Sympathy for the Devil Stevenson Robert Louis (EN) и ещё 25 автор(а) Twain Mark (EN) Бейкер Кейдж Мьевиль Чайна Блок Роберт Ричерсон Кэрри King Stephen Edwin (EN) Gaiman Neil (EN) Zettel Sarah (EN) Sturgeon Theodore (EN) Кессел Джон Collier John (EN) Stross Charles (EN) Chabon Michael (EN) Ford Jeffrey (EN) Link Kelly (EN) Westerfeld Scott (EN) Black Holly (EN) Bear Elizabeth (EN) Alighieri Dante (FR) Carroll Jonathan (EN) Morrow James (EN) Брэдфилд Скотт Дункан Энди Акерт Дэвид Бэббит Натали Триллеры 1 214 1 0 Полный текст — 141 стр., 13.09.2015 Tim Pratt, Neil Gaiman, Andy Duncan, Richard Butner, Charles de Lint, Holly Black, Stephen King, Na...
Voice of our Shadow Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 93 0 0 Полный текст — 39 стр., 06.09.2015 "Voice of Our Shadow is the most frightening novel I've read since Bram Stoker's Dracula. I thought...
The Wooden Sea Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 72 0 0 Полный текст — 61 стр., 06.09.2015 For connoisseurs of the strange and fantastic, a new book by Jonathan Carroll is something to be bo...
The Marriage of Sticks Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 72 0 0 Полный текст — 55 стр., 06.09.2015 In her thirties, Miranda Romanac has an interesting, successful life. But she is also alone and adr...
The Land Of Laughs Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 215 0 0 Полный текст — 58 стр., 06.09.2015 FROM THE PUBLISHER Have you ever loved a magical book above all others? Have you ever wished the m...
Sleeping in Flame Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 74 0 0 Полный текст — 58 стр., 06.09.2015 ANNOTATION An American ex-patriot in Vienna saves a woman's life only to place it in greater dange...
Oh-Oh City Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 49 0 0 Полный текст — 14 стр., 06.09.2015 First appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1992. For the personal use of...
Kissing the Beehive Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 75 0 0 Полный текст — 52 стр., 06.09.2015 FROM THE PUBLISHER Bestselling author Sam Bayer is stuck. Burned out from his third divorce, bored...
From the Teeth of Angels Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 72 0 0 Полный текст — 52 стр., 06.09.2015 ANNOTATION Ian meets Death in a dream. He is promised the answer to any question. Failure to under...
Fish in a Barrel Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 69 0 0 Полный текст — 3 стр., 06.09.2015 ... ...
Bones of The Moon Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 57 0 0 Полный текст — 48 стр., 06.09.2015 FROM THE PUBLISHER: "Cullen James is a young woman whose life dictates her dreams – and whose drea...
After Silence Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 64 0 0 Полный текст — 54 стр., 06.09.2015 ANNOTATION Cult favorite Jonathan Carroll has surpassed himself with his first mainstreamnovel. Af...
A Child across the Sky Carroll Jonathan (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 94 0 0 Полный текст — 54 стр., 06.09.2015 Publishers Weekly: Just as the the word "weird'' has many implications and shades of meaning, so t...