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Le congres des rois,

a collaborative work of 12 composers.

The French composer Victor Dourlen (1780-1864) composed the first act to Cagliostro, ou Les illumines which premiered on 27 November 1810.

The second and third act were composed by Anton Reicha (1770-1836).

The Irish composer William Michael Rooke (1794-1847) wrote an unperformed work Cagliostro.

Adolphe Adam

wrote the opera

comique Cagliostro

which premiered on 10 February 1844.

Albert Lortzing

wrote in 1850

the libretto for a comic opera in three acts,


but did not compose any music for it.


The French composer Claude Terrasse (1867-1923) wrote Le Cagliostro which premiered in 1904.

The Polish composer Jan Maklakiewicz (1899-1954) wrote the ballet in three scenes Cagliostro w Warszawie which premiered in 1938.

The Romanian composer Iancu Dumitrescu (1944-) wrote the 1975 work Le miroir de Cagliostro for choir, flute and percussion.

The American composer John Zorn (1953-) composed Cagliostro for solo viola in 2015. The performer uses two bows in the right hand to play on all four strings at once throughout the work.

The opera Cagliostro by the Italian composer Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880-1968) was performed on Italian radio in 1952 and at La Scala on 24 January 1953.

The comic opera

Graf Cagliostro

was written by Mikael Tariverdiev

in 1983.


Cagliostro has been played in film by:

Fryderyk Jarossy (Kaliostro, 1918)

Reinhold Sch;nzel (The Count of Cagliostro, 1920)

Hans St;we (Cagliostro, 1929)

Orson Welles (Black Magic, 1949)

Howard Vernon (Erotic Rites of Frankenstein, 1972)

Jean Marais (Joseph Balsamo, 1973, TV miniseries)

Bekim Fehmiu (Cagliostro, 1975)

Nodar Mgaloblishvili (Formula of Love, 1984, TV film)

Nicol Williamson (Spawn, 1997)

Christopher Walken (The Affair of the Necklace, 2001)

Robert Englund (The Return of Cagliostro, 2003)

In the 1943 German epic M;nchhausen, Cagliostro appears as a powerful, morally ambiguous magician portrayed by Ferdinand Marian.

The French film director Georges M;li;s (1861-1938) directed the 1899 film Le Miroir de Cagliostro.

The Japanese animated movie The Castle of Cagliostro draws on Maurice Leblanc's Arsene Lupin novels. Cagliostro appears as the main antagonist of the film, a ruler of a fictional country who influences the world's economy through counterfeiting.

The Mummy (1932), starring Boris Karloff, was adapted from an original story treatment by Nina Wilcox Putnam titled "Cagliostro". Based on Cagliostro and set in San Francisco, the story was about a 3000-year-old magician who survives by injecting nitrates.

Cagliostro and his wife, Lorenza, appear as antagonists in the 2006 anime

Le Chevalier d'Eon. While Cagliostro is mostly portrayed as a bumbling money-grubber, Lorenza is shown to have arcane magic powers.

Cagliostro is mentioned frequently in the successful Marvel movie

Doctor Strange. The 'Book of Cagliostro' is an ancient artifact containing several dark spells of magic and is used as an item of power.


Cagliostro appears as a villainous magician in an episode of

the 1960s series Thriller, entitled

"The Prisoner in the Mirror";

he is played by Henry Daniell and Lloyd Bochner.

In a 1978 episode of

the Wonder Woman TV series,

a descendant of the Count, still attempting alchemy (and succeeding to the extent of turning lead into gold for a time, after which it turns back into its original form) is the villain, and Wonder Woman, in her Diana Prince identity, indicates that she faced his ancestor, the original Count Cagliostro, in the past.

Cagliostro is mentioned in

the Twilight Zone (new) series,

in an episode called

"The Pharaoh's Curse"

when a magician performing the trick says that this act was passed down from a lineage of famous magicians.

Cagliostro is a character in

Todd McFarlane's Spawn. An animated television series which aired on HBO from 1997 through 1999. The Character Cagliostro had lived as many identities in his over 800 year life. He was a Hell-Spawn who managed to free himself of the curse though the practice of Alchemy and Sorcery. He accompanies Spawn and teaches him to do the same throughout the series.

In Samurai Jack episode 7 of season 3, Samurai Jack follows a quest for the crystal of Cagliostro.

From Wikipedia

Plus, in Soviet film on Russian for TV,

"The Formula of Love".

On Russian


From this, a little bit

Алессандро Калиостро

(итал. Alessandro Cagliostro),

настоящее имя -

Джузеппе Бальсамо

(итал. Giuseppe Balsamo;

2 июня 1743, Палермо - 26 августа 1795, замок Сан-Лео)

- известный мистик и авантюрист, называвший себя разными именами.

Во Франции также был известен как

Жозе;ф Бальзамо; (фр. Joseph Balsamo).

С Википедии.

Т.е. Бин Ладен может как то пересекаться с этой всей историей, быть потомком (запрятанным от публики) некоего мужчины британских королевских кровей (масонами могли быть тогда только дворяне, по происхождению, а первое посвящение в масоны было в Лондоне. уж конечно, его родословную проверили и знали что-то, скрытое от глаз публики по сей день.

Но он может пересекаться и с Сицилей и с Графом Калиостро, а, если бы это было так, авантюристичных взрывной характр мог просто подвести, заставя Бин Ладана нечто неожиданно сказать, реагируя. Даже и оговорить себя.

Пока суда нет, то нет.

США и Англия в наше время 21 века начисто забывают основы юридического права, что только Суд после проведённого расследования имеет право давать определения юридического характера. что тот человек что-то совершил противоправное.