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1. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. This is the tale of a man saved by his father.

2. This is the tale of a man drowned by his brother.

3. This is the tale of a girl drowned by her sister.

4. This is the tale of a girl saved by her sister.

2. Where does murdered girl’s body float?

1. The murdered girl’s body floats far away.

2. The murdered girl’s body floats nowhere.

3. The murdered girl’s body does not float.

4. The murdered girl’s body floats ashore.

3. What is a harp?

1. a musical instrument played using a keyboard

2. a popular musical instrument that makes sound by the playing of its six strings

3. a multi-string musical instrument which has the plane of its strings positioned perpendicularly to the soundboard

4. a musical instrument in the brass family

4. Why did the elder sister refuse to pull her younger sister out again?

1. Because she wanted to drown her younger sister.

2. Because she could not swim.

3. Because she wanted to teach her swim.

4. Because the younger sister was very heavy.

5. What is a Court?

1. a governmental institution

2. the retinue and larger household and entourage of a high nobleman

3. the place in which te

4. an indoor plaza

6. What is the elder sister’s motive?

1. jealousy

2. greediness

3. cowardice

4. laziness

7. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. The elder sister’s affections are greatly encouraged by the young man.

2. The elder sister’s affections are not encouraged by the young man.

3. The elder sister’s affections are not seen by the young man.

4. The elder sister’s affections make the young man satisfied.

8. What does it mean, “ Lay the bent to the bo

1. clean the house

2. cut some bushes

3. make a powerful talisman

4. destroy evil amulets

9. What is “twa”?

1. 3

2. 4

3. 6

4. 2

10. Выберите нужный глагол:

Fair and beautiful she looked as she _____________ there.

1. lay

2. lain

3. lie

4. lied

11. Выберите нужные глаголы:

The harp _____________ itself and _____________ about the murder.

1. dances, plays

2. plays, sings

3. sings, plays

4. talks, says

12. Выберите нужный предлог:

And when they got _____________ the river’s bank the youngest got _____________ a stone to watch _____________ the coming _____________ the boats.

1. of, for, upon, at

2. on, in, between, for

3. into, of, at, by

4. to, upon, for, of

13. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How many persons are mentioned in the story?

2. What is the name of the wooer?

3. What have you learned about the jealousy?

4. What do you like and what don’t you like in the story?

5. What would you do if you were[41] the main character of the story?

6. What is the end of the story?

7. Retell the story.

14. Заполните таблицу:

1. This is the tale of a girl drowned by her sister.

2. The murdered girl’s body floats ashore.

3. a multi-string musical instrument which has the plane of its strings positioned perpendicularly to the soundboard

4. Because she wanted to drown her younger sister.

5. the retinue and larger household and entourage of a high nobleman

6. jealousy

7. The elder sister’s affections are not encouraged by the young man.

8. make a powerful talisman

9. 2

10. lay: Fair and beautiful she looked as she lay there.

11. plays, sings: The harp plays itself and sings about the murder.

12. And when they got to the river’s bank the youngest got upon a stone to watch for the coming of the boats.


Tom Thumb[42]

In the days of the great King Arthur[43] there lived a magician called Merlin.[44] He was the most wonderful magician in the world. This famous magician, who could take any form he wanted, was once travelling about as a poor beggar. One day he got very tired and stopped to rest at the house of a farmer. He knocked at the door and begged for some food.

The countryman invited him to come in, and his wife, who was a very kind woman, soon brought him some milk in a wooden bowl, and some brown bread on a plate.

Merlin was much pleased with the kindness of the farmer and his wife, but he noticed that though everything was tidy and comfortable in the house, they both looked unhappy. He asked them why they were so sad, and learned that they were unhappy because they had no children.

The poor woman said, with tears in her eyes, “I should be the happiest woman in the world if I had a son. Even if he was no bigger than my husband’s thumb, I would be pleased.”

Merlin was so much amused with the idea of a boy[45] no bigger than a man’s thumb, that he decided to carry out the poor woman’s wish.[46] Some time after, the farmer’s wife had a son, who was not bigger than his father’s thumb.

The queen of the fairies wished to see the little boy. She came in at the window while the happy mother was sitting up in the bed looking at the boy. The queen kissed the child, gave it the name of Tom Thumb, and sent for some of the fairies. She gave orders to the fairies to dress the little boy, and the fairies dressed him very well.

Tom did not grow any bigger than his father’s thumb, which was an ordinary finger. But as he got older, he became very cu

One day as he was getting out of a bag of cherry-stones, the boy to whom it belonged saw him. “Ah, ah! You little thief!” said the boy, “you’ve stolen my cherry-stones. I’ve caught you at last.” And the boy gave the bag such a shake that poor little Tom’s legs and body were badly hurt, and Tom screamed with pain,[48] and promised never to steal again.


What would you do if you were – что бы вы сделали на месте


Tom Thumb – Мальчик-с-пальчик


King Arthur – король Артур (легендарный вождь бриттов V–VI вв., разгромивший завоевателей-саксов)


Merlin – Мерлин (мудрец и волшебник, наставник и советник короля Артура)


was so much amused with the idea of a boy – (ему) так понравилась мысль о мальчике


to carry out the poor woman’s wish – исполнить желание бедной женщины


cherry-stones – вишнёвые косточки


screamed with pain – закричал от боли