the sea.

10. The hotel was a ___ more expensive than I expected, so I looked for a cheaper one.

11. This crossword puzzle isn't quite as easy ___ I thought it was.

12. Helen's paintings were far and ___ the best in the exhibition.

Home assignment: Academic Vocabulary in Use Units 4, 5.

Lesson 5. Prepositions and phrasal verbs

Prepositions – which include all those little words such as in, on, ca, for, and by – are difficult words for language learners since they do not appear to operate according to a clear set of rules. They are often used idiomatically with verbs and adjectives, and a preposition used with a verb can even change the meaning of the verb. Since there are many hundreds of prepositional phrases you should keep a preposition notebook or a section in a notebook and each time you come across a new usage, make a note of it.

Prepositions of Location

1. Prepositions can be used to describe how one thing is located in relation to another.

on the table, at the table, next to the table, under the table.

2. Another important use of propositions is to show where something is located in a space. Look at the diagram below to see how prepositions are used to describe location on a page.

in the comer

at the top/bottom

in the center/middle

on the side

a = in the upper left corner

b = at the top of the page

c = іn the upper right comer

d = on the left hand side of the page

e = in the center/middle of the page

f = on the right hand side of the page

g = in the lower left corner

h = at the bottom of the page

і = іn the lower right corner

3. Note the following common uses of at to describe a location.

at home, at school, at work, at a party, at the post office

4. Note the following common uses of on to describe a location.

on the fifth floor, on a farm, on a bicycle, on a train

5. Note the following common uses of in to describe a location.

in bed, in jail, in a picture, in a mirror, in one's hand, in the water, in the newspaper, in the front row, in a car, in a taxi