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-Okay, with hard emotional sex, I hope, you're done. And how at work?

- Oh boy. This Francisco picking on me, and honestly, I don"t even understand what he wants. He really got me... He yells on me like I"m a boy.

- Wow! I thought you're friends... He recommended you.

- He is a "condom"! Leo, just look... Two days ago he sent me again to the smelter for some measurement. And my leg this day was in real pain. I explained it to Francisco in details and said that I"m sorry, but today I can"t go.

-And the next day you already run after the girls without any hurt?

-Again?! Why do you start?! I'm telling you how it was. Well, what the hell am I going to do there, in this hell, especially with a broken leg? They even don"t have there any basic dust-cleaning system! Dust like a fog, and so hot... You will go there five-six times to take a measurement and your lungs will fall off.

-And how do the others work there?

-I somehow don"t care! They will work like this for five years, and in age 50 will move to the cemetery.

-Well, did you draw at least one drawing? I know, just for fun.

- If they give me something I will draw. Don"t start with your sarcasm!

- Listen, Nikolay, maybe you need to look for an emotional job?

-Stop to pin me up! Not fu

-In which you refused to go.

- What do you want from me?! There are some dudes there who are doing nothing. Anyway, I'm tired of all this shit. And in my soul is somehow ugly, disgusting... In short, I'll come to Toronto and say that I will not go to Panama anymore. Ask them to find me something in the office.

-But you got this job just because you have to go to Panama.

-And here you go. I went once. And now let others to work hard here, who are younger... It has to be some turn. Or they thought that they are smart. I mean, smart-asses who seats in the offices!

-So you'll be fired immediately.

-Who knows? Or maybe not get fired. Well, if I get fired, then maybe it is for better. I'll find a normal job.

-So you, what... When you will arrive, you will call to the HR department?

-No. I'll wait calmly for two weeks, and on the flight day I'll call and say that I'm sick. I didn"t have time to use all my benefits. My wife already used her part and in two weeks I just will finish all my part. And I don"t think that I get fired immediately. Big company, long stories...They will call me to discuss... And they have many procedures... And maybe they transfer me to another project in Toronto. OK, bye. I'll go to drink coffee. I'm tired today. I have arthritis on my wrists again. Difficult to hold mouse in the hand.


Grechko had many guests in a house. Nikolay gave a banquet in honor of his return. Koifman with his wife a little delayed, because got into a traffic jam. This turned out to be very useful, since Nikolay had already begun to tell to the guests about the scary working conditions in Panama. The absence of any safety standards, nor the professionalism of local people, etc. And if he wouldn"t have responsibility to the family, he would never have gone there. Someone jokingly asked: "What about local women? Are there any cute ones?"

- Ha, you never can say that they are women. They are so short - all up to my belt. So you can see only the top of the head. And guys, you will not believe, they are all so small, as a children. And I"m not a pedophile. Ha-ha-ha.

Finally Koifman appeared and all amicably sat down at the table. Glasses were full with wine. Someone even shouted: "For the return!" But Grechko vigorously stood up and solemnly raised his glass.

-Dear friends. I do not often say a toasts, but today I would like to say something short and important from the bottom of my heart.

I've been married more than twenty-five years... And every year I love my wife more and more. It's even scary to imagine how I'll love her when we will retire. These six weeks, which I spent without her, just prove me once again about my lucky choice. This choice I did many years ago without any doubts. I'm not just bored there, I just counted minutes...

-Ooo, - all the women breathed out at once and looked with envy at Nikolay's wife.

-And as soon as I saw her, I immediately understood... Whatever money they will paid there, I will not leave the house anymore. And it doesn"t matter that I'm probably to be fired, but... But I'll start looking for work here, next to the house, and next to my beautiful wife. For you my dear!

-Ooo, - all women exhaled again and looked at Nikolay's wife with moistened eyes. She blushed and modestly waved her hand.

After a dense di

- Listen, Nikolay, if seriously... How are the local women?

- It's better for you not to know about this, - the host smiled graciously, - Some girls are so... Big ass, bronze skin, temperament... Oh, better even don"t recall. I'm not going to share details, but as the classic said: there are girls in Panamanian villages! It's like explaining the taste of strawberries to a person who has never eaten it. And in general, the people are very friendly, - Grechko looked timidly at Koifman.

Leo slowly sipped rum, without interfering with Nikolay"s press conference.

In the evening, returning home, Koifman's wife sternly looked at Leo and philosophically asked:

-Could you give up a well-paid job because of love?

-Yes, easily. I would be at home, love you, and you will work instead of me.

-What kind of person are you?! - Koifman's wife sniffed, - you are telling me about Nikolay all sorts of derogatory things... that he, kind of fool, weak designer and doesn"t understand what he's drafting... But look how he loves his wife! You'd better take an example from him!

- Well, I love you too. Or I suppose to walk around with big placate: "I love my wife!"

-Yah... You always with your jokes... I'm serious...

-Nikolay is a good fellow, of course. Otherwise we wouldn"t be friends. Honestly, his toast was well said. He probably was preparing it all these six weeks in Panama.

-Okay, drive the car careful. The snow has not really been removed. It is slippery.

Koifman took a napkin and with pleasure blew his nose.

And somewhere far away in su

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