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What is time? How and on the basis of what it is formed?

Key of secret of time

Chapter 1

Time as a condition of the finite in infinity for consciousness.

Infinity more or less strictly is defined only mathematically. The ordinary person ca

Nevertheless, it makes sense to address to concept of infinity which is often associated with eternally current time, at least because it is opposed to concept of finite, but is realized in it, not existing in itself. Really, in the world known to us it isn't watched anything infinite – even our Universe is finite. However it is possible to assume that universes can be infinitely many and that each of them doesn't appear from nowhere and doesn't disappear completely, and as if infinitely hesitates in time through inflection point, or a point of singularity. [1]

Such approach is quite laid down in concept, so-called, the potential infinity known since antiquity. The potential infinity is understood as the infinite sets of objects, as well as processes which can go unceasingly, i.e. without restrictions. However integrity of the infinite subjects and processes isn't considered.

As for actual infinity, the infinite objects and processes which can be uniform and integral, but non measurable are implied by it. Actually the infinite sets and actually infinite-dimensional spaces belong to the actually infinite objects in mathematician. Almighty God is presented to people as the same actual infinity. But insuperable difficulty arises in case of similar representation. It is co

So, setting of a question of omnipotence loses sense. In other words, Supreme being can't be omnipotent.

This position fits perfectly in the concept of a uniform, integral, nonmeasurable, pervasive Supreme mind which, at the same time, represents set locally separated in space and time of particles-souls. We can call these souls by consciousnesses. They, despite the separation in time and space as material objects, are, nevertheless, an entire at the depth level regardless time and space. In this case the similar material Supreme mind can infinitely develop through the particles-souls, or consciousnesses, and not only to develop. He can full-blooded live through them, or to express itself through this community self-conscious beings who are defined in own "now" in interaction with each other in the resisting environment of beingness.

This approach doesn't contradict a holographic hypothesis of universes, on the contrary, it is confirmed by it [1]. Besides, in this case the problem of omnipotence is eliminated as far Supreme mind is in permanent and infinite development and can execute any actions including what restrict it at the moment. These restrictions are overcome in the subsequent development or they are bypassed, doesn't matter because value has only infinite development of the highest, or conscious link of beingness at a support on remaining beingness which Supreme mind takes over through own pervasive particles.

At that the process of development in infinity doesn't mean the infinite progress: it is co

If to assume that infinity of beingness, including and consciousness, is aggregate of permanently changing material objects in the space created by them for this purpose, and this process of changes never comes to the end, but it is the discrete, then similar process in the material world seems co

The physics already for a long time is engaged riddle of time. At this stage it considers that there is a communication of time and movement. Really, this communication seems obvious so as movement of the material objects outside time is impossible and they outside time, apparently, don't exist. However and time can't exist without the material objects as there will be nothing to move in time. The material objects themselves should have a place for movement, i.e. space.

However the question about the true ratio of time, space and material objects isn't solved till this moment though there is a lot of reasonings on this matter.

In our opinion, beingness in the form of material objects, time and space is represented to us such only because we watch all it as if from within and it seems to us that as well as in our surrounding, there is a common place for everything in which this everything moves, one is replaced by another. On the other hand, if we assume absence of the observer, then, at least, time as that would disappear so as it couldn't be registered – here's nobody.

So, it is senseless to consider separately material objects, time and space, designating their as properties of beingness, in the absence of observers, or consciousness.

In the absence of observers, or consciousness, beingness which thereby isn't manifested, quite can be zero or conjoint so as it is impossible to tear off space and time from set of material objects. This fact was marked in due time by Parmenides [2] though he read that zero beingness, or a non-existence can't be.

Material objects in itself are space as they aren't incorporeal, taking a place. If they are in movement, it without occasional seat can't happen. Material objects itself are presence, an event for the detached onlooker, that is time. In the same way it is necessary to recognize space as the material object and, at the same time, as an event, because otherwise it becomes as nothingness, i.e. doesn't exist. Events, or time are something happening with something and in something, differently it is absent. So, space, material objects and time coincide, or they are merged, in other words, – they are integrity, breaking up only in the presence of the observer who in the form of consciousness can already not only watch, but act in them.

Besides, this beingness couldn't appear suddenly, no matter, on a divine providence or as a result of "Big Bang" so as then it becomes by the finite structure, i.e. restricted in change, development: once having arisen, it should disappear. However actually beingness only changes, it doesn't disappear and it doesn't arise from nowhere, at least because beingness is the material, but not incorporeal. So, this beingness should exist, in our understanding, eternally, i.e. it had no begi