Bruce Sterling
Some months ago, I wrote an article about the raid on Steve Jackson Games, which appeared in my "Comment" column in the British science fiction monthly, INTERZONE (#44, Feb 1991). This updated version, specially re-written for dissemination by EFF, reflects the somewhat greater knowledge I've gained to date, in the course of research on an upcoming nonfiction book, THE HACKER CRACKDOWN: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier.
The bizarre events suffered by Mr. Jackson and his co-workers, in my own home town of Austin, Texas, were directly responsible for my decision to put science fiction aside and to tackle the purportedly real world of computer crime and electronic free-expression.
The national crackdown on computer hackers in 1990 was the largest and best-coordinated attack on computer mischief in American history. There was Arizona's "Operation Sundevil," the sweeping May 8 nationwide raid against outlaw bulletin boa...