Roger Zelazny
And I Only Am Escaped to Tell Thee
Preface from Unicorn Variations: Here is another of those short shorts I dearly enjoy doing when the opportunity and the idea come together. I tend to see things like this as single-panel, briefly captioned cartoons--and I work backward a little from there.
It was with them constantly--the black patch directly overhead from whence proceeded the lightnings, the near-blinding downpour, the explosions like artillery fire.
Van Berkum staggered as the ship shifted again, almost dropping the carton he carried. The winds howled about him, tearing at his soaked garments; the water splashed and swirled about his ankles--retreating, returning, retreating. High waves crashed constantly against the ship. The eerie, green light of St. Elmo's fire danced along the spars.
Above the wind and over even the thunder, he heard the sudden shriek of a fellow seaman, random object of attention from one of their drifting demonic...