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However this work of the person as though for itself, actually is work for soul, opening in activity of human all new and new sides of life for itself, fixing them in itself concluding thus them in eternity, creating as to itself, and to Supreme Mind, whose particle is it itself, not cold and detached existence, but quite alive, polychromatic, awful and wonderful life with all its mistakes, finds and sins.

Thesis of Kant and Heidegger, substantiating thinking by an inevitable extremity of existence for which thinking is a derivative from the person, thus, is absolutely inadequate. The person – only means for manifestation in the finiteness of immortal soul which through the person realizes her potentialities including liberty for own development and life in various conditions of beingness which highest representative is soul.

That is why Plato costs above Heidegger. According to Plato, thinking wins death because the body dies, but not soul which is released from the temporary destiny. Human life, so, at once finds sense in the temporary existence. It is another side of liberty of consciousness of soul when, having exhausted existence in one, and having considered it, soul passes to existence in another, new for her.

From a position of development of consciousness in the process of a support on beingness it is not important the choice of this or that, it is the right choice or not, it is determined it or not, but it is important that consciousness of the person makes the decision on change of situation outside not as an animal – unconsciously, but in the form of the project that is reflected subsequently and in internal state of consciousness because any change towards unknown, new, all the same – poor or good, is an additional contribution to "baggage" of consciousness for the subsequent assessment and acceptance in attention for further actions. That is even in the most determined situations, except the complete stagnation, consciousness, anyway, develops, learning new for itself. Any conscious decisions in the form of projects, imaginations, ways of overcoming of obstacles to them, aspirations, ideas about their consequences, i.e. designed purposes also are liberation from a former order, or – liberty.

However it is necessary to know for comprehension of this in an integral type not only affiliation of liberty, but also its mission which was under the force to only antique thinkers in certain degree.

Chapter 2

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