THE KEEPF. PAUL WILSONBERKLEY BOOKS, NEW YORKThis Berkley book contains the completetext of the original hardcover edition.It has been completely reset in a typefacedesigned for easy reading, and was printedfrom new film.THE KEEPA Berkley Book / published by arrangement with,William Morrow and Company, Inc.PRINTING HISTORYWilliam Morrow and Company edition published 1981Berkley edition / October 1982Fifth printing / December 1983All rights reserved.Copyright © 1981 by F. Paul Wilson.This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part,by mimeograph or any other means, without permission.For information address: William Morrow and Company, Inc.,105 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016.ISBN: 0-425-06440-9A BERKLEY BOOK TM 757,375Berkley Books are published by The Berkley Publishing Group.200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016.The name "BERKLEY" and the stylized "B" with designare trademarks belonging to Berkley Publishing Corporation.PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AME...