Gene Wolfe
In Green's Jungle
Respectfully dedicated to Maddie and Becca
Proper Names in the Text
Many of the persons and places mentioned in this book first appeared in The Book of the Long Sun, to which the reader is referred. In the following list, the most significant names are given in CAPITALS, less significant names in italics.
Colonel Abanja, Generalissimo Siyuf's chief intelligence officer.
Captain Adatta, INCANTO'S chief female subordinate at the Battle of BLANKO.
Affito INCLITO'S coachman.
Atteno, INCANTO'S host in BLANKO, a stationer.
Auk, the thief who led a party of colonists from VIRON to GREEN.
Babbie, a hus given to HORN by Mucor.
Badour, the guard who leaves his post to take
INCANTO, HIDE, JAHLEE, MORA, and others to his officer.
Bala, SINEW'S wife.
Colonel Bello, an officer in the horde of BLANKO.