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He has won all hearts by his sweetness and gentleness. I have no doubt he will in a few weeks recover completely. There are, I pray God and St. Joseph and Ste. Mary, many, many, happy years for you both.

Dr. Seward’s Diary

19 August. – Strange and sudden change in Renfield last night. About eight o’clock he began to get excited and sniff about[107] as a dog does. The attendant encouraged him to talk. Renfield is usually respectful to the attendant; but tonight, the man tells me, he was quite haughty. All he said was, “I don’t want to talk to you: you are nothing for me now; I have my Master.”

The attendant thinks some sudden form of religious mania has seized him. If so, he might be dangerous. At nine o’clock I visited him myself. His attitude to me was the same as that to the attendant. It looks like religious mania, and he will soon think that he himself is God.

For half an hour or more Renfield was getting excited more and more. All at once he became quite quiet, and sat on the edge of his bed, and looked into space. I tried to lead him to talk of his pets. At first he made no reply, but after he said testily, “I don’t care about them.”

“What?” I said. “You don’t care about spiders?” (Spiders at present are his hobby.)

To this he answered enigmatically, “I don’t need them anymore.”

He did not explain himself, but remained obstinately seated on his bed all the time I remained with him.

Later. – The night watchman[108] came to me and said that Renfield had escaped. I threw on my clothes and ran down at once; my patient is a very dangerous person. He was only in his night-gear,[109] and ca

The attendant told me that the patient had gone to the left, and had taken a straight line, so I ran as quickly as I could. Soon I saw a white figure. I ran back at once, told the watchman to get three or four men immediately and follow me, in case our friend might be dangerous. I could see Renfield’s figure just behind the angle of the deserted house, so I ran after him. He was talking to some one. After a few minutes, however, I could see that he did not see anything around him. I heard his words, “I am here to do Your bidding, Master. I am Your slave, and You will reward me, for I shall be faithful. I have worshipped You long. Now that You are near, I await Your commands!”

When we were trying to catch him he fought like a tiger. He is immensely strong, for he was more like a wild beast than a man. I never saw a lunatic in such a paroxysm of rage before; and I hope I shall not again. His cries are at times awful, but the silences that follow are even more terrible. He spoke like this, “I shall be patient, Master. It is coming – coming – coming!”

I was too excited to sleep, but this diary has quieted me, and I feel I shall get some sleep tonight.

Letter, Mina Harker to Lucy Westenra

24 August, Buda-Pesth.

My dearest Lucy,

I caught the boat to Hamburg, and then the train on here. I found my poor Jonathan, oh, so thin and pale and weak-looking! He is only a wreck of himself, and he does not remember anything that has happened to him for a long time past. He has had some terrible shock. Sister Agatha is a sweet, good soul.

I am now sitting by his bedside, where I can see his face while he sleeps. He is waking!…

When he woke he asked me for his coat, as he wanted to get something from the pocket; I asked Sister Agatha, and she brought all his things. I saw that amongst them was his note-book, and was going to ask him to let me look at it. I knew that I might find some clue to his trouble. But he sent me over to the window, and said he wanted to be quite alone for a moment. Then he called me back, and when I came he put his hand over the note-book, and he said to me very solemnly, “Wilhelmina, you know, dear: there must be no secret, no concealment between husband and wife. I have had a great shock, and I do not know if it was all real or the dreaming of a madman. You know I have had brain fever. The secret is here, and I do not want to know it. I want to marry you as soon as possible, right here. Wilhelmina, here is the book. Take it and keep it, read it if you want, but never let me know.” He fell back exhausted, and I put the book under his pillow, and kissed him. I have asked Sister Agatha to let our wedding be this afternoon, and I am waiting for her reply…

She has come and told me that they sent for the chaplain of the English mission church. We will marry in an hour, or as soon after as Jonathan awakes…

Lucy, I feel very solemn, but very, very happy. Jonathan woke a little after the hour, and all was ready, and he sat up in bed, propped up with pillows. He answered his “I will” firmly and strongly. I could hardly speak. The dear sisters were so kind. Please God, I shall never, never forget them.

Jonathan took my hand in his, and oh, Lucy, it was the first time he took his wife’s hand, and said that it was the dearest thing in all the wide world. Well, my dear, what could I say? I could only tell him that I was the happiest woman in all the wide world, and that I had nothing to give him except myself, my life, and my trust, and my love. And then, my dear, he kissed me, and drew me to him with his poor weak hands.

Lucy dear, do you know why I tell you all this? It is not only because it is all sweet to me, but because you are very dear to me. It is my privilege to be your friend.

Goodbye, my dear. I shall post this at once, and, perhaps, write you very soon again. I must stop, for Jonathan is waking.

Your ever-loving

Mina Harker

Letter, Lucy Westenra to Mina Harker

30 August, Whitby.

My dearest Mina,

Oceans of love and millions of kisses, and may you soon be in your own home with your husband. The strong air would soon restore Jonathan; it has quite restored me. I am full of life, and sleep well. You will be glad to know that I have quite given up walking in my sleep.[110] Arthur says I am getting fat. By the way, I forgot to tell you that Arthur is here. We have such walks and drives, and rides, and rowing, and te

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sniff about – принюхиваться


night watchman – ночной дежурный


night-gear – ночная рубашка


I have quite given up walking in my sleep – я совершенно прекратила ходить во сне